Факультет математики, природничих наук та технологій
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Документ Advantages and disadvantages of using mathematical software in the work of mathematical circle(КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2016) Botuzova, Yulia; Ботузова, Юлія Володимирівна(en) We consider a number of competi t ive tri gonometry problems, the condi t i on of which is to build a graph of a funct i on or equati on. These probl ems are solved wi th the using of the popul ar sof tware. In the process of work of these applicat i ons, one can find some advantages and disadvantages.Документ Analysis of the Shape of Wave Packets in the “Half Space–Layer–Layer with Rigid Lid " Three-Layer Hydrodynamic System(2022) Авраменко, Ольга Валентинівна; Луньова, Марія Валентинівна; Avramenko, O. V.; Lunyova, M. V.(ua) We study the process of propagation of weakly nonlinear wave packets on the contact surfaces of a “half space–layer–layer with rigid lid” hydrodynamic system by the method of multiscale expansions. The solutions of the weakly nonlinear problem are obtained in the second approximation. The condition of solvability of this problem is established. For each frequency of the wave packet, we construct the domains of sign constancy for the coefficient for the second harmonic on the bottom and top contact surfaces. The regularities of wave formation are determined depending on the geometric and physical parameters of the hydrodynamic system. We also analyze the plots of the shapes of deviations of the bottom and top contact surfaces typical of the constructed domains of sign-constancy of the coefficient. We discover the domains where the waves become ∪ - and ∩ -shaped and reveal a significant influence of wavelength on the shapes of deviations of the contact surfaces of the analyzed hydrodynamic system.Документ APPLYING COMPUTER MATHEMATICS AS THE BASIS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF SPECIALISTS IN THE AREA “SYSTEM SCIENCES AND CYBERNETICS”(Publishing Kupriyenko SV, 2013) Shlianchak, S. A.; Шлянчак, Світлана Олександрівна(en) The author of the article gives the overview of approaches to the selection of means for forming professional competence of a specialist. The process of implementing the systems of computer mathematics in project activity of future specialists in the area “System Sciences and Cybernetics” is revised. Attention is paid to the technology of completing studying-professional projects by the future specialists, which influences the formation of personal-professional qualities of the specialist, which are the indivisible element in the formation of professional competence.Документ Axiomatics for multivalued dependencies in table databases: correctness and completeness(Institut of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2015) Bui, Dmitriy; Puzikova, Anna; Пузікова, Анна Валентинівна; Буй, Дмитро Борисович(en) Axiomatics for multivalued dependencies in table databases and axiomatics for functional and multivalued dependencies are reviewed. For each axiomatic relations of syntactic and semantic succession are considered. A rigorous and convincing proof of correctness and completeness of these axiomatics (within the paradigm of mathematical logic) is established. In particular, the properties of closures of sets of specified dependencies are investigated. The properties of set-theoretic function restriction have been used as mathematical framework.Документ Axiomatics for Multivalued Dependencies in Table Databases: Correctness, Completeness, Completeness Criteria(2015) Bui, Dmitriy; Puzikova, Anna; Буй, Дмитро Борисович; Пузікова, Анна Валентинівна(en) Axiomatics for multivalued dependencies in table databases and axiomatics for functional and multivalued dependencies are reviewed; the completeness of these axiomatics is established in terms of coincidence of syntactic and semantic consequence relations; the completeness criteria for these axiomatic systems are formulated in terms of cardinalities (1) of the universal domain D , which is considering in interpretations, and (2) the scheme R, which is a parameter of all constructions, because only the tables which attributes belong to this scheme R are considering. The results obtained in this paper and developed mathematical technique can be used for algorithmic support of normalization in table databases.Документ Band and Defect States in Amorphous SiCN(2021) Tkachuk, Andrij Ivanovych; Sukach, Андрій Васильович; Tetyorkin, Володимир Володимирович; Porada, O.; Kozak, A.; Ivaschenko, V.; Ткачук, Андрій Іванович; Тетьоркін, Володимир Володимирович; Сукач, Андрій ВасильовичДокумент Competency-Based Approach to Education Programme Development: the Case of Technology and Engineering Teacher Qualification (Technology of Light Industry)(Ассоциация инженерного образования России, 2017) Ezhova, O. V.; Єжова, Ольга Володимирівна(en) The article is devoted to development of competency-based education programme to train technology and engineering teachers with regard to prospects of light industry development. The developed model includes general and professional competences. The general competences comprise instrumental, interpersonal, systemic, informational, communicative, and legal ones. Professional competences include professional, pedagogical and special competences: engineering and production technology.Документ Completeness of armstrong's axiomatic(2011) Buy, Dmitriy; Puzikova, Anna; Буй, Дмитро Борисович; Пузікова, Анна Валентинівна(en) This paper presents a rigorous and convincing proof that Armstrong’s axiomatic system (as the foundation of relational database normalization theory) is complete and sound within the paradigm of mathematical logic: the relations of syntactic and semantic entailment are introduced and it is shown that they coincide. The properties of set-theoretic data structure functional constraints have been used as mathematical framework.Документ Dark current and 1/f noise in forward biased InAs photodiodes(2021) Tkachuk, Andrij(en) Dark current and low-frequency noise are studied in forward biased InAs photodiodes in the temperature range 77–290 K. Photodiodes were fabricated by diffusion of Cd into n-InAs single crystal substrates. It is shown that at temperatures >130 K the forward current is determined by the recombination of charge carriers with the participation of deep states in the middle of the band gap. At these temperatures, a correlation is found between forward current and 1/f noise. At lower temperatures, the forward current and noise is analyzed within a model of inhomogeneous p-n junction caused by dislocations in the depletion region. Experimental evidence has been obtained that multiple carrier tunneling is the main transport mechanism at low temperatures, which leads to an increase in low-frequency noise.Документ Dark Current and Noise in Diffused and Epitaxial InAs Photodiodes(2021) Tkachuk, Andriy; Tetyorkin, Volodymyr; Sukach, Andriy(en) A comparative analysis of the mechanisms of dark current and noise in InAs homo- and heterojunction photodiodes is carried out. It is shown that an excess current of a tunneling nature is the cause of the low-frequency 1/f noise at low temperatures. At high temperatures, the main source of noise is the generation-recombination current in the depleted area. Theoretical models of noise in infrared photodiodes are analyzed as applied to the experimental results obtained in this work.Документ Developing Art and Graphic Skills among Future Designers : An Integrative Principle and A Methodical Model(2024) Абрамова, Оксана Віталіївна; Abramova, Oksana(ua) The authors talk about the methodological problems of training designers in transitional educational systems of postcolonial society. They solve new theoretical perspectives of integrative design teaching for future specialists. The authors aim not only to generalize the theoretical foundations, but also to create a single relatively closed model of formation of artistic and graphic skills and abilities of future designers and even offer illustrative tasks with simultaneous use of different types of social consciousness and the main (generic) types of modern design - environmental, universal. , communicative (communicative-digital) and futuristic. Achieving this goal was possible by using only theoretical methods - system analysis of literature, historical and typological observations, epistemological generalizations extrapolations within an integrative understanding of the object of transformation and pedagogical modeling. The main practical achievements of the article are the universal multilevel model, its explication and illustrative examples of the tasks of its implementation. The theoretical results of the article were a new understanding of the functionality of artifacts, the secondary nature of the aesthetic component, the integration of its practical and universal communicative functions. The article may be of interest to teachers of design departments and courses, design students, design practitioners and specialists in the field of advanced design.Документ Dislocation-related conductivity in Au(In)/Cd1-xZnxTe Schottky contacts(2021) Tkachuk, Andriy; Tetyorkin, Volodymyr; Sukach, Andriy; Ткачук, Андрій Іванович; Тетьоркін, Володимир Володимирович; Сукач, Андрій Васильович(en) Dislocation-related conductivity is studied in Schottky contacts Au(In)/Cd1-xZnxTe (x=0, 0.1) prepared on the surface of single crystals modified by multiple irradiation with a ruby laser and mechanical polishing. The contacts were examined by measuring the DC current as a function of the applied bias and temperature as well as the photoelectric response. It is shown that both methods of surface modification result in p-to-n conversion of the conductivity type of the surface layer. The charge transfer in contacts is explained by the formation of dislocation networks buried under the surface. A model of two potential barriers is proposed for the interpretation of the photovoltaic response in contacts. Their existence is associated with compressive strains in the modified surface layer caused by dislocations, which leads to an increase in the band gap and the formation of a heterostructureДокумент Energetic distribution and nature of traps in SiCN amorphous films(2021) Tkachuk, Andrij Ivanovych; Tetyorkin, Volodymyr Volodymyrovych; Ткачук, Андрій Іванович; Тетьоркін, Володимир ВолодимировичДокумент Escherichia coli як маркерний об'єкт лабораторної діагностики(2018) Бугай, Н. В.; Казначєєва, Марія СергіївнаДокумент Experimental studying of wave and corpuscular properties of light(КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2015) Sadoviy, Mykola; Садовий, Микола Ілліч(uk) У статті розглядаються методи експериментального вивчення оптичних явищ. Такий підхід дає можливість ефективно вивчити хвильові та корпускулярні теорії світла.Документ Features of the formation of research skills of school students while working on STEM-projects(2023) Абрамова, Оксана Віталіївна; Abramova, Oksana; Vdovenko, V.; Prihodko, І.(ua) У статті розглянуто особливості формування дослідницьких умінь учнів закладів загальної середньої освіти під час проєктної діяльності. Наукова діяльність учнів виступає елементом інтеграції базових наукових знань у їхнє повсюдне життя і розвитку навичок самостійної роботи. Ця робота не лише покращує якість та глибину набуття знань, але й навчає учнів їх практичному розвитку, крім того, вона допомагає формувати у молодого покоління наукового світогляду та розвитку в них навичок наукових досліджень. Така діяльність сприяє зміцненню зв’язку між теоретичними знаннями та практичними навичками, що є етапом у підготовці школярів до подальшого професійного та особистісного розвитку. Важливим завданням у плані дослідницької роботи є визначення вимог до змісту, форм і до її організації. З цією метою у статті було проведено аналіз видів дослідницької діяльності учнів, що дало змогу визначити особливості організації такої діяльності під час роботи над інтегрованими проєктами. Організація дослідницької роботи учнів вимагає правильного визначення елементів структури та принципів формування змісту навчального матеріалу. (en) The authors of the article considered the peculiarities of the formation of research skills of students of general secondary education institutions during project activities. The scientific activity of students acts as an element of the integration of basic scientific knowledge into their everyday life and the development of independent work skills. This work not only improves the quality and depth of knowledge acquisition, but also teaches students their practical development. In addition, it helps to form a scientific worldview in the younger generation and to develop scientific research skills in them. Such activities contribute to strengthening the connection between theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which is a stage in the preparation of schoolchildren for further professional and personal development. An important task in terms of research work is the determination of requirements for content, forms and its organization. For this purpose, the authors of the article conducted an analysis of students' research activities. This made it possible to determine the peculiarities of the organization of such activities during work on integrated projects. The organization of students' research work requires the correct definition of the elements of the structure and the principles of forming the content of the educational material.Документ Integration of knowledge of nature studies while forming cognitive interest to physics in secondary scools(КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2013) Velichko, Stepan; Buzko, Victoria; Величко, Степан Петрович(EN) The article deals with formation of pupils' cognitive interest in the process of teaching Physics in Ukrainian schools by means of integration of Nature Studies. Specific examples of forming pupils' cognitive interest for Physics while studying the themes “Nucleus. Nuclear Energy” are analyzed.Документ Integration of methods and means of distance learning of mathematics during the process of training future teachers of mathematics(2023) Нічишина, Вікторія Вікторівна; Войналович, Наталія Михайлівна; Nichyshyna, V.; Voinalovych, N.(ua) The article aims to study the peculiarities of applying different distance education methods and tools in training future teachers of mathematics. The task of the article can be conditionally divided into two stages: differentiation of means and methods of distance education in the conditions of higher education institutions; searching for a model (combination of social, pedagogical, and other elements) of forming professional competence through a combination of distance education tools and methods. The methodological basis of the study was scientific and pedagogical methods. The results of the study highlight the elements of distance education, capable in their totality to provide full and high-quality training of future teachers of mathematics in the digital environment of universities.Документ Integration of methods and means of distance learning of mathematics during the process of training future teachers of mathematics(2023) Нічишина, Вікторія Вікторівна; Войналович, Наталія Михайлівна; Nichyshyna V.; Voinalovych N.(en) The article aims to study the peculiarities of applying different distance education methods and tools in training future teachers of mathematics. The task of the article can be conditionally divided into two stages: differentiation of means and methods of distance education in the conditions of higher education institutions; searching for a model (combination of social, pedagogical, and other elements) of forming professional competence through a combination of distance education tools and methods. The methodological basis of the study was scientific and pedagogical methods. The results of the study highlight the elements of distance education, capable in their totality to provide full and high-quality training of future teachers of mathematics in the digital environment of universities.Документ Iнноватика у харчових технологiях(РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2019) Богомаз-Назарова, Сніжана Миколаївна; Bogomaz-Nazarova, Snezhana Nikolaevna; Богомаз-Назарова, Снежана Николаевна; Царенко, Ірина Леонтіївна; Tsarenko, Irina Leontyevna; Царенко, Ирина Леонтьевна(uk) Стаття присвячена основним положенням визначення теоретико-методологiчних засад та практичних рекомендацій щодо обґрунтування напрямів активізації інноваційної діяльності в харчових технологіях з позицiї визначення проблем та перспективних напрямів їх вирішення. Визначено передумови виникнення і впровадження інновацій у харчових технологіях; використання iнновацiйних технологiй та особливих методiв навчання при пiдготовцi фахiвцiв харчової галузi у вищих навчальних закладах, що створює умови для ефективної самореалiзацiї особистостi майбутнього фахiвця з харчових технологiй; висвітлено процеси впровадження інноваційної діяльності при викладанні фахових дисциплін напрямку «Харчові технології». Обґрунтовано, що методи активiзацiї навчально-пiзнавальної дiяльностi студентiв ефективно поєднуються з iншими загальними дидактичними методами, доповнюють та урізноманітнюють їх, а також органiчно вписуються в педагогiчний процес i вiдповiдають умовам педагогiчного середовища вищих навчальних закладiв зi сталими гуманно-демократичними засадами.