Факультет фізичного виховання
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Документ Conceptual Approaches to Training Specialists Using Multimedia Technologies(2022) Щирбул, Олександр Миколайович; Бабаліч, Вікторія Анатоліївна; Мішин, Сергій Вікторович; Shchyrbul, Oleksandr; Babalich, Viktoriya; Mishyn, Sergіі; Novikova, V.; Zinchenko, L.; Haidamashko, I.; Kuchai, O.(en) Modernization of the educational sector requires globalization, democratization, and the transition to an information technology society. The main goal of education at the present stage is to solve the problem of ensuring the priority of the development of education and science. In modern conditions, the quality of training of qualified specialists is becoming particularly relevant. The great role of teacher education is emphasized by its main goal, which is to train specialists who can ensure the versatile and innovative development of a person as a person and the highest value of society, its mental, physical and aesthetic abilities,high moral qualities, and, consequently, the enrichment on this basis of the intellectual, creative and cultural potential of the people. Among the strategic tasks of modernizing higher education is to ensure informatization of the educational process and access to International Information Systems. The essence of the concept of multimedia is clarified. In the context of media education, multimedia lists a number of functions: informational, interpretive, cultural, entertainment, and educational. The need to meet the needs outlined in the article in the conditions of informatization of the educational process requires the teacher to have knowledge and skills in the field of multimedia pedagogical technologies, knowledge of advanced methods and means of modern science. It is considered what relevant concepts of media education have been developed and are being developed in Ukraine and form an important basis for the modernization of education, which will contribute to the construction of an information society in the country and the formation of civil society. Distance learning is considered – the most democratic form of education that allows broad segments of society to get an education. Distance learning methods are used in higher education institutions, in school education, in the system of advanced training of teachers, in the system of training managerial personnel.Документ Dominating mental states of the representatives of individual sports under lockdown and martial law: comparative analysis(2023) Бур’яноватий, Олександр Миколайович; Buryanovatiy, Oleksander; Popovych, Ihor; Hrynchuk, Oleksandra; Koval, Iryna; Raievska, Yana; Piletskyi, Viktor(en) The purpose is to compare psychological content parameters of dominating mental states of the representatives of individual sports under forced isolation, caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and martial law. The sample consisted of the Ukrainian sportsmen (n=98), representing such sports as track and field (n=58), weight lifting (n=27) and freestyle wrestling (n=13). Research methods: valid methods with standardized forms for responses, participant observation, ranking, application of reliability coefficients. Results. It was established that there were no significant differences in the comparison of psychological content parameters under lockdown (Group 1) and martial law (Group 2). The ranking method allowed identifying the key measurements correlating with a respondent’s resilience which is a main characteristic in handling difficulties in tough situations. It was established that the ranks are different in the following parameters: “Psychological Well-Being” (PWВ); “General Meaningfulness of an Athlete’s Life” (GMAL) at the level р>.01 and at the level р>.05 in the parameters: “Challenge” (Ch); “Hardiness” (Hr); “Control” (Cn); “Commitment” (Cm). Two factor structures of dominating mental states of the representatives of individual sports under lockdown and martial law were created. It was established that the factor structures have different frameworks and dispersions of scattering in similar mental states. It was determined that lockdown for the representatives of individual sports was less stressful than sporting activities under martial law. It is obvious that permanent involvement in information flows concerning the situation with the military aggression, air-raid warnings, changes in training schedules, finishing performance at the time of air-raid warnings and staying in bomb shelters had a considerable impact on the total index of meaning-of-life orientations, self-regulation processes, involvement and control of the representatives of individual sports. Conclusions. The suggested factor structures of dominating mental states and the identified ranking research parameters are of scientific value and can contribute to efficient tactical training in difficult and extreme conditions.Документ Experience of the Netherlands towards the influence of physical culture and sports on the social competence of young people(2017) Бабаліч, Вікторія Анатоліївна; Вabalich, Victoria(ua) Aim: study the experience of the Netherlands towards the influence of physical culture and sports on the social competence of young people, analyze scientific researches and state social programmes on this issue. Materials and methods: methods of theoretical boundary (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, eneralization, comparison, systematic approach) and concrete – scientific ( analyses of literature, state nomenclature documentation, the method of defining concepts). Results: views of the scientists on the problem of social competence formation by means of physical culture and sports have been analyzed, experience of formation of the social competence by means of physical culture and sports in the Netherlands has been introduced, state role of this country in the creation of corresponding social programmes has been lined, the general directions of its realization has been defined, social effectiveness has been defined. Scientific novelty: is in the theoretical analyses of the physical culture and sports influence on the formation of social competence among young people in the Netherlands, experience of joint work of statesmen, scientists and specialists in physical culture and sport of this country in the creation of the social programmes, argumentation of the perspectives of physical culture and sports as the means of social development of personality in Ukraine. Practical importance: has been defined by received in the process of investigation data about formation of social competence among young people by means of physical culture and sports in the process of introduction of state programmes in the Netherlands can be used in the sphere of physical culture and sports in Ukraine while solving issues which are connected with preparing of physical culture teachers and coaches to the professional activity in the context of individual self – development and professional self – determination.Документ Flexibility is an important quality in dance sports(«Baltija Publishing», 2022) Собко, Наталія Григорівна; Sobko, N.; Babalich, V. A.Документ Impact of Convergence of Smart-Technology as Compared to Traditional Methodological Tools on Fostering Cognitive Aspects of Leadership Competencies in the Process of Vocational Training of Students(2019) Бур’яноватий, Олександр Миколайович; Мішин, Сергій Вікторович; Buryanovatiy, Oleksander M.; Mishyn, Sergii V.; Yakymchuk, Borys A.; Oleksiyenko, Oksana H.; Martsyniak-Dorosh, Oksana M.(en) The main objective of this research is to explore how effective and efficient the convergent use of traditional and smart technology tools could be when deployed in fostering leadership competencies of the students in the settings of tertiary vocational education. The experiment involved the students of two universities doing the elective course “Do Better Your Leadership Skills Up”. Having been split up into two halves, the first part of the focus group used the traditional forms of educational process, while the second one additionally used the software like CogniFit, Lumosity, BrainHQ, NeuroNation, Brain Metrix, Eidetic, Fit Brains, BrainExer 2.0. At the entry stage, the pedagogic surveys had been used as well as the cognitive function test to study the cognitive capabilities of the focus group students. We used a multi method approach of combining the close-ended and open-ended questions to get the feedback and the above cognitive test to measure the output of the study. Quantitative methods had been used to analyze the data and such Covariance-based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) software as SPSS AMOS had been applied to evaluate the results because cognitive function of a person includes sub-components of latent constructs. Textalyzer software had been used to process the students’ responses to open-ended questions of the questionnaire for the most commonly used positive words in the texts, which helped us to identify broad categories of responses. Here, the most commonly used words we had distinguished were “involvement”, “improvement”, “gamification”, “motivation”, “speed”, “concentration”, “memory”, “current studies”, “future job”. Then we distributed the answers by the frequency of the identified words. The responses, which fell under no category, had been analyzed manually. The experimentally obtained data shows that integration of the smart technology into traditional learning environment increases students’ involvement by 23%, personal transformation by 18% and motivation by 17%. Our study proves that the convergent mode of instruction brings more benefits to the students in terms of fostering cognitive aspects of leadership competencies in the process of vocational training than the traditional mode. We found that the converged pedagogical mode enhances the collaboration and involvement of all the stakeholders of educational process. It makes students achieve the greatest personal satisfaction through enhanced self-esteem, efficiency gains, a sense of continuous personal achievement and enhanced autonomy and experimenting with their own learning strategies. We suggest universities (of Ukraine, specifically) to provide training to the teachers with all the latest technology, which seems essential for teaching. Academic institutions (of Ukraine) should also invest into research in the area of the educationalpurpose use of smart technology.Документ Improving Coordination of Young Footballers Aged 9-10 Years(2021) Собко, Сергій Григорович; Собко, Наталія Григорівна; Меленюк, Тетяна Василівна; Бабаліч, Вікторія Анатоліївна; Панченко, Галина Іванівна; Sobko, S.; Sobko, N.; Maleniuk, T.; Babalich, V. A.; Panchenko, H.The purpose of the study was to examine how the upgraded system of training based on 12 exercises for the development of coordination abilities influenced the coordination of young footballers aged 9-10 years. The quantitative and qualitative methods were used to collect data in the study. The study used the quasi-experimental design that was based on the pretest-posttest measurements accompanied by observations. The experiment involved only one group and the results of the students before and after the intervention were compared. The study proved that the upgraded system of training based on 12 exercises for the development of coordination abilities influenced the coordination of young footballers aged 9-10 years. The system of training also improved the students’ abilities to adjust and adapt motor actions; kinaesthetic differentiation of movements (ball sensation). The overall improvement was approximately 21% which was statically significant. The students were found to have improved in the seven coordination abilities. It was also found that there was shift in students’ level of coordination from ‘low’ to ‘average’ and ‘above’.Документ Innovative dimension of effectiveness in physical education student learning(2023) Брояковський, Олександр Вікторович; Турчак, Анатолій Леонідович; Broiakovskyi, Oleksandr; Tsviakh, Olha; Koshliak, Mykhailo; Turchak, Anatolii; Zalizniak, Alla; Dzhurynskyi, Petro(en) The article elucidates the basics of effectiveness in physical education student learning using innovative technologies aimed at realizing the intended goals and objectives, improving the educational level of those seeking education – improving educational services and the quality of education; the reasons for the need to introduce innovative technologies are determined; essential signs of innovation are shown; we will single out the integral qualities that characterize innovation; modification and combinatorial innovations are considered. The purpose of the article is to find out the basics of effectiveness in physical education student learning using innovative technologies aimed at realizing the set goals and objectives, increasing the educational level of education seekers – and improving educational services and the quality of education. The methodology concept offers fundamental ideas for effectiveness in physical education student learning. The main tasks of effectiveness in physical education student learning are revealed and the algorithm for the effectiveness of the education process is shown; we will highlight the requirements necessary for high-quality professional training; effective forms of introducing digital competence, innovative teaching methods, and technologies into the educational process are grouped. (ua) У статті висвітлено основи ефективності навчання студентів фізичної культури з використанням інноваційних технологій, спрямованих на реалізацію поставлених цілей і завдань, підвищення освітнього рівня здобувачів освіти – підвищення освітніх послуг та якості освіти; визначено причини необхідності впровадження інноваційних технологій; виявляються істотні ознаки інноваційності; виділимо інтегральні якості, що характеризують інноваційність; розглянуто модифікаційні та комбінаторні новотвори. Мета статті – з’ясувати основи ефективності навчання студентів фізичної культури з використанням інноваційних технологій, спрямованих на реалізацію поставлених цілей і завдань, підвищення освітнього рівня здобувачів освіти – покращення освітніх послуг та якості освіти. Концепція методики пропонує фундаментальні ідеї щодо ефективності навчання студентів фізичного виховання. Розкрито основні завдання ефективності навчання студентів з фізичного виховання та наведено алгоритм ефективності навчального процесу; виділимо вимоги, необхідні для якісної професійної підготовки; згруповано ефективні форми впровадження в навчальний процес цифрової компетентності, інноваційних методів і технологій навчання.Документ The Implementation of the Principles of Lifelong Learning as the Basis of Quality Specialize Education»(2020) Брояковський, Олександр Вікторович; Broiakovskyi, Oleksandr V.; Ilchuk, Vita V.; Mas, Nataliia M.; Kapinus, Oleksandr S.; Okaievych, Anastasiia V.(en) The article reflects the relevant factors of introducing specialized education. The first group of factors relates to the specifics of adolescent development. The second group of factors relates to the development of a network of educational institutions in the education system of modern Ukraine. Small towns and rural areas suffer from scarcity of gymnasiums, lyceums, schools with in-depth study of subjects. At the same time, major million cities also feel the need to increase their numbers. The third group of factors is determined by pan-European educational development objectives. The main attributes of lifelong learning that determine the transformations of specialized education are: formal, substantive and meaningful attributes. Let’s briefly consider each of these attributes. A formal attribute implies a temporary duration of the educational process and can be extended to the period of adult life (“lifelong learning”). A substantative attribute orients each pupil to the gradual enrichment of their creative potential. A meaningful attribute reflects the integrity of the lifelong learning cycle. The study of the effectiveness of the implementation of principles of lifelong learning as a basis for specialized education was based on a number of features. First of all, we are talking about the selected sample. After all, to trace the reasonability of applying the principles of continuing education in the process of professional formation it is necessary to diagnose individuals who have passed all the steps of this process. At the same time, the selected population of respondents was divided by gender into two groups. This made it possible to establish the diversity of views of men and women on the problem of continuing education. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on the specifics of the implementation of the lifelong learning principles and to determine whether professionals feel the need for additional training.Документ The youth’s health-saving culture development as a pressing issue of modernity in educators’ training process(КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2013) Rudenko, Tetyana; Skorokhod, Volodymyr; Руденко, Тетяна Володимирівна; Скороход, Володимир Михайлович(UA) Розглядається рівень обізнаності одинадцятикласників і студентів першокурсників з проблем формування статевої культури і здорового способу життя, а також роль освіти у статевому вихованні молоді і підготовці її до сімейного життя.Документ Use of Multimedia Technologies in the Training of Physical Culture and Sports Specialists(2022) Брояковський, Олександр Вікторович; Broiakovskyi, Oleksandr; Shevchenko, Olha; Bahinska, Olha; Markova, Olena; Bielkovа, Tetyana; Honcharenko, Ivan; Bida, Olena(en) Educational reform in Ukraine encourages the use of multimedia technologies in the training of specialists in Physical Education and Sports, which is one of the promising directions of education development. Therefore, the article specifies the content of the terms "innovation" and "technology". For modern society, the introduction of multimedia technologies in education is not so much theoretical as pragmatic, since under condition of globalization it concerns its historical development and prospects associated with the so-called "high technologies".Our goal is to improve the training of Physical Education and Sports specialists by means of multimedia technologies. All of innovative technologies can be divided into four groups, depending on the appropriate form of educational activity for their use. The development of multimedia technologies in the training of specialists in Physical Education and Sport at the present stage of education development should be carried out in accordance with the criteria of manufacturability, which are presented in the article: scientism, to rely on the theoretical provisions of pedagogical science and methods of teaching the discipline, socially recognized educational goals, prospects for modernization of Education; consistency, which provides for the interaction of parts and the whole in the organization of the study environment, as a result of which the physical development of the young generation is an integral entity; guarantee, that is, the error between the planned and obtained results should be minimal; manageability, that is, full management of the stages of work of the teacher and students, which make up the completed cycle of actions; mass participation, for the purpose of applying the technology does not depend on the physical training of students, the pedagogical skill of the teacher and the type of educational institutions. The article presents the theory and method of organizing sports vents and circuses in the training of specialists in Physical Education and Sports by means of multimedia technologies. In order to increase the level of physical development of a person, physical fitness and the state of health of students, which has a clear trend to constant deterioration, it is necessary to instill love for sports, carry out high-quality training and organize sports events using multimedia technologies. In the process of sports activities, the participants' mental education is carried out. There are two types of communication here: direct and indirect, which are described in the article.In games and sports competitions, there are many opportunities for forming rules of collective behavior. The main issues of the organization of sports activities by means of multimedia technologies have been clarified. During sports competitions, the tasks presented in Physical Education and sports classes are improved, which ensure the improvement of physical and theoretical training of the individual. The pleasure of sports, bright, emotional spectacles, confirmed by multimedia technologies, arises from the participation of the viewer in them.Документ Адаптивне фізичне виховання і соціальна справедливість(ЦДУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2024) Турчак, Анатолій Леонідович; Маркова, Олена Віталіївна; Turchak, Anatolii Leonidovych; Markova, Olena Vitaliivna(ua) Стаття присвячена впровадженню соціальної справедливості через викладання адаптивного фізичного виховання у закладах загальної середньої освіти, визначенню педагогічних умов, закономірностей, принципів, методів, прийомів і засобів інклюзивної дидактики, створенню якісного освітнього корекційного середовища для учнів з обмеженими функціональними можливостями, а саме – реалізації принципів : рівності й справедливості; доступності і систематичності; інтерактивності у адаптивній фізичній культурі; контенту, що мотивує дітей з вадами у стані здоров’я до навчання; спрощенню когнітивної складності навчального процесу в інклюзивній освіті; вивченню і застосуванню вчителем фізичної культури передового педагогічного досвіду організації навчально-виховної роботи з корекційної педагогіки. Розглянуто проблеми, що виникають при формуванні соціальної справедливості у шкільному колективі, шляхи покращення професійної діяльності у наданні інклюзивних освітніх послуг з адаптивного фізичного виховання на основі створення спеціальних матеріально-технічних і дидактичних умов, що забезпечують високу ефективність навчально-виховного процесу з соціальної адаптації інтелектуально і фізично відсталих дітей. Метою даної статті є розкриття основних компонентів адаптивного фізичного виховання та соціальної справедливості. У ній викладено науково-педагогічні положення, якими слід керуватися у розв’язанні всіх завдань адаптивного фізичного виховання з різними нозологіями у дітей, створенню виховного середовища із забезпечення соціальної справедливості серед учнів закладів загальної середньої освіти. Представлений матеріал розкриває питання педагогіки адаптивного фізичного виховання, соціалізації інклюзивної молоді до реалій сучасного життя, її участі у фізкультурно-оздоровчій і спортивно-масовій роботі загальноосвітньої школи. Обґрунтовано необхідність виховання функціонально відстаючих дітей шляхом застосування засобів фізичної культури з метою підготовки їх до наступного повноцінного життя, набуття професії, створення гармонійної сім’ї, нормального дітонародження і захисту суверенітету й незалежності української держави. Виділено основні компоненти соціальної справедливості у різних неформальних групах молоді й дорослих та складові адаптивної фізичної культури. У статті розглядається розвиток фізичних якостей школярів з суттєвими відхиленнями у функціональному стані в адаптивному фізичному вихованні навчальних планів і програм закладів загальної середньої освіти. Перспективи подальших досліджень вбачаємо у розробці методичних рекомендацій щодо тренінгів учителів фізичної культури як асистентів (тьюторів) з інклюзивної освіти при адаптивному фізичному вихованні школярів. (en) The article is devoted to the implementation of social justice through the teaching of adaptive physical education in institutions of general secondary education, the definition of pedagogical conditions, laws, principles, methods, techniques and means of inclusive didactics, the creation of a high-quality educational correctional environment for students with limited functional capabilities, namely, the implementation of the principles: equality and justice; accessibility and systematicity; interactivity in adaptive physical culture; content that motivates children with disabilities to study; simplifying the cognitive complexity of the educational process in inclusive education; the study and application by the physical culture teacher of advanced pedagogical experience in the organization of educational work in correctional pedagogy. The problems that arise in the formation of social justice in the school team, the ways of improving professional activity in the provision of inclusive educational services in adaptive physical education based on the creation of special material, technical and didactic conditions that ensure the high efficiency of the educational process of social adaptation, intellectually and physically handicapped children. The purpose of this article is to reveal the main components of adaptive physical education and social justice. It outlines scientific and pedagogical provisions that should be followed in solving all tasks of adaptive physical education with various nosologies in children, creating an educational environment to ensure social justice among students of general secondary education institutions. The presented material reveals the issues of pedagogy of adaptive physical education, socialization of inclusive youth to the realities of modern life, their participation in physical culture and health and sports and mass work of a comprehensive school. The necessity of raising functionally retarded children through the use of physical culture in order to prepare them for the next fulfilling life, acquiring a profession, creating a harmonious family, normal childbirth and protecting the sovereignty and independence of the Ukrainian state is substantiated. The main components of social justice in various informal groups of youth and adults and the components of adaptive physical culture are highlighted. The article considers the development of physical qualities of schoolchildren with significant deviations in the functional state in adaptive physical education of curricula and programs of general secondary education institutions. The authors see prospects for further research in the development of methodological recommendations for the training of physical education teachers as assistants (tutors) in inclusive education in adaptive physical education of schoolchildren.Документ Актуальні проблеми формування соціальної компетентності у фахівців фізичного виховання і спорту та підходи до їх вирішення(2016) Бабаліч, Вікторія Анатоліївна; Вabalich, Victoria(ua) В тезах розглядається питання формування соціальної компетентності у майбутніх спеціалістів фізичного вихованняі і спорту. Основна увага приділена проблемі організації науково-педагогічного дослідження даного питання.Документ Актуальні проблеми фізичної культури, олімпійського й професійного спорту та реабілітації у навчальних закладах України. - Вип. 20(ФОП Озеров Г. В., 2022)(ua) У збірнику подані наукові статті студентів, магістрантів з актуальних проблем фізичної культури, олімпійського і професійного спорту та реабілітації, що висвітлюють теоретичні, методичні та педагогічні питання щодо формування мотивації до здорового способу життя, сучасні оздоровчі і реабілітаційно-корекційні технології, засоби стимуляції здоров’я, формування професійних навичок майбутніх фахівців у сфері фізичної культури і спорту.Документ Документ Документ Аналіз напрямів досліджень науковців щодо підготовки спортсменів у бойовому самбо(2022) Собко, Наталія Григорівна; Пищиков, Д. І.Документ Аналіз проблеми формування професійної компетентності майбутніх учителів фізичної культури(Поліграфічне підприємство «Ексклюзив-Систем», 2017) Шевченко, Ольга ВолодимирівнаДокумент Аналіз пріоритетних умінь в контексті сформованості соціальної компетентності сучасного фахівця(2019) Бабаліч, Вікторія Анатоліївна; Вabalich, VictoriaДокумент Аналіз стратегії розвитку фізичної культури і спорту(2018) Бабаліч, Вікторія Анатоліївна; Вabalich, Victoria