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Документ Aesthetic education in pedagogical heritage of A. S. Makarenko(КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2013) Melnychuk, Sergiy Gavrilovic; Мельничук, Сергій Гаврилович(EN) The aim of the article is to study the views and pedagogical heritage of A. S. Makarenko on the organization of aesthetic education in the educational process of the commune.Документ Alanica в топонимии Дона(2020) Іліаді, Олександр Іванович; Iliadi, A. I.(en) The aim of the proposed study is to determine the Iranian trace in the toponymy (mostly in hydronymy), attested in the basin of the Don river. In particular, taking into account the results of the etymological analysis of a toponym group in the Don river region, the author considers that the conclusion about its Alanian genesis is very likely. An important factor leads to this thought: the words reconstructed in this study have a close equivalent or full identity only in the archaic Ossetian vocabulary (appellative and toponymic), which inherits Alanian lingual tradition. There is a reason to reconstruct the following Alanian words: *aspa-sāg, *aspa-[s]nav-, *mar-āf, *sāga-stān, *sūs-at, *uz-tarp, *us-tarp, *xalxal-an, *xanʒa. *Aspa-[s]nav- and *uz-tarp, *us-tarp are of particular interest for the practice of etymology and comparative-historical linguistics. The first example is an Iranian word-coinage of a Slavic toponym such as Кобылья Снова and consequently indicates the ancient Alanian and Slavonic language contacts. The second lexeme can be evidence of Iranian and Baltic lingual interaction in the Don and the Dnieper region. The conclusion on Alanian heritage in the Don toponymy can be supported with data from archaeology and history, therefore it is clear that further search of evidences of Iranian lexical relicts in this region will be in perspective.Документ Areals of Iranian lexical relicts in toponymics of Dnieper and Bug basins(2018) Iliadi, A. I.; Іліаді, Олександр Іванович(en) The target of this scientific paper is the etymological analysis of some Ukrainian toponyms. Their belonging to the archaic Slavic toponymic is doubtful, and just the opposite – genesis of these lexems is persuasively explained with taking into account of the morphological and fonetic features of the Iranian word evolution. Reviewed Iranian lexical relicts form two toponymic areals along the Dnieper and the Bug. Thus suggested preliminary results of the etymology analysis can clarify well-known point of view about absent here Iranian hydronymy stratum.Документ Educational resources of lego® as a means of logical andmathematical development of preschoolers(Machulin, 2018) Nikitina, O. O.; Нікітіна, Олена Олександрівна(en) Abstract. The article runs about the problem of formation children’s readiness of pre-school age for studying mathematics at school. A special attention is paid on the leading type of activity of a child of pre-school age. The possibilities of using the game methods in formation of readiness for studying have been reviewed. The attention is focused on the educational technology with the use of LEGO® and LEGO DUPLO® resources.Документ European Integration Processes for the Development of Future Foreign Language Specialists in the Information Society(2021) Prybora, Tetiana; Lazarenko, Natalia; Zadorozhna, Olga; Shevchuk, Аndrii; Sulym, Volodymyr; Rudnytska, Nataliya(en) The article reveals and theoretically substantiates the trends of foreign language teachers’ professional training in universities of Ukraine in terms of European integration, which are systematized in three areas: macro-level (system of education), meso-level (universities) and micro-level (subjects of educational process). The article aims to substantiate the trends of foreign language teacher training in the context of European integration and the main directions of creative use of constructive ideas of European experience in the innovative development of education. The article lights up the system for improving foreign language teacher training in universities, which is based on updated goals, content and approaches to the implementation of basic concepts, principles and features of teacher training in European experience, enable us to improve the quality of teacher training, its competitiveness in the European labor market. In the article developed the conceptual model of strategic development of the university in the conditions of European integration. It is emphasized that information technologies provide great opportunities for the development of professional skills and intellectual potential of future professionals. At present, the computerization of the educational process in higher education institutions is considered as one of the first and most promising areas for improving the quality of education. The article offered directions of internationalization of educational activity of university in the conditions of European integration. Diagnostic tools for the development of the university in terms of integration into the European educational space, individual rating and ranking of structural units of the university have been developed; main directions of activity of the laboratory of the skill of the teacher of higher school and methodical recommendations on the creation and the organization of work of scientific laboratories.Документ European Integration Processes for the Development of Future Foreign Language Specialists in the Information Society(2021) Прибора, Тетяна Олександрівна; Prybora, Tetiana; Lazarenko, Natalia; Zadorozhna, Olga; Shevchuk, Аndrii; Sulym, Volodymyr; Rudnytska, Nataliya(en) The article reveals and theoretically substantiates the trends of foreign language teachers’ professional training in universities of Ukraine in terms of European integration, which are systematized in three areas: macro-level (system of education), meso-level (universities) and micro-level (subjects of educational process). The article aims to substantiate the trends of foreign language teacher training in the context of European integration and the main directions of creative use of constructive ideas of European experience in the innovative development of education. The article lights up the system for improving foreign language teacher training in universities, which is based on updated goals, content and approaches to the implementation of basic concepts, principles and features of teacher training in European experience, enable us to improve the quality of teacher training, its competitiveness in the European labor market. In the article developed the conceptual model of strategic development of the university in the conditions of European integration. It is emphasized that information technologies provide great opportunities for the development of professional skills and intellectual potential of future professionals. At present, the computerization of the educational process in higher education institutions is considered as one of the first and most promising areas for improving the quality of education. The article offered directions of internationalization of educational activity of university in the conditions of European integration. Diagnostic tools for the development of the university in terms of integration into the European educational space, individual rating and ranking of structural units of the university have been developed; main directions of activity of the laboratory of the skill of the teacher of higher school and methodical recommendations on the creation and the organization of work of scientific laboratories.Документ European Integration Processes for the Development of Future Foreign Language Specialists in the Information Society(2021) Lazarenko, N.; Zadorozhna, O.; Prybora, T.; Shevchuk, А.; Sulym, V.; Rudnytska, N.(en) The article reveals and theoretically substantiates the trends of foreign language teachers’ professional training in universities of Ukraine in terms of European integration, which are systematized in three areas: macro-level (system of education), meso-level (universities) and micro-level (subjects of educational process). The article aims to substantiate the trends of foreign language teacher training in the context of European integration and the main directions of creative use of constructive ideas of European experience in the innovative development of education. The article lights up the system for improving foreign language teacher training in universities, which is based on updated goals, content and approaches to the implementation of basic concepts, principles and features of teacher training in European experience, enable us to improve the quality of teacher training, its competitiveness in the European labor market. In the article developed the conceptual model of strategic development of the university in the conditions of European integration. It is emphasized that information technologies provide great opportunities for the development of professional skills and intellectual potential of future professionals. At present, the computerization of the educational process in higher education institutions is considered as one of the first and most promising areas for improving the quality of education. The article offered directions of internationalization of educational activity of university in the conditions of European integration. Diagnostic tools for the development of the university in terms of integration into the European educational space, individual rating and ranking of structural units of the university have been developed; main directions of activity of the laboratory of the skill of the teacher of higher school and methodical recommendations on the creation and the organization of work of scientific laboratories.Документ Formation of dialogical linguistics of young schools by interactive techniques(Machulin, 2018) Horska, O. O.; Горська, Олена Олександрівна(en) The article reveals the system of formation of dialogue speeches of junior pupils in Ukrainian language lessons with the help of interactive learning technologies.Документ Formation of Professional Competence of Future Primary School Teachers Against the Background of Large-Scale Military Aggression (a response to the challenges of the times)(2023) Демченко, Юлія Миколаївна; Андросова, Наталя Миколаївна; Цуканова, Наталія; Прибора, Тетяна Олександрівна; Ткаченко, Ольга Михайлівна; Demchenko, Yulia; Androsova, Natalia; Tsukanova, Nataliia; Prybora, Tetiana; Tkachenko, Olga(en) In contemporary European literature, the problem of shaping future educators against the backdrop of crisis (military) transformations has not been explored. Ukrainian teachers demonstrate valuable experience in the teaching under warfare conditions, which should be the subject of a separate study. In addition, the problem of the professional formation of future teachers is also relevant, given the numerous terminological debates between scientists. The article aims to analyze the formation of professional competence of future elementary school teachers against the background of large-scale military aggression. The work is formed on the use of theoretical pedagogical research methods. Noticeable attention is paid to the methods of generalization, abstraction, analysis, synthesis. Among the empirical methods, the methods of experiment and SWOT-analysis were used. With the help of the latter, the strengths and weaknesses of the formation of professional competence in the system of distance learning of future elementary school teachers against the background of military aggression are reflected. The results considered terminological discussions regarding the concept of “professional competence”, highlighted the main features of professionalism of modern teachers, analyzed the use of game techniques and their impact on the formation of important skills for future teachers, developed a training model to ensure maximum exposure to professional competence in future teachers. Inthe conclusion, it was noted that the appeal to game techniques allows to deepen the assimilation of professional competence, moreover, conducting games during the war has an additional psychological effect. The best training model for future teachers is to conduct distance learning sessions according to the established program, which provides an increase in the amount of practice and actualization of the experience of independent work.Документ Formation of the institute of guardianship and upbringing orphans in ukraine from ancient times to the XIII century(КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2014) Okolnycha, Tetyana; Окольнича, Тетяна Володимирівна(UA) У статті висвітлено особливості виховання та опіки дітей-сиріт і дітей, позбавлених батьківського піклування в Україні від найдавніших часів до ХІІІ ст.Документ General concets and ideas ofhigher pedagogical education in poland(КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2014) Savchenko, Natalia; Савченко, Наталія СергіївнаУ статті розкривається сутність загальних концепцій вищої педагогічної освіти у Польщі. В працях польських педевтологів глибоко досліджується національний і закордонний теоретичний доробок у сфері педагогічної освіти, пропонуються нові орієнтації, концепції і моделі підготовки вчителів, застосування яких видається перспективним з врахуванням умов праці вчителів на початку ХХІ сторіччя.Документ History of higher education in Kirovohrad region in the 20th century in studies of local lore(РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2020) Філоненко, Оксана Володимирівна; Филоненко, Оксана Владимировна; Filonenko, Oksana Volodymyrivna; Прибора, Роман Іванович; Прибора, Роман Иванович; Prybora, Roman Ivanovych; Перцов, Олександр Володимирович; Перцов, Александр Владимирович; Pertsov, Alexander Volodymyrovych(uk) У статті розглянуто розвиток вищої освіти на Кіровоградщині у ХХ столітті. З’ясовано, що наприкінці ХХ століття з’являються узагальнювальні праці, у яких цілеспрямовано і системно аналізується історія вищої освіти Кіровоградщини, дається об’єктивна оцінка сучасному стану професійної освіти та виявляються тенденцій її вдосконалення, позитивно оцінюється розвиток вищої освіти в регіоні. Встановлено, що основне досягнення сучасних учених полягає у тому, що за рахунок залучення нових документів і матеріалів їм вдалося провести комплексні дослідження у межах досліджуваних напрямків. Водночас у роботах відсутній об’єктивний аналіз негативних тенденцій у розвитку вищої професійної освіти. Ця проблема й визначає перспективи подальших досліджень.Документ Image as a fashionable word and an attribute of a modern student(2018) Dovha, T. Y.; Довга, Тетяна Яківна(en) The article is devoted to the problem of the image of a modern student. It shows relationships between the concepts «image» and «fashion» on the example of the linguistic and external components of the image. The peculiarity of forming the image of students of the specialty «Primary Education» in the process of studying the discipline «Image of a Modern Teacher» is shown.Документ Increasing Motivation of Primary School Pupils’ Studying(2020) Демченко, Юлія Миколаївна; Demchenko, Yuliya; Prokopchuk, Viktoriia; Revenko, Iryna; Blaga, Olga; Tarasova, Vitaliia(en) The scientific investigation reveals the topic of increasing the motivation of primary school pupils’ studying, which is relevant today and requires careful study. Data from the Institute of Educational Analytics, the German Internet Portal of statistics Statista, the World Bank and the international organization World Population Review have been used in the context of solving the problem of increasing motivation of primary school pupils’ studying in Ukraine and Germany. The processing of statistics requires the use of methods of theoretical substantiation, analysis and comparison in the study. According to the World Bank’s education quality rating, Germany was ranked as one of the best countries with a high level of education quality in 2015-2017, and Ukraine ranked the 54th and the 56th places respectively. The results of the series of studies have shown the presence in the practice of the activities of educators, psychologists and scientists, specializing in the study of this issue, a significant number of available and potential ways for increasing motivation. The reasons for the learning motivation decrease and the factors influencing it have been investigated. The ARCS model is relevant nowadays, because it focuses on the motivational aspects of the educational environment and includes four components of motivation. It has been proved, that it is necessary to provide the innovative teaching methods in Ukrainian school during evaluation process. IT programs that can improve the learning process and increase motivation in primary education have been presented.Документ Integration of Reflection and SelfRegulation as Factors of Personality’s SelfActualization(2019) Котелянець, Наталка Валеріївна; Котелянець, Юлія; Довга, Тетяна Яківна; Dovha, Tetiana; Kotelianets, Natalka; Plachynda, Tetiana; Kotelianets, Yuliia(ua) The study aimed to determine the formation level of future professionals’ reflexive abilities and the development of a steady need for self-regulation of their activities via comparative quantitative research methods. As a result, the number of subjects with high and medium level of development of the reflexive component increased by 17.9% and 5.9%. In conclusion, the integration of reflection and selfregulation has a positive impact on the process of self-creation of the personality of a future professional.Документ Irano – Slavica: историко-словообразовательные параллели(«Астропринт», 2019) Іліаді, Олександр Іванович; Iliadi, A. I.(uk) У статті наведені результати дослідження, присвяченого вивченню словотвору в іранських та слов’янських мовах у порівняльно-історичному аспекті. Завданням статті був зіставний аналіз іранських та слов’янських лексем, що мають спільні індоєвропейські корні, в синхронії та діахронії. В частності, розглядалась їх етимологія та особливості функціонування на сучасному етапі. У процесі дослідження було підтверджено гіпотезу про спільну індоєвропейську спадщину для словотвору двох груп мов (іранських і слов’янських). У той же час було знайдено докази наявності спільних іновацій доби слов’яно-іранських контактів. Було здійснено детальний аналіз прототипів і дериватів із виокремленням типологічно спільних і конкретно мовних особливостей дерівації. Методологія цього дослідження включала індуктивний та дедуктивний методи, а також метод контрастивного аналізу. Проаналізовані словотвірні паралелі та одержані висновки мають велике значення для порівняльно-історичного та загального мовознавства. Компаративістика оперує також типологічним орієнтиром: не завжди важлива тільки наявність морфологічно ідентичних і хронологічно близьких комплексів (послідовностей морфем) у двох близько споріднених мовах; важлива типологічна близькість процесів модифікації структури слова, коли для цього використовується той самий елемент. Це свідчить про потенційну можливість однакового розвитку групи близькоспоріднених одиниць різних мов. Перспектива у дослідженні цієї проблеми в різних групах індоєвропейських мов.Документ Kandak, хорв. Skorsur, ст.-пол. Bagakard, ст.-рус. *Валгасъ и их аланские прототипы(2021) Іліаді, Олександр Іванович; Iliadi, A. I.(en) The paper deals with the etymological interpretation of presumably Alanian personal names, mentioned in works of ancient historians and ancient legal documents. Earlier these anthroponyms either did not become visible to other researchers (Croat. Skorsur, Old Russ. *Валгасъ) or got another explanation in specialized literature (Goth. Kandak, Old Pol. Bagakard). Results of etymological analysis enable the author to reconstruct Alanian prototypes for four anthroponyms: Gothic Candac (in Jordan) = Alan. *Kand-ak ʻyoung manʼ < Proto-Iran. *kanta-ka-, which correlates with *kantī-ka- ʻgirl, little girlʼ; Croat. Skorsur = Alan. *skarrasur[a] ʻthe one who chase beast, preyʼ, ʻchaserʼ; Old. Pol. Bagakard = Alan. *Kard[a]-baγ < Proto-Iran. *Kṛta-baga- ʻcreated by godʼ along withinverted West. Iran. *Baga-kṛta-; Old Russ.. *Валгасъ = Alan. *wal[i]-gas, cf. Osset. wælygæs, wæligæs ‘herdboy tending lambs’. Etymological analysis is closely linked to formulation and developing of the questions of ethnic history and particularly the question of infiltration Alanian tribes in Pannonia and (at a later period) into the territory of Lithuania as part of Tatarian faction in service to the Lithuanian Duke Gediminas.Документ Meanings ‘body’ and ‘person’, ‘self’, ‘soul’:one semantical universal(Видавничий дім «РОДОВІД», 2017) Іліаді, Олександр Іванович; Iliadi, A. I.(ua) У статті запропоновано опис і часткове пояснення причин семантичного зрушення ‘тіло ’,‘тулуб ’ —> ‘особа ’, ‘сам, себе ’, ‘дух, дута ’. Зазначена семантична зміна засвідчена в різних мовах (індоєвропейських і неіндоєвропейських) у різні періоди їхньої історії, що дає підстави констатувати у подібному смисловому співвідношенні один із прикладів так званих семантичних універсалій.Документ Miscellanea etymologica: Slavica(2019) Іліаді, Олександр Іванович; Iliadi, A. I.(ru) В статье предложена этимологическая интерпретация группы славянских диалектных слов, которые ранее либо не попадали в поле зрения исследователей, либо не получили удовлетворительного истолкования в профильной литературе. Наблюдения за структурой указанных лексем позволило автору прийти к выводу о том, что большинство из них являются либо архаизмами праславянской эпохи (*čapeltь, *čьlpa, *glyxota, *xъlporъ, *kъrnopętъ, *molsnǫti, *žaxnǫti), либо дериватами, образованными по древним словообразовательным моделям, сохранившим актуальность в славянских диалектах (вичекóвзнути, чикúлдúха, чулúндá). Помимо исконной реликтовой лексики, автор смог выделить несколько древних заимствований из иранских и тюркских языков, интегрированных в славянский словарь в разное время (иран. *gātra-/*gāϑra-, *kandī-gunyā (*kandi-γunyā), тюрк. sagsagan). Остальная лексика, ставшая объектом исследования, отражает либо далеко зашедший процесс фонетического изменения уже известных слов в диалектах, либо процессы позднего диалектного словотворчества с глубоко индивидуальными ареальными особенностями (специально характеризуются в каждом случае).