The lapbook as an innovative way to organize learning activities in elementary schools
Демченко, Юлія Миколаївна
Андросова, Наталя Миколаївна
Кінах, Неля Володимирівна
Антошина, Світлана
Кіндей, Леся Григорівна
Demchenko, Yulia
Androsova, Natalia
Kinakh, Nelia
Antoshchuk, Svitlana
Kindei, Lesia
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(en) The article analyzes the views of scientists on the use of lapbooking in elementary schools. It is found
that the methodology of lapbooking allows you to unlock the potential of each student in the
process of creating individual or more often collective work. In particular, the lapbook forms key
skills and abilities, which are required by the educational vector of the New Ukrainian School. In
addition, it takes into account cross-curricular learning and social competencies, which help each
individual to become successful and adapt in society. The article proves that the use of Lapbooks is
reasonable not only when studying a single topic, but also as a complex, systemic type of work, as
close to the project and research activities as possible. It was found out that the introduction of
lapbooking at different stages of studying subjects is effective, as it covers different types of activity:
pair and group work; search methods and work with information (ability to work with sources,
generalize and systematize, draw conclusions, formulate own statements concisely and
informatively). It is noted that the technique of lapbooking can be applied as early as preschool age
with a gradual complication of high school. Consequently, the general essence of lapbooking is systematized with the help of integrative diagrams and charts. It is determined that the educational
industry must be flexible to timely respond to changes in society and provide the professional
market with specialists, successful and active citizens who are able not only to adapt, but also to
realize themselves. The innovativeness of the lapbooking method is that it combines different areas
of activity simultaneously: informational, research, design, communicative, creative, technological,
aesthetic. The results of the study allow us to recommend lapbooking as the main method of work
in elementary school (when studying any topic or academic subject).
Ключові слова
STEM-education, Lapbooking, Key competencies, Integration, Innovative method
Бібліографічний опис
Demchenko Y. The lapbook as an innovative way to organize learning activities in elementary schools / Natalia Mykolayivna Androsova, Yulia Mykolayivna Demchenko, Nelia Volodumurivna Kinakh, Svitlana Antoshchuk, Lesia Grigorivna Kindei // Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação. – 2021. - Vol. 14. - No. 33. – P. 1-13. URL: (2021)