Наукові видання каф-ри філософії, політології та психології

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  • Ескіз
    Філософія цифрової освіти 4.0 як новий науковий напрямок та її вплив на підготовку майбутніх професіоналів
    (2024) Олексенко, Роман Іванович; Олексенко, Каріна; Компанієць, Володимир
    (ua) Головна мета філософії цифровізації освіти - проаналізувати, як впроваджен-ня цифрових технологій змінює освітні процеси, дослідити їх вплив на підго-товку професіоналів. Філософія цифровізації освіти 4.0 зосереджена на інтеграції цифрових технологій у навчальні процеси для покращення доступності, ефективності та якості освіти. Ця трансформація має ключове значення для розвитку сучасної економіки та підготовки майбутніх професіоналів, її актуальність з кожним роком тільки зростає. Сучасний світ невпинно руха-ється в напрямку глобальної цифровізації, і освіта є одним із центральних елементів цієї трансформації. Отже, цифровізація освіти 4.0 - це інвестиція не лише в освітню систему, але й у довготривалий розвиток економіки та як наслідок суспільства. (en) The main goal of the philosophy of digitalization of education is to analyze how the introduction of digital technologies changes educational processes, to investigate their impact on the training of professionals. The philosophy of digitalization of education 4.0 focuses on the integration of digital technologies into educational processes to improve the accessibility, efficiency and quality of education. This transformation is of key importance for the development of the modern economy and the training of future professionals, its relevance is only growing every year. The modern world is steadily moving towards global digitalization, and education is one of the central elements of this transformation. Therefore, digitalization of education 4.0 is an investment not only in the educational system, but also in the long-term development of the economy and, as a result, society.
  • Ескіз
    До питання цифровізації освіти в філософському вимірі
    (КАІ, 2024) Олексенко, Роман Іванович; Олексенко, Каріна
  • Ескіз
    Political street-art: an example of using historical and sociological approach for explanation neoteric phenomenon
    (Publishing House of University of Technology, 2023) Клюєнко, Едуард Олександрович; Kliuienko, E.
  • Ескіз
    Psicología política de los líderes transformadores en las escuelas del siglo XXI
    (2023) Харченко, Юлія Володимирівна; Kharchenko, Julia; Kikinezhdi, O.; Vasylkevych, Y.; Ryk, M.; Hovorun, T.; Bilan, L.
  • Ескіз
    Virtuum" as an innovative sphere in the "digital civilisation
    (2023) Харченко, Юлія Володимирівна; Kharchenko, Julia
    (en) It is confirmed that virtuum is entirely artificial and its space-time is an antinomy. This means that while virtuum is limited by current technological possibilities, it is not limited by imagination and fantasy. Virtual reality is just one of the multiple manifestations of virtuum, which is a special innovative environment reflecting the transformation of modern knowledge in the rapidly changing reality of the "technical body." This transformation occurs at the "collision" of a multitude of "logics," "rationalities," "simulacrums," and "phantasms," all of which are visualized in this reality. The phenomenon of virtuum as a special innovative environment, where the transformation of modern knowledge takes place, is conceptualized. By analyzing the mechanism of vergence, which is a factor that provides synchrony of processes and phenomena in imaginary and actual realities, as well as a point of intersection of divergent and convergent processes, it is possible to understand the "third," middle state of virtuum as a complex "digital" system.
  • Ескіз
    Spiritual virtuum: the interaction of the finite and the infinite
    (2022) Kharchenko, Julia; Kharchenko, Sergej; Харченко, Юлія Володимирівна; Харченко, Сергій Петрович
    (en) The virtuum is shown as one of the dimensions of society. The conceptualization of the phenomenon of the spiritual virtuum in the context of the interaction of the virtuum infinite in being and finite in the digital reality of the cyber-techno-sphere is the goal of this study. The phenomenon of the virtuum is considered within the framework of socio-philosophical, ontological, and transcendental approaches. Each virtual object is finite and discontinuous. In the spiritual virtuum the boundary is conditional and imaginary. The position is summarized that a computer designer who is able to adapt to various life situations, in order to manage virtual reality. The spiritual virtuum or the peculiar life of the Digital Spirit can be understood as a property of the soul, consisting in the predominance of spiritual, moral, and intellectual interests over material ones.
  • Ескіз
    Key determinants of global legal institutions (philosophical aspect)
    (2022) Харченко, Юлія Володимирівна; Харченко, Сергій Петрович
    (en) It is confirmed that, in the modern global society, a certain general image of legal institutions has been formed, which, being a "superimposed" model adjusts other existing models to suit it. The “legal institution ”performs its classical function for regulating social relations, enshrined in legal acts of various levels. The aim of this study is the explication of "global legal institutions" in the framework of modern socio-philosophical and philosophical-legal discourse and conceptualization of the key determinants of their development. The key task is to comprehend the phenomenon of global legal institutions and its impact on the modern global legal society. The sociophilosophical and philosophical-legal methodological principles made it possible to reveal the connections of global legal institutions with other phenomena of law, to fix the coherence of the formulated and codified legal norms with the basic ideas and moral goals underlying them. It is proved that the key determinants of global legal institutions are: a reflection of the global system of law in terms of its structure, as well as the logic of its development. Global legal institutions can be formed at the junction of various supranational
  • Ескіз
    Digital Technology Evolution of the Industrial Revolution From 4G to 5G in the Context of the Challenges of Digital Globalization
    (2023) Voronkova, Valentyna; Nikitenko, Vitalina; Oleksenko, Roman; Andriukaitiene, Regina; Kharchenko, Julia; Kliuienko, Eduard; Харченко , Юлія Володимирівна; Клюєнко, Едуард Олександрович; Воронкова, Валентина; Олексенко, Роман Іванович; Нікігенко, Віталіна
    (en) The development of a new generation of information technologies and engineering equipment directly affects the path of scientific research and innovation. As a result of these processes, new trends are developing, such as information technology, AI, digital education and medicine, etc. The 4th Industrial Revolution is the result of digital transformation. These processes are the basis for the evolution from the 4th to the 5th industrial revolution. The article analyses the fifth generation of 5G mobile telecommunication systems, which is a new wireless communication standard that will bring significant improvements in the data transfer speed of connecting many devices simultaneously.
  • Ескіз
    Spiritual virtuum: the interaction of the finite and the infinite
    (2022) Kharchenko, Julia; Kharchenko, Sergej; Харченко, Сергій Петрович; Харченко, Юлія Володимирівна
  • Ескіз
    Principles of interaction in the topology of antinomies (ontological deconstruction of the social matrix)
    (2024) Kharchenko, Julia; Kvasha, Alex; Харченко Юлія Володимирівна
    (en) The phenomenon of interaction: describes the configuration of the social matrix in its dynamics; fixes the continuous variability of reality; actualizes the need to maintain balance in nature, as well as to preserve the harmonious dualism of human bodily and spiritual constructs. Interaction is defined as an antinomic opposition, which can be considered in terms of symmetry and asymmetry. The phenomenon of interaction is considered in the philosophical-methodological, ontological and metaphysical aspects of deconstruction when analyzing the antinomian characteristics of interaction.