Система управління якістю освіти та кадрова безпека вищого навчального закладу
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РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(uk) У статті розглядаються проблеми якості освіти. Встановлено, що забезпечення якості вищої освіти є багатоплановим й охоплює: наявність необхідних ресурсів (кадрових, фінансових, матеріальних, інформаційних, наукових, навчально-методичних тощо). Метою статті є вдосконалення теоретико-методичних положень управління кадрової безпекою в системі менеджменту персоналу вищого навчального закладу.
(ru) В статье рассматриваются проблемы качества образования. Установлено, что обеспечение качества высшего образования является многоплановым и включает: наличие необходимых ресурсов (кадровых, финансовых, материальных, информационных, научных, учебно-методических и т. п.). Целью статьи является совершенствование теоретико-методических положений управления кадровой безопасностью в системе менеджмента персонала высшего учебного заведения.
(en) The article refers to the problems of education quality. The higher education quality assurance is considered to be versatile and it includes the following aspects: necessary resources (human, financial, material, information, scientific, methodological, etc.) The purpose of the article is to improve the theoretical and methodological provisions of personnel security management in the personnel management system of the institution of higher education. The essence of the concept of «quality of educational process» is specified and its structure is defined. In the article the range of problems of development and introduction of the management system is considered by quality in accordance with the international standard of series of ISO 9001 at higher school. The basic stages of creation quality management systems of higher school are offered. The basic problems, stirring to introduction of such systems are defined. The article deals with the issues of personnel security the institute of higher education as the basis of economic security. This article looks at the security personnel as a basis of economic safety of the enterprise. Systematized approaches, definition of the notion of «human security». The purpose and objectives of personnel security were determined. The causes of personnel security threats as a component of economic security are covered. Recommendations to minimize adverse staff impact on the personnel security level of the organization are generalized. Personnel security is sent to prevention and removal of threats and risks that is related to activity of personnel. That is why, personnel security occupies a priority place in the enterprise in ensuring security in general (in relation to other components). The practical significance of the article is that the theoretical positions of the study have been brought to the level of specific methods and recommendations.
(ru) В статье рассматриваются проблемы качества образования. Установлено, что обеспечение качества высшего образования является многоплановым и включает: наличие необходимых ресурсов (кадровых, финансовых, материальных, информационных, научных, учебно-методических и т. п.). Целью статьи является совершенствование теоретико-методических положений управления кадровой безопасностью в системе менеджмента персонала высшего учебного заведения.
(en) The article refers to the problems of education quality. The higher education quality assurance is considered to be versatile and it includes the following aspects: necessary resources (human, financial, material, information, scientific, methodological, etc.) The purpose of the article is to improve the theoretical and methodological provisions of personnel security management in the personnel management system of the institution of higher education. The essence of the concept of «quality of educational process» is specified and its structure is defined. In the article the range of problems of development and introduction of the management system is considered by quality in accordance with the international standard of series of ISO 9001 at higher school. The basic stages of creation quality management systems of higher school are offered. The basic problems, stirring to introduction of such systems are defined. The article deals with the issues of personnel security the institute of higher education as the basis of economic security. This article looks at the security personnel as a basis of economic safety of the enterprise. Systematized approaches, definition of the notion of «human security». The purpose and objectives of personnel security were determined. The causes of personnel security threats as a component of economic security are covered. Recommendations to minimize adverse staff impact on the personnel security level of the organization are generalized. Personnel security is sent to prevention and removal of threats and risks that is related to activity of personnel. That is why, personnel security occupies a priority place in the enterprise in ensuring security in general (in relation to other components). The practical significance of the article is that the theoretical positions of the study have been brought to the level of specific methods and recommendations.
Ключові слова
менеджмент, кадрова безпека, управління кадровою безпекою, якість освіти, система менеджменту якості, менеджмент, кадровая безопасность, управление кадровой безопасностью, качество образования, система менеджмента качества, management, personnel security, personnel security management, quality of education, quality management system
Бібліографічний опис
Панченко В. А. Система управління якістю освіти та кадрова безпека вищого навчального закладу / Володимир Анатолійович Панченко // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Research Bulletin. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2020. – Вип. 186. – С. 44-49.