Соціальний зміст виховання в античний період


(ua) У статті показано особливості зародження виховання в античний період. На основі наявних досліджень обґрунтовано, що виховання виконує різноманітні функції, але першочергове – це політичні функції, і має суспільний характер. Показано, що питання виховання молодого покоління розглядалися як загальна справа всього суспільства яка реалізувалася представниками старшого покоління.
(ru) В статье показаны особенности зарождения воспитания в античный период. На основе существующих исследований обосновано, что воспитание выполняет разнообразные функции, но первоочередно – это функция политическая, также воспитание имеет общественный характер. Показано, что вопросы воспитания молодого поколения рассматривались как общее дело всего общества которое реализовывалось представителями старшего поколения.
(en) Life education in the ancient period. The article shows the features of the origin of education in the ancient period. Based on existing research, it is substantiated that upbringing performs various functions, but first and foremost it is a political function, and upbringing has a social character. It is shown that the issues of education of the younger generation were considered as a common cause of the whole society, which was implemented by representatives of the older generation. The entire social and state system of Sparta was the result of the fact that this military community was a camp that was in a state of continuous combat readiness of the masses of the exploited agricultural population living in a relatively large area. Therefore, in Sparta, the classical era quickly progressed social inequality among the legally equal masses of dominant groups of the population The educational path of the future full member of the Spartan Educational Community is clearly defined from the beginning of life to eight years – staying in a family of eight to twenty years (inclusive) – a long way to state training and training, which for its part was divided into three main periods (eight up to fourteen years, «probation year» and from fifteen to twenty one years). The life span from twenty one to thirty years was a transitional period for the full acquisition of the rights of a member of the Spartan state community. Receiving at this time formally civil rights, young people, usually following grandfather's practices, could not apply them to practical life. And although the young man of this age already had the right to live a family life and the nature of his studies was closer to the surrounding camp and military life of the community, however, only the thirty-year spartiate became a full citizen. Since belonging to such a society already guaranteed a solid material base (due to the disabled and slaves), the task of educational and educational work was reduced primarily to obtaining such knowledge and skills that would raise the personal individual culture of a full citizen, would be his attributes as «free-born» Hellen and would give him the opportunity to spend various leisure time, his leisure time. In this regard, to the institution where this art was cultivated, the destination of its final purpose was postponed. That is, education, as it follows from the previous, there were only two tasks – comprehensive and intellectual development and the corresponding culture of the body.


Ключові слова

виховання, соціальний зміст, суспільне, виховна система, шкільна освіта, education, воспитание, социальное содержание, общественное, воспитательная система, школьное образование, social, educational system, school education, social content

Бібліографічний опис

Радул В. В. Соціальний зміст виховання в античний період / Валерій Вікторович Радул, Ольга Сергіївна Радул // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка ; ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2019. – Вип. 174. – С. 12-17.



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