Виховний потенціал закладу вищої освіти: структура та критерії розвитку
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РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(uk) Стаття присвячена проблемі формування й розвитку виховного потенціалу закладу вищої освіти. Запропоновано авторський підхід до трактування поняття «виховний потенціал закладу вищої освіти». На основі аналізу сутнісних характеристик виховного потенціалу закладу вищої освіти розкрито зміст його структурних компонентів, критеріїв та основних етапів розвитку.
(ru) Статья посвящена проблеме формирования и развития воспитательного потенциала учреждения высшего образования. Предложен авторский подход к трактовке понятия «воспитательный потенциал учреждения высшего образования». На основе анализа сущностных характеристик воспитательного потенциала учреждения высшего образования раскрыто содержание его структурных компонентов, критериев и основных этапов развития.
(en) The article is devoted to the definition and theoretical substantiation of the educational potential formation peculiarities of a modern institution of higher education, which determines its ability to form special values, qualities and traits of students as subjects of personal and professional development (selfdevelopment), providing them with competitive advantages among future specialists who acquired higher education in similar educational programs in other establishments of higher education. In view of the outlined problem, attention is paid to the essence of the concepts of «potential», «students» upbringing», «upbringing activity of the institution of higher education», which are basic for understanding the substantive characteristics of the educational potential of the institution of higher education. It has been substantiated that the educational potential of an institution of higher education is the inherent set of parameters that determine (ensure) the availability of a system of upbringing resources and opportunities to carry out, if needed (necessary), certain efforts, influences, actions aimed at personal development and formation of students that can be used, mobilized and realized, under certain conditions for upbringing activities, with the purpose of solving specific problems of personal and professional formation of the future specialist, formation of their competence, the capacity for self-development and self-realization in modern social and professional environment. It has been found out that the content of the upbringing potential of establishment of higher education is determined by the set of upbringing goals and tasks of personal and professional formation of future specialists, which can be achieved by creating favorable conditions for the usage, mobilization, accumulation, multiplication of the system of upbringing resources and the planned activities of purposeful upbringing activities, using internal or externally involved means of upbringing students. According to the analysis, it has been proposed to distinguish four interrelated components in the structure of the upbringing potential of the institution of higher education, namely: target, axiological, resource, organizational and managerial. Clarification of the structural components content of the educational potential of the institution of higher education has allowed to formulate the criteria and stages of its development (formation).
(ru) Статья посвящена проблеме формирования и развития воспитательного потенциала учреждения высшего образования. Предложен авторский подход к трактовке понятия «воспитательный потенциал учреждения высшего образования». На основе анализа сущностных характеристик воспитательного потенциала учреждения высшего образования раскрыто содержание его структурных компонентов, критериев и основных этапов развития.
(en) The article is devoted to the definition and theoretical substantiation of the educational potential formation peculiarities of a modern institution of higher education, which determines its ability to form special values, qualities and traits of students as subjects of personal and professional development (selfdevelopment), providing them with competitive advantages among future specialists who acquired higher education in similar educational programs in other establishments of higher education. In view of the outlined problem, attention is paid to the essence of the concepts of «potential», «students» upbringing», «upbringing activity of the institution of higher education», which are basic for understanding the substantive characteristics of the educational potential of the institution of higher education. It has been substantiated that the educational potential of an institution of higher education is the inherent set of parameters that determine (ensure) the availability of a system of upbringing resources and opportunities to carry out, if needed (necessary), certain efforts, influences, actions aimed at personal development and formation of students that can be used, mobilized and realized, under certain conditions for upbringing activities, with the purpose of solving specific problems of personal and professional formation of the future specialist, formation of their competence, the capacity for self-development and self-realization in modern social and professional environment. It has been found out that the content of the upbringing potential of establishment of higher education is determined by the set of upbringing goals and tasks of personal and professional formation of future specialists, which can be achieved by creating favorable conditions for the usage, mobilization, accumulation, multiplication of the system of upbringing resources and the planned activities of purposeful upbringing activities, using internal or externally involved means of upbringing students. According to the analysis, it has been proposed to distinguish four interrelated components in the structure of the upbringing potential of the institution of higher education, namely: target, axiological, resource, organizational and managerial. Clarification of the structural components content of the educational potential of the institution of higher education has allowed to formulate the criteria and stages of its development (formation).
Ключові слова
виховання, виховання студентів, виховна діяльність, виховні ресурси, потенціал, виховний потенціал закладу вищої освіти, воспитание, воспитание студентов, воспитательная деятельность, воспитательные ресурсы, потенциал, воспитательный потенциал учреждения высшего образования, upbringing, upbringing of students, upbringing activity, upbringing resources, potential, upbringing potential of the institution of higher education
Бібліографічний опис
Краснощок І. П. Виховний потенціал закладу вищої освіти: структура та критерії розвитку / Інна Петрівна Краснощок // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка ; ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2019. – Вип. 180. – С. 90-97.