Вальдорфська педагогіка як оздоровча виховна система


(uk) У статті визначено основні ідеї вальдорфської педагогіки та узагальнено досвід вальдорфської школи у формуванні здоров’я школярів. Висвітлено результати науково-педагогічного експерименту всеукраїнського рівня щодо впровадження засад вальдорфської педагогіки в навчально-виховний процес навчальних закладів України з метою інтеграції педагогічної системи «Вальдорфська школа» в освітній простір України
(ru) В статье определены основные идеи вальдорфской педагогики и обобщается опыт вальдорфской школы в формировании здоровья школьников. Представлены результаты научно-педагогического эксперимента всеукраинского уровня по внедрению принципов вальдорфской педагогики в учебно-воспитательный процесс учебных заведений Украины с целью интеграциии педагогической системы «Вальдорфская школа» в образовательное пространство Украины.
(en) The urgency of the realization of children's health through education requires reflection and creative use of the experience of Waldorf school to support and enrich children's health. The article analyzes the leading ideas of Waldorf education and generalized experience of Waldorf schools in shaping the health of schoolchildren. The aim of Waldorf schools – will create a pedagogical space favorable for personality development and preservation of physical, psychic and spiritual health of children. while education is oriented not only to nowadays, but in the future. The basis of educational theory concept of holistic education, which is a basis of Waldorf schools, put religious and philosophical doctrine R.Shtaynera - anthroposophy. According to him, human development is at a seven-year rhythms which knowledge can correctly build the educational process. For each of the seven years of maturation is one of the elements of nature. Methods and techniques of training and education based on anthroposophic interpretation of personal development as an integrated interaction of physical, mental and spiritual factors. The principles of the Waldorf School include: 1) education in the spirit of freedom that leads the child to free and deep self-knowledge, integrated development of the internal forces of self-determination in life; 2) integrity of identity formation; 3) сonsideration of the age of cycles, circadian biorhythms; 4) resistance to the authority of the teacher, parent, spiritual ideal. Methods of Steiner designed to prevent over-intellectualization of training to ensure the artistic and creative of teaching, and the implementation of targeted child rhythm. Overall, the results of research, health character Waldorf education is not in doubt, as evidenced in publications of different authors. The therapeutic effect of Waldorf education is manifested not only in the health environment, the general organization of the educational process, but also competent methodical organization of each of the subjects. It is set that health saving orientation of Waldorf school brings ti the considerable successful results of Waldorf education: Waldorf schoolchildren as compared to the students of traditional schools have the best indexes of physical and psychical health, developed cognitive flairs, personality qualities (individual initiativeness, work, independence of decisions, collaboration with people, social mobility). In Ukraine from 2001 to 2014 conducted a work with experimental verification of scientific and methodological foundations of Waldorf pedagogics and its implementation in the educational process educational institutions of Ukraine. The aim of the experiment - adaptation ideas Waldorf pedagogical system to social and educational realiy of Ukraine, creating a Ukrainian model of Waldorf pedagogical institution, recommendations of the use of certain elements of Waldorf pedagogical methods and systems in educational institutions of Ukraine to form developed personality. Today, Waldorf education is open to development and change pedagogical innovation system, which already has a tradition of learning and education of children and is based on experience. It focuses on the realities of modern life, modern children and parents and provides its viability, relevance and development.


Ключові слова

здоров’я, вальдорфська школа, формування здоров’я, здоров’язберігаюча спрямованість, порівняльні дослідження, здоровье, вальдорфская школа, формирование здоров’я, здоровьесберегающая направленность, сравнительные исследования, health, Waldorf school, formation of health, health saving direction, comparative researches

Бібліографічний опис

Язловецька О. В. Вальдорфська педагогіка як оздоровча виховна система / Оксана Валентинівна Язловецька // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки / ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2017. – Вип. 150. – С. 126-131.



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