Розвиток вищої освіти в україні у ХІХ–ХХ столітті


(uk): У статті розглядається історія вищої школи України, її становлення й розвиток. Найбільш цікавою у зазначеній площині визначено ХІХ –ХХ століття.
(ru) В статье рассматривается история высшей школы Украины, ее становление и развитие. Наиболее интересным в отмеченной плоскости обозначен период ХІХ –ХХ века. Ключевые слова: ячейки украинского образования, высшая школа, гимназия, лицей, университет, педагогические курсы.
(en) Summary. At the present stage of socio-cultural changes and joining of the national education system to the world integration processes significant changes in the socio-political, socio-economic and public life of society are happening. Historical and pedagogical science has also undergone transformations: an opportunity of impartial historical and educational research appeared, scientific interest to researchers of national historical and pedagogical process increased. Study, theoretical analysis and creative use of past experience becomes of the great importance for proper understanding and solving many of today's educational problems. Appealing to the origins of educational theory and practice, the ability to understand the historical lessons nowadays allow qualitatively upgrade the national system of teacher training. On the one hand it shows the maturity of the historical and pedagogical science, on the other hand it proves that at some point any study requires careful research of its own history. The study of the history of higher education Ukraine, its formation and development has a remarkable place in this process. The most interesting in this plane are the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. The nineteenth century in Ukraine marked the opening of the number of higher education institutions, which were destined to become the centers of Ukrainian education, science and cultural revival. Regarding the situation in higher education in the territory of the Russian Ukraine, it should be noted that since the beginning of the nineteenth century in the Russian education the concept of state education policy was put into practice, according to which the main purpose of high school was identified as training of qualified personnel for the state apparatus. Universities, along with the development of "pure science", concerned with popular education, prepared teaching staff, intellectual and national elite. As centers of school districts, universities promoted a network of high schools, colleges, high schools, schools; conducted teachers courses and congresses; formed scientific societies, bringing together a wide pedagogical public. In the early twentieth century revolutionary upheavals in Empire contributed to a certain democratization of higher education - representatives of disadvantaged social groups got more access to universities, the number of students in general had nearly doubled, there were higher education for women. In the early twentieth century pedagogy as a science was based on a broad anthropological basis, i.e. on the latest achievements of psychology and physiology. The process of building of the national high school was conducted by opening new schools. Brief history of higher education in Ukraine shows that the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries affected the active development and establishment of scientific and educational institutions at the tertiary level, which became a center of culture and science in various regions of the state, thus created a solid foundation for the new progress the field of education, science and culture.


Ключові слова

осередки української освіти, вища школа, гімназія, ліцей, університет, педагогічні курси, Ukrainian branches of education, high school, gymnasium, lyceum, university teaching courses

Бібліографічний опис

Савченко Н. С. Розвиток вищої освіти в україні у ХІХ–ХХ столітті / Наталія Сергіївна Савченко // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки / ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2017. – Вип. 150. – С. 28-32.



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