Pedagogical innovation of I. G. Tkachenko in Bogdanivska to school
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КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
У статті висвітлено новаторські погляди видатного педагога Кіровоградщини І. Г. Ткаченка. Доведено, що Богданівська школа, яку впродовж 35 років очолював І. Г. Ткаченко була центрами новаторської педагогічної думки, творчого пошуку та високоефективної організації навчально-виховного процесу.
The innovative looks of prominent teacher of Kirovograd I. G. Tkachenko’s are reflected in the article. It is well-proven that Bogdanivska school, which during 35 years was headed by I. G. Tkachenko's was the center of innovative pedagogical idea, creative search, high-efficiency organization of educational-educator process. A few decades school from Bogdanivka did not mount from the pages of the most popular by then editions. About school, her director was written by prominent scientists, known writers, journalists, statesmen. His activity was highly estimated by practices, light minds of ordinary teachers. Attracting force to ordinary rural school, which it was fated to become one of centers of pedagogical idea, by the center of accumulation, creation front-rank, new, effective, will go out never. An inheritance of Tkachenko I. G. is the inexhaustible source of innovation and methodical recommendations.
The innovative looks of prominent teacher of Kirovograd I. G. Tkachenko’s are reflected in the article. It is well-proven that Bogdanivska school, which during 35 years was headed by I. G. Tkachenko's was the center of innovative pedagogical idea, creative search, high-efficiency organization of educational-educator process. A few decades school from Bogdanivka did not mount from the pages of the most popular by then editions. About school, her director was written by prominent scientists, known writers, journalists, statesmen. His activity was highly estimated by practices, light minds of ordinary teachers. Attracting force to ordinary rural school, which it was fated to become one of centers of pedagogical idea, by the center of accumulation, creation front-rank, new, effective, will go out never. An inheritance of Tkachenko I. G. is the inexhaustible source of innovation and methodical recommendations.
Ключові слова
творча спадщина, педагогічні ідеї, новаторство, Tkachenko I. G., creative inheritance, pedagogical ideas, innovation, Bogdanivska high school
Бібліографічний опис
Filonenko О. Pedagogical innovation of I. G. Tkachenko in Bogdanivska to school / Oksana Filonenko // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки / ред. кол.: В. В. Радул [та ін.]. - Кіровоград : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2014. - Вип. 131. - С. 208-210.