Технологія освітнього маркетингу як напрям управлінської діяльності

dc.contributor.authorГалета, Ярослав Володимирович
dc.contributor.authorКозленко, Володимир Григорович
dc.contributor.authorHaleta, Yaroslav Volodymyrovich
dc.contributor.authorKozlenko, Volodymyr Grigorievich
dc.description.abstract(ua) У статті досліджено актуальні теоретичні та практичні питання маркетингу освітніх послуг та інноваційні підходи до просування освітніх послуг. Проаналізовано передовий досвід просування освітніх послуг в різних країнах. Особливу увагу приділено застосуванню інноваційних інструментів маркетингу на ринку освітніх послуг – цифрового маркетингу та маркетингу партнерських стосунків, а також інтернаціоналізації освіти. Розглянуто питання підвищення якості освітніх.uk_UA
dc.description.abstract(en) It is marked in the article, that development and efficiency of functioning of educational establishment at the market of educational services are impossible without marketing technologies that give an opportunity to forecast the dynamics of basic indexes of functioning of educational establishment depending on the economic state of affairs, the basic marketing instruments of management the competitiveness of закладуосвіти are analysed. In the conditions of high-competition marketing environment effective administrative decisions in relation to functioning of educational establishment can not be base on intuition or simple reasoning, that is why for successful realization of the marketing programs it is necessary to conduct marketing researches. Attention is accented on that market of educational services and labour-market, marketing dissociated from all complex, research will not provide educational establishment of competition status at the market, and such research is the first stage of increase of his competitiveness, as exactly due to researches basic instruments that can form the competitive edge of educational establishment are determined. Essence of positioning of educational services of educational establishment is certain as attractive presentation of educational establishment and him educational services, the aim of that is a conquest of leadership on a certain market of educational services segment, his stages (choice of target group of consumers, development of strategy of positioning, introduction of strategy of positioning in the marketing program) and strategies are described. Meaningfulness of such elements of marketing communications is found out, as: advertisement, public relations, exhibition activity, representative office of educational establishment in Internet. Attention is accented on the most popular element of marketing communications is a representative office of educational establishment in the Internet. Drawn conclusion that the increase of competitiveness of educational establishment is possible on condition of the use of all elements of marketing complex, and for this purpose it is necessary creation at educational establishment of separate subdivision or even setting of responsible persons, that would investigate the market of educational services and labourmarket and on the basis of analysis of research results offered a commodity, sale, price and communication politicians of educational establishment.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationГалета Я. В. Технологія освітнього маркетингу як напрям управлінської діяльності / Ярослав Володимирович Галета, Володимир Григорович Козленко // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія : Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series : Pedagogical Sciences : зб. наук. праць / МОН України, Кіровоград. держ. пед. ун-т ім. В. Винниченка. - Кропивницький, 2022. - Вип. 205. - С. 27-31.uk_UA
dc.publisherРВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченкаuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesПедагогічні науки;
dc.subjectосвітні технологіїuk_UA
dc.subjectосвітній закладuk_UA
dc.subjecteducational technologiesuk_UA
dc.subjecteducational establishmentuk_UA
dc.titleТехнологія освітнього маркетингу як напрям управлінської діяльностіuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeTechnology of educational marketing as direction of administrative activityuk_UA


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