Формування творчого конструювання дітей старшого дошкільного віку

dc.contributor.authorКотелянець, Юлія Сергіївна
dc.contributor.authorКотелянец, Юлия Сергеевна
dc.contributor.authorKotelianets, Yuliia Serhiivna
dc.description.abstract(uk) У статті розглянуто проблему формування творчого конструювання дітей старшого дошкільного віку, розкрито сутність та зміст понять «творчість», «конструювання», обґрунтовано особливості формування творчого конструювання дітей дошкільного віку.uk_UA
dc.description.abstract(ru) В статье рассмотрена проблема формирования творческого конструирования детей старшего дошкольного возраста, раскрыта сущность ы содержание понятий «творчество», «конструирование», обоснованы особенности формирования творческого конструирования детей дошкольного возраста.uk_UA
dc.description.abstract(en) The article deals with the problem of formation of creative design of older preschool children, reveals the essence and content of the concepts of «creativity», «design». Design activity is a kind of child activity, the result of which materializes in the form of a product and objectively reflects the dynamics of their creative development. Along with the manipulative activity of design, one of the first to develop at preschool age. The preschooler, who is the subject and the designer by nature, constructs everything from words to complex constructions, using both object and image materials as constructor details. In the process of design, as a form of searching and design activity, purposefully develops children’s constructive thinking, taste and interest in rationalization. Creative design tasks encourage children to use their knowledge and skills, to find new ways of activity, they are an effective means of developing the child's abilities. Children’s constructive thinking develops in the direction: from the materialization of an idea developed by others to the independent of the statement of the problem; from the situational application of certain means of design activity to the strategic organization of thinking; from subjective to objective novelty. The usage of creative tasks, problematic methods of skills formation is one of the main factors that helps to increase the efficiency of the learning process, encourages children to active, creative search for new ways of obtaining insufficient knowledge. Children’s creative tasks children develop ingenuity, ingenuity, observation, ability to plan their actions, find the most optimal solutions. And as a consequence – children’s development of design thinking of. Training in creative design is aimed at the formation, development of the creative process itself, the mechanism of creative activity, providing motivational, regulatory, dynamic and operational and technical sides. Therefore, in shaping the ability and desire of children to design, we have to take into account the specific age characteristics and stages of development of design creativity, using effective methods (information-receptive, reproductive, research, heuristic). Equally important is the consideration of psychological and pedagogical principles and approaches to the organization of creative design, children's creativity. This involves using the adults to stage-by-stage display of manufacturing products, explaining the sequence of their production, showing the methods of manufacturing, examination of the finished sample, questions to children to attract their experience, independent search for ways to design.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationКотелянець Ю. С. Формування творчого конструювання дітей старшого дошкільного віку / Юлія Сергіївна Котелянець // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка ; ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2020. – Вип. 185. – С. 112-117.uk_UA
dc.publisherРВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченкаuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesПедагогічні науки;
dc.subjectдіти дошкільного вікуuk_UA
dc.subjectдети дошкольного возрастаuk_UA
dc.subjectpreschool childrenuk_UA
dc.titleФормування творчого конструювання дітей старшого дошкільного вікуuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeФормирование творческого конструирования детей старшего дошкольного возрастаuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeFormation of preschool children’s creative designuk_UA


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