Дуальна система професійної освіти: за та проти
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РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(uk) У статті проведена порівняльна характеристика середніх професійно-технічних навчальних закладів України і коледжів Європи. У даній статті ми спробували показати їхню відмінність у структурі й методах підготовки фахівців у цих навчальних закладах. У роботі розглянута структура навчальних закладів такого типу, система підготовки учнів. Дослідження показали принципову відмінність, як навчальних закладів, так і методів підготовки в них. Практична значущість цієї роботи полягає в тому, що показана порівняльна характеристика навчальних закладів різних типів і відмінна риса практичної підготовки в них.
(en) In this article on an example of concrete professional educational institutions of Ukraine and college foreign countries we will try to show particularly: what industrial educational base exists today in professional institutions of Ukraine and in colleges of the USA, Canada and the Great Britain; as the vocational training system developed; what changes have taken place in its structure; as it has affected quality of preparation of pupils. Researches were spent in an educational complex of Kropivnitsky which has today the name «the Regional centre o vocational training by it. Island O.S. Yegorova» and the Higher pro essional school o №7 Kremenchug. Today the dual system of training practises a number of the countries, especially in Germany Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Switzerland, in Denmark, the Netherlands and France, last years in China and other countries of Asia. On «Internet» all sites are filled by laudatory responses about dual system of training. The same laudatory responses had been (in the early nineties of the XX-th century filled all sites by modular system of training. If to compare these two systems of training the modular system of training was 10 times better, than dual system of training. Answer these questions long pedagogical experiment can only. It is connected by that the second part of training (in modular system of training), namely, practical vocational training was carried out on the special developed modular elements and methodically competently executed on educational base of an educational institution. After students of college have fulfilled all practical skills and abilities on the basis of college and they have handed over offset went on practice on the enterprises. The dual system of training as we already marked, is broken into two big stages. The first grade level is theoretical, i.e. using new technologies, namely personal computers: get acquainted with the trade; start to study separate elements of a trade besides by means of the personal computer. As all process of training is calculated for 1 or 2 years in the first case theoretical process of training lasts half a year. And then at the enterprises they passed to practice under the guidance of the instructor. But we have many questions: 1) why at the instructor of 5 probationers?; 2) as the instructor will supervise process of performance of those or other operations at 5 probationers?; and at us it is a lot of such questions.
(en) In this article on an example of concrete professional educational institutions of Ukraine and college foreign countries we will try to show particularly: what industrial educational base exists today in professional institutions of Ukraine and in colleges of the USA, Canada and the Great Britain; as the vocational training system developed; what changes have taken place in its structure; as it has affected quality of preparation of pupils. Researches were spent in an educational complex of Kropivnitsky which has today the name «the Regional centre o vocational training by it. Island O.S. Yegorova» and the Higher pro essional school o №7 Kremenchug. Today the dual system of training practises a number of the countries, especially in Germany Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Switzerland, in Denmark, the Netherlands and France, last years in China and other countries of Asia. On «Internet» all sites are filled by laudatory responses about dual system of training. The same laudatory responses had been (in the early nineties of the XX-th century filled all sites by modular system of training. If to compare these two systems of training the modular system of training was 10 times better, than dual system of training. Answer these questions long pedagogical experiment can only. It is connected by that the second part of training (in modular system of training), namely, practical vocational training was carried out on the special developed modular elements and methodically competently executed on educational base of an educational institution. After students of college have fulfilled all practical skills and abilities on the basis of college and they have handed over offset went on practice on the enterprises. The dual system of training as we already marked, is broken into two big stages. The first grade level is theoretical, i.e. using new technologies, namely personal computers: get acquainted with the trade; start to study separate elements of a trade besides by means of the personal computer. As all process of training is calculated for 1 or 2 years in the first case theoretical process of training lasts half a year. And then at the enterprises they passed to practice under the guidance of the instructor. But we have many questions: 1) why at the instructor of 5 probationers?; 2) as the instructor will supervise process of performance of those or other operations at 5 probationers?; and at us it is a lot of such questions.
Ключові слова
навчальний процес, спеціальність, середні професійно-технічні навчальні заклади, коледж, учебный процесс, специальность, средние профессионально-технические учебные заведения, коледж, еducational process, speciality, average professional educational institutions, college
Бібліографічний опис
Анісімов М. В. Дуальна система професійної освіти: за та проти / Микола Вікторович Анісімов // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка ; ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2020. – Вип. 188. – С. 12-15.