The crux of the matter (mechanisms of the subtext creation and the art of its interpretation)


(uk) Стаття висвітлює питання інтерпретації та перекладу художніх тестів зі свідомо твореним підтекстом на матеріалі творів Д.Дж.Селінджера. Ідентифікуються низки асоціативних сіток, спрямованих на створення прихованого смислу, та аналізуються види підтексту, що генеруються за допомогою цих одновекторних художніх засобів. Окреслено проблеми, пов’язані з адекватністю передачі свідомо твореного підтексту під час перекладу, та можливі шляхи їх вирішення.
(en) The paper deals with the problem of literary text interpretation and translation in terms of subtext generation, functioning and rendering. The peculiarities of literary works with consciously created hidden meanings, the mechanisms and techniques of subtext generation, the methodology of their identification and interpretation have been described. A literarytext is an integral and systemic essence with all its components being interdependent. Therefore, consciously generated subtext is created by means of a set of interrelated stylistic devices, which function together in the same direction, building up an associative network capable of inspiring the reader with a desired or planned emotion or message. There are typical stylistic means, frequently minute and seemingly unimportant details, which become a powerful tool of subtext generation due to their intercorrelation and inner semantic depth. These are mostly artistic particularities, polysemantic lexemes with developed connotation, various types of repetitions and even phonetic means, like alliteration. It is not uncommon that an artistic detail acquires symbolic meaning by virtue of systemic single-vector functioning of the associative networks. Several types of hidden meanings can be found in one and the same literary text, thus, psychological, emotional and other subtexts are capable of creating the hidden plane of a literary text. On the assumption of the subtext generation and functioning complexity, the problem of its adequate translation comes to the fore. Without correct and thorough subtext means identification and interpretation it is impossible to gain ultimate adequacy of a literary text. The degree of literary text translation quality for works with consciously created subtext directly depends on the ability of a translator to find the associative networks and render them in the target text by means of various transformations. However, it is not infrequent that finding equivalent is impossible, which inevitably results in the partial or complete loss of subtext meaning. In this case, the background knowledge of a recipient can compensate for this loss and approximate the adequacy of perception. In general, studies into conscious subtext generation and interpreting might contribute a lot into the theory of literature studies and enhance the quality of literary texts reception as well as translation.


Ключові слова

системність художнього тексту, свідомо творений підтекст, прихований зміст, художня деталь, повтор, асоціативна сітка, рецепція, адекватність, якість перекладу, literary text systematicity, conscious subtext, hidden meaning, artistic peculiarity, repetition, associative network, perception, adequacy, translation quality

Бібліографічний опис

Tarnavska M. The crux of the matter (mechanisms of the subtext creation and the art of its interpretation) / Maryna Tarnavska // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки = Research Bulletin. Series: Philological Sciences / ред. кол.: О. А. Семенюк [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КОД, 2019. – Вип. 175. – С. 727-732.