Східне й західне трактування символічного плану повісті Г. Гессе «Сіддгартга»
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(uk) У статті досліджується символічний план повісті Г. Гессе «Сіддгартга» крізь призму східних і західних учень. Автор доводить, що самопізнання головного героя можна інтерпретувати психоаналітичним методом, де відокремлюються етапи відмови від Персони, дистанціювання та інтеграція Тіні й Аніми, досягнення Самості. Східні духовні традиції дозволяють тлумачити долю Сіддгартги як шлях до злиття з Дао. Об’єднуючим мотивом двох протилежних світоглядних систем стає поняття Любові.
(en) The paper deals with the symbolic plan of the novel “Siddhartha” by H. Hesse. The author analyses Siddhartha’s relationship with Govinda, Gautama, Kamala, Kamaswami, and Vasudeva, revealing in detail the image of the protagonist, mainly his way to the self-discovery. They are his alter-ego, the implementation of his unconscious. Under their influence Siddhartha searches his identity, each of them gives him opportunity to form an integral personality. According to C. Jung’s concept, the way to identity can be divided into some stages: the rejection of Persona, which is the social role of the individual (the rejection of Brahmanism), the distancing and integration of Shadow/Shadows (Govinda, Gautama, Kamala, Kamaswami, and Vasudeva) and Anima (Kamala), and pursuit of self-realization. This psychoanalytic theory can supplement significantly the eastern concepts, which are united with the idea of connection with Spirit (superior spiritual substance, Brahman, Dao) through the self-knowledge and overcoming of the illusive attachment to the empirical existence. H. Hesse associates the way of self-knowledge with Siddhartha’s life. The pursuit of his identity, particularly in accordance with the western doctrine about self-realization and in consonance with the eastern understanding about the unity between Brahman and Atman, can realize with Lovefor the world and himself. Love is the most fundamental truth that combines the opposing eastern and western worldviews. Important keys to the decoding the implicit meanings are dreams, and their interpretations lead to the comprehension of the unconscious and true. The significant images are the image of the river, that is the condensed essence of truth and absolute, and the word «Om», that symbolizes the approaching of the soul to the higher spheres.
(en) The paper deals with the symbolic plan of the novel “Siddhartha” by H. Hesse. The author analyses Siddhartha’s relationship with Govinda, Gautama, Kamala, Kamaswami, and Vasudeva, revealing in detail the image of the protagonist, mainly his way to the self-discovery. They are his alter-ego, the implementation of his unconscious. Under their influence Siddhartha searches his identity, each of them gives him opportunity to form an integral personality. According to C. Jung’s concept, the way to identity can be divided into some stages: the rejection of Persona, which is the social role of the individual (the rejection of Brahmanism), the distancing and integration of Shadow/Shadows (Govinda, Gautama, Kamala, Kamaswami, and Vasudeva) and Anima (Kamala), and pursuit of self-realization. This psychoanalytic theory can supplement significantly the eastern concepts, which are united with the idea of connection with Spirit (superior spiritual substance, Brahman, Dao) through the self-knowledge and overcoming of the illusive attachment to the empirical existence. H. Hesse associates the way of self-knowledge with Siddhartha’s life. The pursuit of his identity, particularly in accordance with the western doctrine about self-realization and in consonance with the eastern understanding about the unity between Brahman and Atman, can realize with Lovefor the world and himself. Love is the most fundamental truth that combines the opposing eastern and western worldviews. Important keys to the decoding the implicit meanings are dreams, and their interpretations lead to the comprehension of the unconscious and true. The significant images are the image of the river, that is the condensed essence of truth and absolute, and the word «Om», that symbolizes the approaching of the soul to the higher spheres.
Ключові слова
Г. Гессе, символ, психоаналіз, К. Юнг, архетип, індуїзм, буддизм, даосизм, H. Hesse, symbol, psychoanalysis, C. Jung, archetype, Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism
Бібліографічний опис
Фока М. В. Східне й західне трактування символічного плану повісті Г. Гессе «Сіддгартга» / Марія Володимирівна Фока // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки = Research Bulletin. Series: Philological Sciences / ред. кол.: О. А. Семенюк [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КОД, 2019. – Вип. 175. – С. 486-491.