До питання про частини мови та принципи їх класифікації в сучасному мовознавстві


(uk) У статті узагальнено різноманітні підходи до класифікація лексико-граматичних класів слів в українській мові. Розглянуто й проаналізовано традиційні та сучасні класифікації частин мови. Визначено проблеми, які протягом тривалого часу заважають представникам різних лінгвістичних шкіл дійти згоди щодо одного з найбільш актуальних питань граматики.
(en) The article deals with one of the most topical issues of modern linguistics, which is the part of speech classification. Traditional classification is analyzed, according to which there are 10 parts of speech differentiated in Ukrainian language. Its flaws and the attempts to overcome them are showcased. It is emphasized that the result of classification depends on the criteria or the complex of criteria that the division will be based on. A possibility of creation of an objective homogeneous theory of the parts of speech is discarded. A number of heterogeneous classifications are critically analyzed, which were developed by Ukrainian linguists in different points in time, choosing a morphological, lexical or syntactic principle as base. A special position is taken by the part of speech classification of the Russian linguist V. V. Vinogradov, which played a major role in the Slavisticstheory of the parts of speech in the 20 th century and found its followers among the representatives of Ukrainian grammar school. A list of debatable problems of the modern part of speech theory is determined, among which is the issue of the number of parts of speech, part of speech differentiation unit, the “part of speech” term definition, hierarchy in the system of parts of speech, separate unit attribution to one or the other word class, status of the numeral, pronoun and service units: preposition, conjunctive, particle. The modern functionally-categorical grammar of Ukrainian language has a prospect to resolve the issues of the part of speech classification. Its representatives distinctly outline the part of speech differentiation criteria, follow them consistently and objectively determine the relation between classification units. The author reaches a conclusion that the modern classification of the parts of speech is a consequence of a compromise between syntactic, semantic and morphological principles. This compromise is a subjective reason of the discordances that exist in the parts of speech classification. The objective reason is the fact that the lexical content in regards to the parts of speech is constantly changing and developing. The search for new directions in the part of speech research continues in Ukrainian grammar. Meanwhile the rift between the scientific theory and school practice keeps growing, which requires the best achievements of functional grammar to be introduced into the plane of school education as soon as possible.


Ключові слова

граматика, функційна граматика, морфологія, частини мови, клас службових слів, grammar, functional grammar, morphology, parts of speech, service word class

Бібліографічний опис

Нестеренко Т. А. До питання про частини мови та принципи їх класифікації в сучасному мовознавстві / Тетяна Анатоліївна Нестеренко // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки = Research Bulletin. Series: Philological Sciences / ред. кол.: О. А. Семенюк [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КОД, 2019. – Вип. 175. – С. 205-210.



