Означення як другорядний поширювач у творі григора тютюнника «Три зозулі з поклоном».


(uk) У статті вивчено функції атрибутивних поширювачів у творі Григора Тютюнника «Три зозулі з поклоном». Простежено розвиток поглядів на систему членів речення, зокрема на поділ другорядних компонентів. Визначено типи означень та морфологічні способи їх вираження. Проаналізовано структурні, семантичні, функціональні особливості атрибутивних поширювачів у визначеній новелі Григора Тютюнника.
(en) The article explores the functions of attributive extensions in the work of Grigor Tyutyunnik "Try zozuli z poklonom". It is recognized that the writer is a master of artistic, in particular verbal detail, his works are characterized by a wealth of vocabulary (synonyms, phraseologisms, apt and witty expressions). The syntactic level of the works of Grigor Tyutyunnyk has not been the subject of detailed consideration, so the study of individual structural and semantic features of his texts, namely the role of minor extensions of definitions in the novel " Try zozuli z poklonom ", is actual. With the development of a syntactic approach to the analysis of linguistic phenomena, the problem ofdetermining the members of a sentence arises. The components of a sentence are distinguished from it as building components characterized by a certain semantics. The evolution of views on the system of members of the sentence, in particular on the separation of minor components, has been studied. It is noted that both structural and semantic indicators are important for the qualification of the sentence members, in particular minor ones. It was emphasized that the most complete classification of the sentence members was developed by M. Grech. It has been found that formal principles, namely the type of communication, are crucial for the analysis of minor clauses. In this regard, the issue of minor terms is directly related to the phrase. Secondary terms such as attributes, cases, objects are defined. Types of attributes and morphological ways of their expression are described. In terms of expression, attributes are divided into agreed and disagreed. Agreed are attributes the that are expressed in words that can agree in the case, gender and number. Disagreed attributes do not relate to the matching word. The semantic and functional features of the novel's attributes are analyzed. It is proved that Grigor Tyutyunnik productively uses the agreed attributes expressed by adjectives. It has been proved that attributes as minor extensions perform not only informative, but also emotionally-evaluative, aesthetic, so no artistic text can do without such syntactic components. The use of attributes helps the author to create the necessary emotional mood,convey feelings, express the linguistic aesthetics of the work.


Ключові слова

синтаксис, члени речення, другорядні поширювачі, атрибутивна характеристика означення, syntax, members of the sentence, minor extensions, attribute characteristic, attribute

Бібліографічний опис

Огарєнко Т. Означення як другорядний поширювач у творі григора тютюнника «Три зозулі з поклоном» / Тетяна Огарєнко // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки = Research Bulletin. Series: Philological Sciences / ред. кол.: О. А. Семенюк [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КОД, 2020. – Вип. 187. – С. 385-389.



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