Мовленнєвий імідж тренера
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РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(ua) У статті висвітлено сутність іміджу з позицій лінгвістики на основі аналітичного огляду релевантних за тематикою наукових праць. Зауважено, що мовні ресурси відіграють важливу роль у процесі формування іміджу. Наголошено, що імідж тренера багато в чому залежить від його вкладу в підготовку видатних спортсменів, команд, розвиток теорії і методики спорту, його кваліфікації та авторитету. Зазначено, що важливою особливістю іміджу в спорті є вербалізація, яка виявляється через спортивний сленг у різноманітних формах. Доведено, що масштаби вербалізації при формуванні іміджу спортсмена залежать від рівня агресивності виду спорту. Окреслено, що тренерська діяльність – це процес безперервної взаємодії тренера та спортсмена. Вони разом працюють для досягнення поставленого результату. Важливим чинником їхньої ефективної взаємодії є комунікативна майстерність тренера.
(en) The article highlights the essence of the image from the standpoint of linguistics based on an analytical review of relevant scientific works. It is noted that the image as an object of linguistic research attracts more and more attention of scientists who consider its various aspects. Image analysis cannot be thorough without the use of linguistic research methods, since the verbal component is represented in all types of image communication. Linguistic resources play an important role in the process of image formation. It was found that the image is a mental formation with a certain emotional coloring, which is formed with the help of purposeful communicative influence in order to establish in the mind of the addressee a complete system of ideas and evaluations related to the object, in order to achieve certain goals. It is proven that the main functions of the image are communicative, nominative, aesthetic and address. It is emphasized that the relevance of considering the image problem in sports today is determined by a number of factors. The image of a coach largely depends on his contribution to the training of outstanding athletes, teams, the development of the theory and methodology of sports, his qualifications and authority. It is noted that an important feature of the image in sports is verbalization, which is manifested through sports slang in various forms. Among modern sociolects, sports jargon is one of the most common, which can be explained by the mass and prevalence of various types of sports and sports activities among the population. It has been proven that the scale of verbalization in the formation of an athlete's image depends on the level of aggressiveness of a sport, which in turn significantly shapes the level of attractiveness of a particular sport in society. It is outlined that coaching activity is a process of continuous interaction between the coach and the athlete. They work together to achieve the set result. An important factor in their effective interaction is the coach's communication skills. Knowledge and ability to solve conflict situations that arise not only in the educational and training process, but also in other areas of the coach's activity are an actual problem today in the coach's professional activity.
(en) The article highlights the essence of the image from the standpoint of linguistics based on an analytical review of relevant scientific works. It is noted that the image as an object of linguistic research attracts more and more attention of scientists who consider its various aspects. Image analysis cannot be thorough without the use of linguistic research methods, since the verbal component is represented in all types of image communication. Linguistic resources play an important role in the process of image formation. It was found that the image is a mental formation with a certain emotional coloring, which is formed with the help of purposeful communicative influence in order to establish in the mind of the addressee a complete system of ideas and evaluations related to the object, in order to achieve certain goals. It is proven that the main functions of the image are communicative, nominative, aesthetic and address. It is emphasized that the relevance of considering the image problem in sports today is determined by a number of factors. The image of a coach largely depends on his contribution to the training of outstanding athletes, teams, the development of the theory and methodology of sports, his qualifications and authority. It is noted that an important feature of the image in sports is verbalization, which is manifested through sports slang in various forms. Among modern sociolects, sports jargon is one of the most common, which can be explained by the mass and prevalence of various types of sports and sports activities among the population. It has been proven that the scale of verbalization in the formation of an athlete's image depends on the level of aggressiveness of a sport, which in turn significantly shapes the level of attractiveness of a particular sport in society. It is outlined that coaching activity is a process of continuous interaction between the coach and the athlete. They work together to achieve the set result. An important factor in their effective interaction is the coach's communication skills. Knowledge and ability to solve conflict situations that arise not only in the educational and training process, but also in other areas of the coach's activity are an actual problem today in the coach's professional activity.
Ключові слова
імідж, властивості іміджу, структура іміджу, вербальні засоби, лінгвістика, image, image properties, image structure, verbal means, linguistics
Бібліографічний опис
Ліштаба Т. В. Мовленнєвий імідж тренера / Тетяна Василівна Ліштаба // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія : Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series : Pedagogical Sciences : зб. наук. праць / МОН України, Кіровоград. держ. пед. ун-т ім. В. Винниченка. - Кропивницький, 2022. - Вип. 205. - С. 119-124.