Застосування інноваційної методики в курсі «Теоретична граматика української мови»
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Центр оперативної поліграфії «Авангард»
(ua) У статті висвітлено проблеми науково-методичного забезпечення інноваційних процесів у викладанні курсу «Теоретична граматика української мови», розглянуто можливості й перспективи використання проблемно-пошукового, дослідницького, проектного методів при вивченні теоретичного курсу для магістрів. Установлено особливості використання інноваційних процесів і технологій у викладанні курсу «Теоретична граматика української мови» для магістрів філологічних факультетів ВНЗ. Визначено методи, прийоми й засоби активізації навчально-пізнавальної діяльності магістрів, що створюють сприятливі умови для розвитку навчально-пізнавального інтересу, формування мотивів і мотивації навчання.
(en) The article illustrates the problems of scientific and methodical support of innovative processes in teaching the course «Theoretical Grammar of the Ukrainian Language», it also investigates the possibilities and prospects of the project method in interaction with problem searching and research methods while teaching theoretical course for holders of master’s degree. The article also establishes the peculiarities of using the innovative processes and technologies in teaching the course «Theoretical Grammar of the Ukrainian Language» for holders of master’s degree at philological faculties of higher educational establishments, it admits that at this stage it is advisable to take into account the criteria and the possibilities of audiences due to which certain technologies can be regarded as new and informative: preliminary design, reflection, appropriateness and integrity; using multimedia support. It defines methods, techniques and tools for activating learning activity of holders of master’s degree, for creating favorable conditions for the development of educational and cognitive interest, for forming motives and motivation of learning. The article studies the possibilities and prospects of problem-searching, research, project and case methods in the process of studying theoretical grammar of the Ukrainian language for holders of master’s degree. It has been indicated that active teaching methods on the assumption of their creative application transform the educational process into the creative-searching activity, encourage the search of various leaning means and innovative teaching technologies in the course of training future professionals, improve the process of learning new material, save the time necessary to solve standard tasks, stimulate creativity, cause positive attitude towards training courses, increase the level of informative culture, create conditions for developing individuals.
(en) The article illustrates the problems of scientific and methodical support of innovative processes in teaching the course «Theoretical Grammar of the Ukrainian Language», it also investigates the possibilities and prospects of the project method in interaction with problem searching and research methods while teaching theoretical course for holders of master’s degree. The article also establishes the peculiarities of using the innovative processes and technologies in teaching the course «Theoretical Grammar of the Ukrainian Language» for holders of master’s degree at philological faculties of higher educational establishments, it admits that at this stage it is advisable to take into account the criteria and the possibilities of audiences due to which certain technologies can be regarded as new and informative: preliminary design, reflection, appropriateness and integrity; using multimedia support. It defines methods, techniques and tools for activating learning activity of holders of master’s degree, for creating favorable conditions for the development of educational and cognitive interest, for forming motives and motivation of learning. The article studies the possibilities and prospects of problem-searching, research, project and case methods in the process of studying theoretical grammar of the Ukrainian language for holders of master’s degree. It has been indicated that active teaching methods on the assumption of their creative application transform the educational process into the creative-searching activity, encourage the search of various leaning means and innovative teaching technologies in the course of training future professionals, improve the process of learning new material, save the time necessary to solve standard tasks, stimulate creativity, cause positive attitude towards training courses, increase the level of informative culture, create conditions for developing individuals.
Ключові слова
інноваційний процес, інформаційні технології, інноваційні методи навчання, проблемно-пошуковий метод, дослідницький метод, кейс-метод, проект, проектний метод, innovative process, information technologies, innovative teaching methods, problem-searching and research methods, case-method, a project, project method
Бібліографічний опис
Демешко І. М. Застосування інноваційної методики в курсі «Теоретична граматика української мови» / Інна Миколаївна Демешко // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки / ред. кол.: О. А. Семенюк [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : Авангард, 2017. – Вип. 151. – С. 182-193.