Колокаційні засоби вербалізації лінгвокультурного типажу “Американський юрист”
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(uk) У статті описано колокаційні засоби вербалізації лінгвокультурного типажу “американський юрист”, які структуровано на шість тематичних груп. Установлено, що найбільш рекурентними в текстах корпусу COCA є колокації, які вербалізують спеціалізацію американського юриста та його позитивні й негативні якості. Множинність колокацій свідчить про важливість дослідженого ментального утворення для носіїв американської лінгвокультури.
(en) The study presents the description of collocational means of verbalization of the linguacultural character type “American lawyer” that is interpreted as a kind of culture-specific concept of a typified image of an American lawyer as a member of a professional group. LCT as a concept consists of notional, perceptual-image, and value components (aspects). Collocations of the syntactic pattern Adjective/Noun/Adjective+Noun complex” in the attributive position to the lexeme “lawyer” were selected from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) with the help of collocation-via concordance technique. Using componential and contextual kinds of analysis, the listed inventory of collocations was structured into six thematic groups according to the following cognitive features: 1) lawyers defined by a branch of law or legal issuesthey specialize in; 2) lawyers’ positive, negative or ambivalent features; 3) lawyers defined by names of people/legal bodies/ organizations hiring them; 4) lawyers’ residence, nationality /ethnicity; 5) lawyers specified by temporal and locational characteristics of their professional position; 6) lawyers defined by their anthropological characteristics, appearance and also clothes. The most recurrent collocations verbalize information about the legal issues lawyers deal with and also about their personal characteristics. Collocations featuring lawyers’ positive qualities outnumber the negative qualities. Collocational means of verbalization of the LCT “American lawyer’ give evidence for the conclusion that American linguaculture attaches a great importance to the legal profession.
(en) The study presents the description of collocational means of verbalization of the linguacultural character type “American lawyer” that is interpreted as a kind of culture-specific concept of a typified image of an American lawyer as a member of a professional group. LCT as a concept consists of notional, perceptual-image, and value components (aspects). Collocations of the syntactic pattern Adjective/Noun/Adjective+Noun complex” in the attributive position to the lexeme “lawyer” were selected from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) with the help of collocation-via concordance technique. Using componential and contextual kinds of analysis, the listed inventory of collocations was structured into six thematic groups according to the following cognitive features: 1) lawyers defined by a branch of law or legal issuesthey specialize in; 2) lawyers’ positive, negative or ambivalent features; 3) lawyers defined by names of people/legal bodies/ organizations hiring them; 4) lawyers’ residence, nationality /ethnicity; 5) lawyers specified by temporal and locational characteristics of their professional position; 6) lawyers defined by their anthropological characteristics, appearance and also clothes. The most recurrent collocations verbalize information about the legal issues lawyers deal with and also about their personal characteristics. Collocations featuring lawyers’ positive qualities outnumber the negative qualities. Collocational means of verbalization of the LCT “American lawyer’ give evidence for the conclusion that American linguaculture attaches a great importance to the legal profession.
Ключові слова
вербалізація лінгвокультурного типажу, американський юрист, американська лінгвокультура, American lawyer
Бібліографічний опис
Олійник О. Колокаційні засоби вербалізації лінгвокультурного типажу “Американський юрист” / Оксана Олійник, Лариса Ярова // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки = Research Bulletin. Series: Philological Sciences / ред. кол.: О. А. Семенюк [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КОД, 2020. – Вип. 187. – С. 508-515.