Аналітичний підхід до формування нормативної бази освітньої підготовки студентів
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РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В.Винниченка
(ua) Ефективність управління освітнім процесом у значній мірі залежить від структурно-логічної взаємодії змісту та структури навчальних дисциплін. Тож виникає потреба науково обґрунтованого підходу до організації освітнього процесу. У статті на основі узагальненого графового зображення процесу управління освітнього процесу засоба ми стандарту спеціальності Професійна освіта (Цифрові технології), освітньо -професійної програми, навчального плану побудовані моделі формалізованого підходу до аналізу інтегральної, загальних і фахових компетентностей, навчальних досягнень спеціальності, що дозволяє структурувати нормативні документи у вигляді трикомпонентної структури: вхідний вплив; вихідний вплив; об’єкт. Розглянуто методику дворівневої кількісної та якісної оцінки взаємозв’язків у окресленій структурі. Приведена контент-аналітична методика оцінки термінологічної оцінки взаємозв’язків у змісті нормативних документів, зроблено певний акцент на методику оцінки смислового взаємозв’язку на основі теоретичних основ теорії графів.
(en) The effectiveness of managing the educational process largely depends on the structural and logical interaction of the content and structure of educational disciplines. Therefore, there is a need for a scientifically based approach to the organ ization of the educational process. The outlined problem also becomes relevant in connection with the introduction of industry and professional standards, where the relationships are poorly defined, especially when the profiles of bachelors' training are introduced, the methodology for quantitative assessment of the relationships between the disciplines of the curriculum of specialties has not been developed. The purpose of the article is to solve an important task of managing the educational proc ess -modeling the educational process in the curriculum of the Vocational Education (Digital Technologies) specialty. At the same time, the effectiveness of not only the management of the educational process, but also its quality should be ensured. Highli ghting the principle of modular construction of educational subjects, it is expedient to form a graph-tree of the goals of training a specialist, to determine the rules for assessing the relationships between educational disciplines. In the article, models of a formalized approach to the analysis of integral, general a nd professional competencies, educational achievements of the specialty are built on the basis of a generalized graphical representation of the process of managing the educational process by means of the Professional Education (Digital Technologies) specialty standard, educational and professional program, curriculum. The outlined approach makes it possible to structure regulatory documents in the form of a three -component structure: input impact; initial impact; object. In the study, we considered the methodology of two-level quantitative and qualitative assessment of relationships in the outlined structure. The content-analytic method of evaluating the terminological evaluation of relationships in the content of regulatory documents is presented, a certain emphasis is placed on the method of evaluating the semantic relationship based on the theoretical foundations of graph theory. Research should be continued in the direction of practical use of findings for graph analysis of general and special (professional) competencies and learning outcomes, which will make it possible to avoid a subjective approach to the formation of educational and professional programs and curricula of specialtie s.
(en) The effectiveness of managing the educational process largely depends on the structural and logical interaction of the content and structure of educational disciplines. Therefore, there is a need for a scientifically based approach to the organ ization of the educational process. The outlined problem also becomes relevant in connection with the introduction of industry and professional standards, where the relationships are poorly defined, especially when the profiles of bachelors' training are introduced, the methodology for quantitative assessment of the relationships between the disciplines of the curriculum of specialties has not been developed. The purpose of the article is to solve an important task of managing the educational proc ess -modeling the educational process in the curriculum of the Vocational Education (Digital Technologies) specialty. At the same time, the effectiveness of not only the management of the educational process, but also its quality should be ensured. Highli ghting the principle of modular construction of educational subjects, it is expedient to form a graph-tree of the goals of training a specialist, to determine the rules for assessing the relationships between educational disciplines. In the article, models of a formalized approach to the analysis of integral, general a nd professional competencies, educational achievements of the specialty are built on the basis of a generalized graphical representation of the process of managing the educational process by means of the Professional Education (Digital Technologies) specialty standard, educational and professional program, curriculum. The outlined approach makes it possible to structure regulatory documents in the form of a three -component structure: input impact; initial impact; object. In the study, we considered the methodology of two-level quantitative and qualitative assessment of relationships in the outlined structure. The content-analytic method of evaluating the terminological evaluation of relationships in the content of regulatory documents is presented, a certain emphasis is placed on the method of evaluating the semantic relationship based on the theoretical foundations of graph theory. Research should be continued in the direction of practical use of findings for graph analysis of general and special (professional) competencies and learning outcomes, which will make it possible to avoid a subjective approach to the formation of educational and professional programs and curricula of specialtie s.
Ключові слова
освітній процес, нормативні документи, структурно-логічний аналіз, аналітичний підхід, якість освіти, educational process, regulatory documents, structural and logical analysis, analytical approach, quality of education
Бібліографічний опис
Садовий М. І. Аналітичний підхід до формування нормативної бази освітньої підготовки студентів / Микола Ілліч Садовий, Олена Михайлівна Трифонова // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки : зб. наук. праць / МОН України, Кіровоград. держ. пед. ун-т ім. В. Винниченка. - Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2023. - Вип. 208. – С. 56-63.