Психологічний супровід розвитку та корекції впевненості в собі у майбутніх соціальних робітників


(ru) В статье осуществлен теоретический анализ проблемы уверенности в себе в юношеском возрасте, освещены условия ее формирования, проанализированы особенности психологического сопровождения развития и коррекции уверенности в себе.
(en) Аrticle examines the psychological characteristics of self-confidence isolated and described its species. Presented by scientific and theoretical approaches to the study of species confidence. Author determined types of selfconfidence, self-confident, cognitive, motivational, emotional, demonstrative, cognitive-motivational, cognitiveemotional, cognitive-behavioral, motivational and emotional, motivational and behavioral, emotional, behavioral, intuitive, unwarranted, emotionally unstable, hidden, uncertain. The characteristic peculiarities of their manifestation in adolescence. Experimentally determined distribution of those features of adolescence by type of confidence. The specificity of cognitive, emotional - assessment, motivational- purposeful, behavioral components of self-confidence in young adulthood. The main tasks of the program of psychological support are related to the structure of self-confidence (motivational-target, cognitive, emotional evaluation and behavioral component). In implementing the program, the peculiarities of the development of structural components of confidence in early and late adolescence, identified at the stage of the study, were taken into account. In particular, the low level of development of the cognitive component in senior pupils and the lack of development of the emotional and appraisal component of self-confidence among students, which, above all, is expressed in unmotivated anxiety. The system of measures of psychological support for the development and self-confidence correction designed to ensure a targeted impact on the harmonization of the development of self-confidence through the awareness, analysis and evaluation of young men and girls of their own confidence, as well as the acquisition of new ways of behavior. Thus, a specially organized system of educational measures, psychocorrectional classes and counseling help the subject to realize himself, the level of his own confidence and the real means of its development and correction.


Ключові слова

уверенность в себе, психологическое сопровождение развития и коррекции уверенности в себе, тренинг уверенности в себе, self-confidence, psychological support of development and correction of self-confidence, selfconfidence training

Бібліографічний опис

Мельничук С. К. Психологічний супровід розвитку та корекції впевненості в собі у майбутніх соціальних робітників / Сергій Костянтинович Мельничук // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка ; ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2019. – Вип. 178. – С. 133-138.



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