Практика монографічного портретування Є. Маланюка: парадигма
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РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(ua) У статті розглянуто базові принципи літературознавчої практики Є. Маланюка, які простежуються у його монографічних літературних портретах письменників. З’ясовано, що в прицілі авторської уваги був стиль митця. Він став індикатором ментальності і внутрішньої культури письменника. Зміни, які відбувалися зі стилем, мали глибинні витоки. Щоб з’ясувати їх характер і причини, Є. Маланюк звертався до життєпису митця. У праці доведено, що біографічний метод був допоміжним методом, котрий допомагав літературознавцеві зрозуміти витоки зрушень у письменницькій манері. У цьому контексті розглянуто концептуальні складові літературознавчого підходу Є. Маланюка – конфлікт «митець і доба», трагічність, літературний і життєвий чин.
(ru) В статье рассмотрены базовые принципы литературоведческой практики Е. Маланюка, которые прослеживаются в его монографических литературных портретах писателей. Установлено, что в прицеле авторского внимания был стиль художника. Исследователь и эссеист определил его как индикатор ментальности и внутренней культуры писателя. Изменения, которые происходили со стилем, имели глубокие корни. Чтобы выяснить их характер и причины, Е. Маланюк обращался к биографии художника. В работе доказано, что биографический метод был вспомогательным методом, который помогал литературоведу понять истоки сдвигов в писательской манере. В этом контексте рассмотрены концептуальные составляющие литературоведческого подхода Е. Маланюка – конфликт «художник и эпоха», трагичность, литературный и жизненный чин.
(en) Despite the considerable achievement of such scientists, as Yu. Lavrinenko, L. Kutsenko, L. Omelchuk, O. Bahana, P. Ivanyshyn, B. Synevych, H. Klochek, V. Krasnoshchok, O. Slonovska the problem of the study of literary methodology of Ye. Malaniuk remains relevant. In particular the theme of technology for studying the literary practice of Ye. Malaniuk, methodology and methods of investigation the figures of writers, thinking of Ye. Malaniuk as a theorist of literature and a researcher of poetics are of current of concern. In literary criticism an idea of national-centric of literary practice of Ye. Malaniuk has been established (P. Ivanyshyn, H. Klochek), from which the writer determined an artistic value and perfection of artistic works. The reasonable idea of the national going swims out near the study of artistic figures. However the question of specific methodological system of practice of Ye. Malaniuk is exposed. Therefore in the paper factors and conceptions of Ye. Malaniuk, used for creation of monographic literary portraits of artists, are considered. The conceptual centre of his theory was a concept of style. E. Malaniuk is interpreted the concept «style» widely: it is not only the special artistic position, manner or «voice of writer», but it displays deeper mental features of his nature, character. The research of writer’s style connects with the problem of biography. The essayist searches the sources of stylistic markers of artists in their biographies: origin and culture of a family, belonging to the certain state and certain ethnic group and others. A biographic method helps Ye. Malaniuk to understand and explain the sources of stylistic constituents of work by P. Tychyna, M. Rilskyi, Lesia Ukrainka and I. Franko, T. Shevchenko, and M. Gogol. The second factor influenced on stylish changes in the work of writers is their conflict with the epoch. It was associated with an unrealized character or the choice of creative personality. A conflict crystallized the certain constituents of the artistic thinking of writers, stimulated his evolution or vice versa resulted in degradation or slump to the subzero (comical, parody) forms of comprehension of reality. The third constituent of a study of literature conception of Ye. Malaniuk is an idea of tragic as heroic and literary rank. An indicator of spiritual increase of artist for Ye. Malaniuk is a tragedy of his attitude that will be realized in the heroic fervor of works. Ye. Malaniuk had the clear methodological system of research of work of artists, the core of that folded the analytical estimation of aesthetic costs of artistic style of a writer, supported and increase a biographic method. This synthesis allowed to realize the phenomenological going near the study of spiritual essence «national» – to criterion maturity cultures that presented it.
(ru) В статье рассмотрены базовые принципы литературоведческой практики Е. Маланюка, которые прослеживаются в его монографических литературных портретах писателей. Установлено, что в прицеле авторского внимания был стиль художника. Исследователь и эссеист определил его как индикатор ментальности и внутренней культуры писателя. Изменения, которые происходили со стилем, имели глубокие корни. Чтобы выяснить их характер и причины, Е. Маланюк обращался к биографии художника. В работе доказано, что биографический метод был вспомогательным методом, который помогал литературоведу понять истоки сдвигов в писательской манере. В этом контексте рассмотрены концептуальные составляющие литературоведческого подхода Е. Маланюка – конфликт «художник и эпоха», трагичность, литературный и жизненный чин.
(en) Despite the considerable achievement of such scientists, as Yu. Lavrinenko, L. Kutsenko, L. Omelchuk, O. Bahana, P. Ivanyshyn, B. Synevych, H. Klochek, V. Krasnoshchok, O. Slonovska the problem of the study of literary methodology of Ye. Malaniuk remains relevant. In particular the theme of technology for studying the literary practice of Ye. Malaniuk, methodology and methods of investigation the figures of writers, thinking of Ye. Malaniuk as a theorist of literature and a researcher of poetics are of current of concern. In literary criticism an idea of national-centric of literary practice of Ye. Malaniuk has been established (P. Ivanyshyn, H. Klochek), from which the writer determined an artistic value and perfection of artistic works. The reasonable idea of the national going swims out near the study of artistic figures. However the question of specific methodological system of practice of Ye. Malaniuk is exposed. Therefore in the paper factors and conceptions of Ye. Malaniuk, used for creation of monographic literary portraits of artists, are considered. The conceptual centre of his theory was a concept of style. E. Malaniuk is interpreted the concept «style» widely: it is not only the special artistic position, manner or «voice of writer», but it displays deeper mental features of his nature, character. The research of writer’s style connects with the problem of biography. The essayist searches the sources of stylistic markers of artists in their biographies: origin and culture of a family, belonging to the certain state and certain ethnic group and others. A biographic method helps Ye. Malaniuk to understand and explain the sources of stylistic constituents of work by P. Tychyna, M. Rilskyi, Lesia Ukrainka and I. Franko, T. Shevchenko, and M. Gogol. The second factor influenced on stylish changes in the work of writers is their conflict with the epoch. It was associated with an unrealized character or the choice of creative personality. A conflict crystallized the certain constituents of the artistic thinking of writers, stimulated his evolution or vice versa resulted in degradation or slump to the subzero (comical, parody) forms of comprehension of reality. The third constituent of a study of literature conception of Ye. Malaniuk is an idea of tragic as heroic and literary rank. An indicator of spiritual increase of artist for Ye. Malaniuk is a tragedy of his attitude that will be realized in the heroic fervor of works. Ye. Malaniuk had the clear methodological system of research of work of artists, the core of that folded the analytical estimation of aesthetic costs of artistic style of a writer, supported and increase a biographic method. This synthesis allowed to realize the phenomenological going near the study of spiritual essence «national» – to criterion maturity cultures that presented it.
Ключові слова
есеїстика, літературознавча практика, стиль, конфлікт, біографічний метод, трагізм, эссеистика, литературоведческая практика, стиль, конфликт, биографический метод, трагизм, esseistics, literary practice, style, conflict, biographic method, tragic
Бібліографічний опис
Гольник О. О. Практика монографічного портретування Є. Маланюка: парадигма / Оксана Олександрівна Гольник // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки = Research Bulletin. Series: Philological Sciences / ред. кол.: О. А. Семенюк [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка , 2019. – Вип. 187. – С. 36-44.