Образ оповідача як суб’єктна форма вираження авторської свідомості в повісті-поемі «Поза межами болю» Осипа Турянського
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КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(uk) У статті висвітлено основні акценти літературознавців щодо повісті-поеми «Поза межами болю» О. Турянського, біографічної постаті та творчої індивідуальності західноукраїнського письменника, специфіки його літературно-критичної спадщини. Досліджено повість-поему «Поза межами болю» Осипа Турянського в аспекті актуальної у філологічній науці проблеми автора. У межах концепції інтегрованого підходу висвітлено внутрішній (художньо закодовані самозображення, самооцінки й самоочікування) і зовнішній (особливості бачення, осмислення і ставлення до довколишнього) світи іпостасей образу оповідача як суб’єктної форми авторської свідомості: так званих «Я-теперішнього», «спостерігача», «Я-теперішнього минулого». У результаті розкодування, систематизації та узагальнення індивідуального досвіду оповідача та специфіки художньо вираженого довколишнього з’ясовано інтереси, уподобання, риси творчо закодованої авторської індивідуальності на експліцитному та імпліцитному рівнях тексту.
(en) The aim of our article was to study the novel-poem "Out the boundaries of pain" written by Osip Turyansky in the aspect relevant to linguistic science the problem of the author. Approached artistically encoded in the text of the author we were able through the image of the narrator as one of the subjective forms of author's consciousness in prose. In the story, the poem "Outside the boundaries of pain" the narrator is a direct participant of the tragic events depicted in the text. Information about this valuable witness is sprayed in art cloth text. To investigate the image of the narrator, we systematized the art expressed in the novel-poem aspects of his inner and outer worlds. This belief is based on the concept that we developed an integrated approach to the identity of the author of the piece, according to which the image of the internal world (artistically encoded self-depiction, self-esteem and self-anticipation) reflects acquired and expected experience, and the specificity of the vision, understanding and attitude to the images of the surrounding stresses not only substantive, temporal and spatial characteristics of the external world, but also gives the opportunity to determine interests, preferences, values individuality, creatively coded. The subject of our study were expressed directly and indirectly thoughts, emotions, and mental state of the narrator Ogladivsky related to vision, assessment, expectations for yourself (self-depiction, self-esteem and self-anticipation image "I" of the narrator), and especially his understanding and relationship to the surrounding world (people, nature etc.). According to the specific time in the work, we have identified aspects of internal and external worlds following conventional images of the narrator: "I am present", represented mainly by the "Front word (fixation of inner experience at the time of writing), and "the present past", that it can be linked with a prologue and five sections of the text (play the experience if in online mode). However, we substantiated expressed in the text of the problems, relevant both to the contemporary era and in General for mankind in all times of its existence (the inhumanity of war, militarism, the global redistribution, the cult of money, life and death in conditions of social upheaval, biological and spiritual at the borderline, good and evil in the aspect of human happiness ect.). The article highlights and ideological aspect of the novel-poem: approval of the invincible power of love in all forms, the victory of the human spirit, strength of mind and will to life over the biological instincts, over matter, condemnation of militarism and war with their ugly phenomena. Accordingly, in the process of the study of images of the external and internal worlds of the narrator, on the one hand, received information about the specifics surrounding artistically expressed ("the way of death" in the wilds of the Albanian during the First World War), and, on the other hand, author encoded in the text.
(en) The aim of our article was to study the novel-poem "Out the boundaries of pain" written by Osip Turyansky in the aspect relevant to linguistic science the problem of the author. Approached artistically encoded in the text of the author we were able through the image of the narrator as one of the subjective forms of author's consciousness in prose. In the story, the poem "Outside the boundaries of pain" the narrator is a direct participant of the tragic events depicted in the text. Information about this valuable witness is sprayed in art cloth text. To investigate the image of the narrator, we systematized the art expressed in the novel-poem aspects of his inner and outer worlds. This belief is based on the concept that we developed an integrated approach to the identity of the author of the piece, according to which the image of the internal world (artistically encoded self-depiction, self-esteem and self-anticipation) reflects acquired and expected experience, and the specificity of the vision, understanding and attitude to the images of the surrounding stresses not only substantive, temporal and spatial characteristics of the external world, but also gives the opportunity to determine interests, preferences, values individuality, creatively coded. The subject of our study were expressed directly and indirectly thoughts, emotions, and mental state of the narrator Ogladivsky related to vision, assessment, expectations for yourself (self-depiction, self-esteem and self-anticipation image "I" of the narrator), and especially his understanding and relationship to the surrounding world (people, nature etc.). According to the specific time in the work, we have identified aspects of internal and external worlds following conventional images of the narrator: "I am present", represented mainly by the "Front word (fixation of inner experience at the time of writing), and "the present past", that it can be linked with a prologue and five sections of the text (play the experience if in online mode). However, we substantiated expressed in the text of the problems, relevant both to the contemporary era and in General for mankind in all times of its existence (the inhumanity of war, militarism, the global redistribution, the cult of money, life and death in conditions of social upheaval, biological and spiritual at the borderline, good and evil in the aspect of human happiness ect.). The article highlights and ideological aspect of the novel-poem: approval of the invincible power of love in all forms, the victory of the human spirit, strength of mind and will to life over the biological instincts, over matter, condemnation of militarism and war with their ugly phenomena. Accordingly, in the process of the study of images of the external and internal worlds of the narrator, on the one hand, received information about the specifics surrounding artistically expressed ("the way of death" in the wilds of the Albanian during the First World War), and, on the other hand, author encoded in the text.
Ключові слова
проблема автора, образ оповідача, «Я-теперішнє», «спостерігач», «Я-теперішнє минуле», концепція інтегрованого підходу, зовнішній світ, внутрішній світ, бачення, осмислення, ставлення до довколишнього, самозображення, самооцінка, самоочікування, the problem of the author, the way the narrator, «I-present», «the observer», «I-present past», the concept of an integrated approach, the outside world, inner peace, the vision, the comprehension, attitude to the surrounding, self-depiction, self-esteem and self- anticipation
Бібліографічний опис
Цепа О. В. Образ оповідача як суб’єктна форма вираження авторської свідомості в повісті-поемі «Поза межами болю» Осипа Турянського / Олександра Володимирівна Цепа // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки / ред. кол.: О. А. Семенюк [та ін.]. – Кіровоград : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2016. – Вип. 148. – С. 309-324.