The role of listening comprehension skills in formation of communicative competence of students of non-lingual faculties
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Видавець Лисенко В. Ф.
(uk) У статті обговорюються проблеми та підходи до формування комунікативної компетенції студентів немовних факультетів у процесі вивчення іноземної мови. Одне з найважливіших місць у навчанні посідає аудіювання, оскільки воно тісно пов’язане із читанням і письмом, підготовлює усне мовлення, допомагає формуванню сприйняття мовлення на слух.
(en) The main issues and approaches to formation of communicative competence of students of non-lingual faculties during study of foreign language have been discussed in the article. Listening comprehension is one of the most important components of training because it is linked with reading and writing, prepares speaking and helps formation of perception of speech aurally. Various aspects of formation of listening skills of students are examined in the works of foreign and domestic scientists. But it needs further profound consideration and research to make the process of formation of communicative competence effective as it is required by modern world.
(en) The main issues and approaches to formation of communicative competence of students of non-lingual faculties during study of foreign language have been discussed in the article. Listening comprehension is one of the most important components of training because it is linked with reading and writing, prepares speaking and helps formation of perception of speech aurally. Various aspects of formation of listening skills of students are examined in the works of foreign and domestic scientists. But it needs further profound consideration and research to make the process of formation of communicative competence effective as it is required by modern world.
Ключові слова
студенти немовних факультетів, слухання, спілкування, мовлення, мовленнєва діяльність, комунікативні вправи, комунікативна компетенція, students of non-lingual faculties, listening comprehension, communication, speaking, speaking activity, communicative exercises and communicative competence
Бібліографічний опис
Rozhkova N. The role of listening comprehension skills in formation of communicative competence of students of non-lingual faculties / Natalia Rozhkova // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки / ред. кол.: О. А. Семенюк [та ін.]. – Кіровоград : Видавець Лисенко В. Ф., 2016. – Вип. 144. – С. 447-451.