Словотвірна морфонологія девербативів у прозових творах В. Винниченка
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КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(uk) У статті досліджено специфіку девербативів у словотвірно-морфонологічному аспекті в канві прозових творів В. Винниченка, виділено словотворчі засоби та морфонологічні моделі віддієслівних дериватів у творах В. Винниченка. Репрезентовано словотвірні й морфонологічні типи і моделі девербативів на позначення абстрактних назв і назв опредметненої дії в прозі В. Винниченка. З’ясовано, що однією з важливих стилетворчих рис ідіолекту письменника є досить висока частотність девербативів, утворених способом нульової суфіксації, які використовуються як засіб характеристики стрімкості людської дії. Установлено, що для віддієслівних дериватів субстантивної та ад’єктивної зон характерні такі морфонологічні явища, як усічення дієслівної фіналі, консонантні і вокалічні альтернації, модифікація наголосу.
(en) The article deals with the specific character of verbal derivatives in morphonological and word-building aspects within Vynnychenko’s prose; the morphonological features of verbal derivatives in the author’s prose are analysed; the word building means and morphonological models are established. The article also represents word-building and morphological types and models of verbal derivatives for describing abstract names and names of object-related actions in the author’s prose. The active use of abstract vocabulary isn’t occasional for the language of Vynnychenko’s works. This feature of the language of his prose is caused by the manner of the author’s self-expression. I t has been found out that one of the important style-building features of the author’s idiolect is sufficiently high frequency of verbal derivatives formed in the terms of zero-suffixation. The high productivity of zero suffixal verbal derivatives in Vynnychenko’s prose is used as a means for characterizing impetuosity of human action. I t has been determined that verbal derivatives of substantive zone are characterized by reduction of verbal final formants, by consonant (Р//Рl, С//С, С//С' , С'//С) and vocal (V//V) alternations and accent modification. I n the word formation of verbal derivatives with abstract meaning (psychological reflection) takes part a pronominal component. The verbal derivatives of adjective zone in author’s works are represented by active and passive participles mostly with neutral time meaning and by verbal adjectives. In the system of Vynnychenko’s idiolect we can logically trace the tendency of the literary language to approach the folk language. The author uses abstract vocabulary mainly for defining feeling and emotions: бажання, кохання, почування, хвилювання, страждання. In the word-formation of verbal derivatives of substantive and adjective zones in Vynnychenko’s prose were applied the suffixes that were used both in the literary language and in the dialects of South-East Ukraine. The general morphonological operation for all verbal derivatives is the reduction of verbal final formant that accompanies the accent modification in the complex with other morphonological phenomena (consonant alternations on the morphemic joint, vocal alternations in root morphemes, lengthening in compound nouns between root morphemes with a pronominal component in preposition). Establishing the morphonological factor in the process of word-formation makes possible to study valent features of formants in the author’s language. The interaction of norms the modern Ukrainian language causes the author’s aspiration for expression on different systemic layers, mostly on the lexico-semantic and intermediate layers – on word-building and morphonological.
(en) The article deals with the specific character of verbal derivatives in morphonological and word-building aspects within Vynnychenko’s prose; the morphonological features of verbal derivatives in the author’s prose are analysed; the word building means and morphonological models are established. The article also represents word-building and morphological types and models of verbal derivatives for describing abstract names and names of object-related actions in the author’s prose. The active use of abstract vocabulary isn’t occasional for the language of Vynnychenko’s works. This feature of the language of his prose is caused by the manner of the author’s self-expression. I t has been found out that one of the important style-building features of the author’s idiolect is sufficiently high frequency of verbal derivatives formed in the terms of zero-suffixation. The high productivity of zero suffixal verbal derivatives in Vynnychenko’s prose is used as a means for characterizing impetuosity of human action. I t has been determined that verbal derivatives of substantive zone are characterized by reduction of verbal final formants, by consonant (Р//Рl, С//С, С//С' , С'//С) and vocal (V//V) alternations and accent modification. I n the word formation of verbal derivatives with abstract meaning (psychological reflection) takes part a pronominal component. The verbal derivatives of adjective zone in author’s works are represented by active and passive participles mostly with neutral time meaning and by verbal adjectives. In the system of Vynnychenko’s idiolect we can logically trace the tendency of the literary language to approach the folk language. The author uses abstract vocabulary mainly for defining feeling and emotions: бажання, кохання, почування, хвилювання, страждання. In the word-formation of verbal derivatives of substantive and adjective zones in Vynnychenko’s prose were applied the suffixes that were used both in the literary language and in the dialects of South-East Ukraine. The general morphonological operation for all verbal derivatives is the reduction of verbal final formant that accompanies the accent modification in the complex with other morphonological phenomena (consonant alternations on the morphemic joint, vocal alternations in root morphemes, lengthening in compound nouns between root morphemes with a pronominal component in preposition). Establishing the morphonological factor in the process of word-formation makes possible to study valent features of formants in the author’s language. The interaction of norms the modern Ukrainian language causes the author’s aspiration for expression on different systemic layers, mostly on the lexico-semantic and intermediate layers – on word-building and morphonological.
Ключові слова
словотвірна морфонологія, девербатив, формант, вокалічні й консонантні альтернації, морфонологічні явища, морфонологічна модель, derivational morphonology, verbal derivatives, formants, consonant and vowel alternations, morphonological phenomena, morphonological model
Бібліографічний опис
Демешко І. М. Словотвірна морфонологія девербативів у прозових творах В. Винниченка / Інна Миколаївна Демешко // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки (літературознавство) / ред. О. А. Семенюк [та ін.]. – Кіровоград : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка , 2015. – Вип. 142. – С. 177-181.