Метрология и межпредметные связи с другими дисциплинами
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РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(uk) У статті розглядаються питання необхідності та можливості використання між предметних зв'язків при вивченні дисципліни «Метрологія». Дослідження показали, що при поясненні деяких питань метрології необхідно використовувати між предметні зв'язки з іншими дисциплінами. Тому нашим завданням було показати в даній статті, яким способом здійснюється технологія виявлення між предметних зв'язків із загальноосвітніми та загальнотехнічними дисциплінами.
(en) The article deals with the issues of necessity and possibility of using inter-subject connections when studying the discipline "Metrology". Studies have shown that when explaining some of the issues of metrology, it is necessary to use interdisciplinary connections with other disciplines. Therefore, our task was to show in this article how the technology of identifying intersubject connections with general educational and general technical disciplines is carried out. Measurement is one of the most important ways of knowing nature by man. They play a huge role in modern society. Science, technology and industry can not exist without them. Every second there are many billions of measurement operations in the world. The results of these measurements are used to ensure the required quality and technical level of the products manufactured, to ensure safe and trouble-free operation of enterprises, medical and environmental diagnoses, and other important goals. Practically there is not a single field of humanactivity where the results of measurements,tests and control are not used intensively. To obtain them, involved millions of people and huge financial resources. In the scientific literature, approaches to metrology of higher education, theoretical sources of metrology, as well as improvement of the system of industry standards in metrology of higher education, taking into account the negative and positive results of world experience are not sufficiently reflected. For a long time, metrology has been a descriptive science of various measures and relationships between them. Only thanks to the progress of the physical and exact sciences has metrology gained significant development in ensuring the unity and accuracy of measurements of physical quantities, the number of which has increasingly increased w ith respect to the quality of these measurements. Especially it should be noted that almost none of the scientists did not address the problems of interdisciplinary connections between metrology and general educational and general technical disciplines. Today, measurements are used in economics, psychology, sociology, history and many other humanities. There are practically no areas of human activity where the use of measurements to obtain reliable quantitative information would not have a significant impact on their development. Metrology and standardization are used not only in science and technology, in production, but also in everyday life, in art, in social and political life. Therefore, knowledge of the basics of metrology, standardization, measurementand quality control is necessary not only for specialists in the field of technology, but also for every cultural person. A very significant moment of teaching the disciplines "Metrology" and "Standardization" is that these disciplines are based on general education subjects and their interdisciplinary connections. Violation of these principles in the learning process leads to big problems in understanding the educational material that is basic for future teachers of labor education.
(en) The article deals with the issues of necessity and possibility of using inter-subject connections when studying the discipline "Metrology". Studies have shown that when explaining some of the issues of metrology, it is necessary to use interdisciplinary connections with other disciplines. Therefore, our task was to show in this article how the technology of identifying intersubject connections with general educational and general technical disciplines is carried out. Measurement is one of the most important ways of knowing nature by man. They play a huge role in modern society. Science, technology and industry can not exist without them. Every second there are many billions of measurement operations in the world. The results of these measurements are used to ensure the required quality and technical level of the products manufactured, to ensure safe and trouble-free operation of enterprises, medical and environmental diagnoses, and other important goals. Practically there is not a single field of humanactivity where the results of measurements,tests and control are not used intensively. To obtain them, involved millions of people and huge financial resources. In the scientific literature, approaches to metrology of higher education, theoretical sources of metrology, as well as improvement of the system of industry standards in metrology of higher education, taking into account the negative and positive results of world experience are not sufficiently reflected. For a long time, metrology has been a descriptive science of various measures and relationships between them. Only thanks to the progress of the physical and exact sciences has metrology gained significant development in ensuring the unity and accuracy of measurements of physical quantities, the number of which has increasingly increased w ith respect to the quality of these measurements. Especially it should be noted that almost none of the scientists did not address the problems of interdisciplinary connections between metrology and general educational and general technical disciplines. Today, measurements are used in economics, psychology, sociology, history and many other humanities. There are practically no areas of human activity where the use of measurements to obtain reliable quantitative information would not have a significant impact on their development. Metrology and standardization are used not only in science and technology, in production, but also in everyday life, in art, in social and political life. Therefore, knowledge of the basics of metrology, standardization, measurementand quality control is necessary not only for specialists in the field of technology, but also for every cultural person. A very significant moment of teaching the disciplines "Metrology" and "Standardization" is that these disciplines are based on general education subjects and their interdisciplinary connections. Violation of these principles in the learning process leads to big problems in understanding the educational material that is basic for future teachers of labor education.
Ключові слова
метрологія, між предметні зв'язки, загальноосвітні та загальнотехнічні дисципліни, метрология, межпредметные связи, общеобразовательные и общетехнические дисциплины, metrology, interdisciplinary communication, general educational and general technical disciplines
Бібліографічний опис
Анісімов М. В. Метрологія і міжпредметні зв’язки з іншими дисциплінами / Микола Вікторович Анісімов // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка ; ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2019. – Вип. 177, ч. 1. – С. 17-20.