Богданівський учитель




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КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка


У статті розглядаються основні принципи трудового навчання та виховання визначені, які директором Богданівської середньої школи І. Г. Ткаченком.
The article deals with the basic principles of labor education and training, which were defined by Ivan Gurovych Tkachenko, the director of Bohdanivka secondary school in Znamianka region of Kirovohrad oblast. Common secondary school which was known in the entire USSR. The teacher-innovator, scientist diverged from the pattern in the organization of labor training when parents ploughed land, sowed, gathered harvest, but the children only watched it. He succeeded in transfer of 400 hectares of land and technics to school. Then, under the control of the tractor-instructor, instructor-combiner, instructor in sowing machines the pupils independently cultivated crop and sold it to the state elevator. Senior pupils performed the entire agricultural cycle. Students of production team struggled with the weeds, weeded corn, sunflowers, sugar beets, etc. His method of leadership was seen in the state. He became a Hero of Socialist Labor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Students remember him as an excellent mathematician. During the Second World War he was a partisan, miraculously survived.


Ключові слова

педагог, новаторська діяльність, трудове виховання, teacher, innovative activity, labor education

Бібліографічний опис

Садовий М. І. Богданівський учитель / Микола Ілліч Садовий, Олена Михайлівна Трифонова // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки / ред. кол.: В. В. Радул [та ін.]. - Кіровоград : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2014. - Вип. 131. - С. 26-30.



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