Досвід збирання і дослідження онімної лексики села Піщаний Брід Добровеличківського району
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Центр оперативної поліграфії «Авангард»
(ua) Стаття подає говірковий матеріал однієї з груп онімної лексики села Піщаний Брід. Ваконіми класифікуються за мотиваційними особливостями номінації: зовнішніми особливостями тварини, періодом народження, ставленням власника тощо. Сучасні методи збирання діалектного матеріалу забезпечують повноту обстеження говірки. З’ясовано, що клички бикам і коровам можуть надаватися господарями та іншими людьми, пов’язаними з доглядом за ними, а також при народженні й упродовж життя тварин. Серед проаналізованих ваконімів виділяються надані за людськими іменами, за прізвищами, іменами, прізвиськами, національністю господарів, за норовом, характером тварин тощо.
(en) Vaconims are reflection of language picture of the world of vital functions of the man related to the conduct of agriculture. When give the names to the animal, people follow associative copulas, which represent similarity of certain lines of animal with the internals of the phenomena or concepts which surround her in everyday life or unreal, often. In the process of realization of the surrounding world a man there is forming and development of lexical composition of language. Not only linguistic factors but also national and cultural motivation influence on it. In home linguistics, except for lexicographic description of H. Arkushyn, Vaconims were examined neither from the ethnographic nor from linguistic points of view. It, undoubtedly, aninsignificant in a volume layer of vocabulary was not the article of the special complex analysis, that and predetermines research actuality even on material of one manner of speaking. The article gives material of manner of speaking of one of groups of nomen vocabulary of village Рishchanuy Brid. Vaconims is classified after the motivational features of nomination: by the external features of animal, period of birth, by the relation of proprietor and others like that. It is found out, that the names to the bulls and cows can be given by owners and other people related to the supervision after them, and also at birth and during life of animals. Among the analyzed vaconims the given exude after the human names, after the last names, names, nicknames, nationality of owners, after character, by character of animals and others like that, ets. The article gives material of manner of speaking of one of groups of nomen vocabulary of village Рishchanuy Brid. Vaconims is classified after the motivational features of nomination: by the external features of animal, period of birth, by the relation of proprietor and others like that. It is found out, that the names to the bulls and cows can be given by owners and other people related to the supervision after them, and also at birth and during life of animals. Among the analyzed vaconims the given exude after the human names, after the last names, names, nicknames, nationality of owners, after character, by character of animals and others like that, ets.
(en) Vaconims are reflection of language picture of the world of vital functions of the man related to the conduct of agriculture. When give the names to the animal, people follow associative copulas, which represent similarity of certain lines of animal with the internals of the phenomena or concepts which surround her in everyday life or unreal, often. In the process of realization of the surrounding world a man there is forming and development of lexical composition of language. Not only linguistic factors but also national and cultural motivation influence on it. In home linguistics, except for lexicographic description of H. Arkushyn, Vaconims were examined neither from the ethnographic nor from linguistic points of view. It, undoubtedly, aninsignificant in a volume layer of vocabulary was not the article of the special complex analysis, that and predetermines research actuality even on material of one manner of speaking. The article gives material of manner of speaking of one of groups of nomen vocabulary of village Рishchanuy Brid. Vaconims is classified after the motivational features of nomination: by the external features of animal, period of birth, by the relation of proprietor and others like that. It is found out, that the names to the bulls and cows can be given by owners and other people related to the supervision after them, and also at birth and during life of animals. Among the analyzed vaconims the given exude after the human names, after the last names, names, nicknames, nationality of owners, after character, by character of animals and others like that, ets. The article gives material of manner of speaking of one of groups of nomen vocabulary of village Рishchanuy Brid. Vaconims is classified after the motivational features of nomination: by the external features of animal, period of birth, by the relation of proprietor and others like that. It is found out, that the names to the bulls and cows can be given by owners and other people related to the supervision after them, and also at birth and during life of animals. Among the analyzed vaconims the given exude after the human names, after the last names, names, nicknames, nationality of owners, after character, by character of animals and others like that, ets.
Ключові слова
методика вивчення говорів, говірка, діалектне явище, місцевий говір, вакoнім, словник говірки, methodology of study of manner of speaking, manner of speaking, dialectal phenomenon, local manner of speaking, vaconim, dictionary of manner of speaking
Бібліографічний опис
Громко Т. В. Досвід збирання і дослідження онімної лексики села Піщаний Брід Добровеличківського району / Громко Тетяна Василівна, Волійчак Галина Петрівна // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Філологічні науки / ред. кол.: О. А. Семенюк [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : Авангард, 2017. – Вип. 151. – С. 43-53.