Особливості розгляду питання "Квантові комп'ютери" під час вивчення основ елементної бази сучасної комп'ютерної електроніки та ЕОМ
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РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(uk) У статті розглянуті нові підходи при вивченні особливостей будови та принципів функціонування квантових комп'ютерів, як однієї з складових тем з основ елементної бази сучасної комп'ютерної електроніки та ЕОМ, за рахунок більш ефективного компонування та подачі відповідного лекційного матеріалу з допомогою системи мультимедійних презентацій. Показано, що на сучасному етапі створення квантових комп'ютерів іде у двох напрямках: спеціалізовані квантові комп'ютери, які спрямовані на вирішення одного конкретного специфічного завдання, наприклад, завдання оптимізації (квантові комп'ютери D-Wave); та універсальні квантові комп'ютери, які здатні реалізувати довільні квантові алгоритми (Шора, Саймона, Гровера) – в архітектурі від IBM, Google та ін. Проаналізовано роботу квантових регістрів.
(en) The article deals with new approaches in studying the features of the structure and principles of functioning of quantum computers, as one of the components of the elemental base of modern computer electronics, due to more efficient layout and supply of the corresponding lecture material using the multimedia presentation system. It is shown that at the present stage of the creation of quantum computers goes in two directions: specialized quantum computers that are aimed at solving one particular specific task, such as optimization tasks (quantum computers D-Wave); and universal quantum computers that are capable of implementing arbitrary quantum algorithms (Shore, Simon, Grover) - in implementing from IBM, Google, etc. The work of quantum registers is analyzed. When processing this material, students show that the ability of devices that are based on the classical principles of computing machines, in recent years reached a level in which most tasks can be solved relatively quickly and quite accurately. However, in various areas of knowledge, there are problems to decide which, including using the best supercomputers of the world, is not possible. After all, modern transistors have already reached a few nanometers, and in the future, electronic semiconductor components cannot be reduced infinitely, because their elements will consist of one atom. The development of classical computers in the form of cloud computing capacities is also limited in the area and consumed energy. In addition, not each algorithm is subject to parallelization. Effective processing of large volumes of data requires high-performance computations in the field of artificial intelligence, science-intensive industrial areas, modeling of chemical and physical phenomena and processes, that is, where it ceases to have the capabilities of modern supercomputers. Solving this problem is possible to apply the latest technologies of quantum computers. It has been shown that the quantum computer is a computing device that uses the phenomenon of quantum superposition (parallelism) and quantum confusion to transmit data and data processing, that is, the basis of its central processor is laid logic of quantum mechanics using special quantum algorithms. Such a computer is fundamentally different from a traditional computer that perceives any information in the form of a binary code, which may be in one of two possible states: 0 or 1. Any classic processor represents these two states of low or high voltage levels inside the semiconductor transistor. Its task to select zero or unit. Quantum processors are made according to the same principle, but a radical cancellation that instead of a transistor, they use kubit (Qubit) – quantum bits.
(en) The article deals with new approaches in studying the features of the structure and principles of functioning of quantum computers, as one of the components of the elemental base of modern computer electronics, due to more efficient layout and supply of the corresponding lecture material using the multimedia presentation system. It is shown that at the present stage of the creation of quantum computers goes in two directions: specialized quantum computers that are aimed at solving one particular specific task, such as optimization tasks (quantum computers D-Wave); and universal quantum computers that are capable of implementing arbitrary quantum algorithms (Shore, Simon, Grover) - in implementing from IBM, Google, etc. The work of quantum registers is analyzed. When processing this material, students show that the ability of devices that are based on the classical principles of computing machines, in recent years reached a level in which most tasks can be solved relatively quickly and quite accurately. However, in various areas of knowledge, there are problems to decide which, including using the best supercomputers of the world, is not possible. After all, modern transistors have already reached a few nanometers, and in the future, electronic semiconductor components cannot be reduced infinitely, because their elements will consist of one atom. The development of classical computers in the form of cloud computing capacities is also limited in the area and consumed energy. In addition, not each algorithm is subject to parallelization. Effective processing of large volumes of data requires high-performance computations in the field of artificial intelligence, science-intensive industrial areas, modeling of chemical and physical phenomena and processes, that is, where it ceases to have the capabilities of modern supercomputers. Solving this problem is possible to apply the latest technologies of quantum computers. It has been shown that the quantum computer is a computing device that uses the phenomenon of quantum superposition (parallelism) and quantum confusion to transmit data and data processing, that is, the basis of its central processor is laid logic of quantum mechanics using special quantum algorithms. Such a computer is fundamentally different from a traditional computer that perceives any information in the form of a binary code, which may be in one of two possible states: 0 or 1. Any classic processor represents these two states of low or high voltage levels inside the semiconductor transistor. Its task to select zero or unit. Quantum processors are made according to the same principle, but a radical cancellation that instead of a transistor, they use kubit (Qubit) – quantum bits.
Ключові слова
елементна база електроніки, квантовий комп'ютер, кубіт, элементная база электроники, квантовый компьютер, кубит, elemental base of electronics, quantum computer, qubit
Бібліографічний опис
Ткачук А. І. Особливості розгляду питання "Квантові комп'ютери" під час вивчення основ елементної бази сучасної комп'ютерної електроніки та ЕОМ / Андрій Іванович Ткачук // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка ; ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. - Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2021. - Вип. 198. - С. 181-184.