Особливості трудового виховання і профорієнтації в умовах нової парадигми освіти
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КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
У статті розкривається проблема формування майбутнього учителя-предметника готового до забезпечення трудового виховання у професійній діяльності у світлі нової освітньої парадигми.
The problems of labor training and education are considered in the article. Their actuality is justified by preparing students to choose careers. Young people should be prepared for life on competitive labor market conditions. In Ukraine, some attempts are made to solve the problem. Such process has not completed yet. The analysis of the labour training curriculum confirms it. We offer to submit for consideration the accumulated experience of schools in Novgorodka, Novoukrainka, Alexandria, Vilshanka regions. It is necessary to go back to the process of labour aducation organization in inter-school industrial training centres. Thus, it is important to produce the viable paradigm of such teaching. The main tasks of such paradigm are: -psychological readiness formation of personality for labour; - executive discipline training, conscious submission to the requirements of professional activity; - a labour prestige uprise; - practical training for labour; - training for the conscious choice of profession.
The problems of labor training and education are considered in the article. Their actuality is justified by preparing students to choose careers. Young people should be prepared for life on competitive labor market conditions. In Ukraine, some attempts are made to solve the problem. Such process has not completed yet. The analysis of the labour training curriculum confirms it. We offer to submit for consideration the accumulated experience of schools in Novgorodka, Novoukrainka, Alexandria, Vilshanka regions. It is necessary to go back to the process of labour aducation organization in inter-school industrial training centres. Thus, it is important to produce the viable paradigm of such teaching. The main tasks of such paradigm are: -psychological readiness formation of personality for labour; - executive discipline training, conscious submission to the requirements of professional activity; - a labour prestige uprise; - practical training for labour; - training for the conscious choice of profession.
Ключові слова
трудове виховання, профорієнтація, міжшкільний навчально-виробничий комбінат, labor training, accumulated experience, inter-school industrial training centres
Бібліографічний опис
Садовий М. І. Особливості трудового виховання і профорієнтації в умовах нової парадигми освіти / Микола Ілліч Садовий // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки / ред. кол.: В. В. Радул [та ін.]. - Кіровоград : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2014. - Вип. 125. - С. 32-37.