Practical Application of ExAt Techniques in Training Process of Would- be Music Art Teachers


(en) The article presents possibilities of effective application of art-therapeutic methodological complex, built on the principles of intermodal approach, in the process of training of future music art teachers. Theoretical provisions on application of the creative self-expression through art therapy (ExAT), which can be used in the process of compiling the curricula, manuals and recommendations for students of higher education institutions. Considerable attention has been paid to the development of the spiritual sphere of a personality in the educational process by means of music therapy. The practical concept is represented by a set of art-therapeutic methods, the pedagogical potential of which helps future teachers to master the ExAT techniques in the process of studying professional disciplines. The material given in the article is to facilitate the effective professional development of future music teachers as art therapists, the development of their motivation for creative activity, the mobilization of internal mechanisms of selfregulation and healing, the restoration of mental and physical integrity through the use of creative self-expression therapy by the means of art for the sake of effective professional self-realization.


Ключові слова

professional musician and creative self-expression through art, professional training, art therapy, intermodal approach

Бібліографічний опис

Rastrygina A. Practical Application of ExAt Techniques in Training Process of Would- be Music Art Teachers / Alla Rastrygina, Natalia Guralnik, Tetiana Strohal, Alla Zaitseva // International Journal of Management (IJM). - 2021. - Volume 12. - Issue 1. - Р. 243-253. URL :



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