Проблемно-пошукові методи навчання в класі основного музичного інструменту (фортепіано)


(ua) Устатті автор розглядає можливості застосування проблемно-пошукових методів в роботі над музичним твором в класі основного музичного інструменту (фортепіано). До проблемно-пошукових або евристичних методів відносяться метод маєвтики та метод синектики, які з успіхом можна застосувати на заняттях з основного музичного інструменту.
(en) In the article the author considers possibilities of application of problem-searching methods in work on a musical work in a class of the basic musical instrument (piano). Problem-searching or heuristic methods include the method of maevtics and the method of synectics, which can be successfully usedin classes on the main musical instrument. In the process of working on a musical work before future music teachers there are a number of performance problems, including the search and understanding of the artistic image of a musical work, comprehension of its form, choice of methods, interpretation of a musical work and much more. Emerging problems require the use of problem-solving methods. These methods can be used both in the main musical instrument (piano) under the guidance of a teacher, and during extracurricular independent work. The essence of problem-based learning is that in the learning process the teacher sets students problem problems, deciding which students acquire new knowledge. Problem-based learning allows you to achieve a high level of development of independent thinking and the ability to self-study. In the course of problem-searching study of musical works the intellectual, motivational, emotional spheres and individual abilities of the future teacher-musician develop. There is also a qualitative change in musical and cognitive actions, which is an indicator of the level of development of professional consciousness of students. Problem-searching methods, despite the significant share of students' independence, however, involve a well-thought-out strategy and pedagogical tactics of the teacher. Problem-searching (heuristic) teaching methods set the direction, the general strategy of activity, stimulate intuitive and creative thinking, allow to increase efficiency of musical-performing training of students in higher educational institution. It should be noted that these methods (trial and error, brainstorming, synectics, morphological analysis) are non-algorithmic methods of creativity (no strict system of sequential actions is imposed).


Ключові слова

проблемне навчання, метод маєвтики, метод синектики, музичний твір, майбутній вчитель музичного мистецтва, problem-based learning, method of maevtics, method of synectics, musical work, future teacher of musical art

Бібліографічний опис

Кулікова С. В. Проблемно-пошукові методи навчання в класі основного музичного інструменту (фортепіано) / Світлана Вікторівна Кулікова // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія : Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series : Pedagogical Sciences : зб. наук. праць / МОН України, ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка. – Кропивницький: РВВ ЦДПУ В. Винниченка, 2021. - Вип. 199. - С. 125-129.



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