Особливості планування процесу наукової творчості серед школярів в роботі природничо-географічних секцій позашкільних закладів
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РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
ru) В статье проанализирован педагогический опыт планирования учебной деятельности естественно-географических секций внешкольных заведений. Основной акцент сделан на раскрытии методических особенностей организации научного творчества учеников в работе секций. Освещены главные подходы и принципы планирования данного процесса, исследована типичная структура разработанной авторами учебной программы.
(en) Many out-of-school establishments in Ukraine involve students in research activities; have been engaged in mental education of schoolchildren. However, the methodological maintenance of this process is not sufficient. Therefore, the authors of the publication revealed the main aspects of planning the process of scientific creativity among students in the work of sections of the natural history of extracurricular education. Planning the educational process should be based on a competent approach, which in particular has been provided for the teacher to determine the predicted result of working with students. The key competences that students have to master during their studies in science-related sections are the educational-cognitive, informational, value-semantic competencies, as well as the competences of personal self-improvement. The main principles of the organization of the educational process in the natural sections of the out-of-school establishments are the scientific teaching, the combination of intellectual and practical activities, activity and independence of students in the study, an individual approach to each pupil, taking into account their needs and interests, ensuring conditions for the comprehensive, harmonious development of the student's personality, logical consistency and gradual presentation of the educational material, its gradual complication. In our curriculum of natural sciences, in our opinion, it is necessary to allocate several through-the-line content lines (content blocks) that are closely interrelated: the first block is to focus on the study of theoretical and generalmethodological aspects of scientific activity; in the second block it is worth exploring the applied aspects of field and laboratory studies of the natural and geographical direction, and the third block should cover the topics aimed at deepening theoretical knowledge in the natural sciences and related sciences, expanding the scientific outlook of students, the disclosure of the most important laws of the development of the natural environment and the features of the interaction of human society and the environment.
(en) Many out-of-school establishments in Ukraine involve students in research activities; have been engaged in mental education of schoolchildren. However, the methodological maintenance of this process is not sufficient. Therefore, the authors of the publication revealed the main aspects of planning the process of scientific creativity among students in the work of sections of the natural history of extracurricular education. Planning the educational process should be based on a competent approach, which in particular has been provided for the teacher to determine the predicted result of working with students. The key competences that students have to master during their studies in science-related sections are the educational-cognitive, informational, value-semantic competencies, as well as the competences of personal self-improvement. The main principles of the organization of the educational process in the natural sections of the out-of-school establishments are the scientific teaching, the combination of intellectual and practical activities, activity and independence of students in the study, an individual approach to each pupil, taking into account their needs and interests, ensuring conditions for the comprehensive, harmonious development of the student's personality, logical consistency and gradual presentation of the educational material, its gradual complication. In our curriculum of natural sciences, in our opinion, it is necessary to allocate several through-the-line content lines (content blocks) that are closely interrelated: the first block is to focus on the study of theoretical and generalmethodological aspects of scientific activity; in the second block it is worth exploring the applied aspects of field and laboratory studies of the natural and geographical direction, and the third block should cover the topics aimed at deepening theoretical knowledge in the natural sciences and related sciences, expanding the scientific outlook of students, the disclosure of the most important laws of the development of the natural environment and the features of the interaction of human society and the environment.
Ключові слова
позашкільні заклади, наукова творчість учнів, навчальні програми позашкільної освіти, компетентнісний підхід, принципи організації навчального процесу, внешкольные заведения, научное творчество учеников, учебные программы внешкольного образования, компетентностный подход, принципы организации учебного процесса, out-of-school establishments, scientific creativity of pupils, out-of-school educational programs, competent approach, principles of organization of educational process
Бібліографічний опис
Онойко Ю. Ю. Особливості планування процесу наукової творчості серед школярів в роботі природничо-географічних секцій позашкільних закладів / Юрій Юрійович Онойко, Сергій Васильович Мовчан // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка ; ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2019. – Вип. 174. – С. 162-166.