Актуальні проблеми дизайну сучасного міського середовища в контексті підготовки майбутніх фахівців художньо-графічних відділень


(uk) Розглядаються актуальні проблеми дизайну сучасного міського середовища в контексті вивчення дисциплін дизайнерського напрямку студентами художньо-графічного відділення. Увага приділена екологізації міського простору на всіх рівнях оформлення середовища, виділені окремі сфери створення комфортних для людини міських зон за допомогою етнічних мотивів, виявлено шляхи розвитку дизайнерського мислення у студентів на основі використання національних традицій.
(ru) Рассматриваются актуальные проблемы дизайна современной городской среды в контексте изучения дисциплин дизайнерского направления студентами художественно-графического отделения. Внимание уделено экологизации городского пространства на всех уровнях оформления среды, выделены отдельные сферы создания комфортных для человека городских зон с помощью этнических акцентов, выявлены пути развития дизайнерского мышления у студентов на основе использования национальных традиций.
(en) Attention is paid to the greening of urban spaces at all levels of design environment, highlighted some areas for humans create comfortable urban areas using ethnic motives, is revealed the ways of design thinking in students on the basis of national traditions. The tasks that outlined in the article were concluded in the study the features of formation of the modern urban environment in the context of the study subjects design direction, to identify the main trends of training future professionals and graphic art departments and determining the basic principles of environment of the city as an object of design. Are allocated relatively new, modern concepts in the selected theme: «urban design», «design city», «design of a city environment». Indicated that students throughout the learning process always learn and operate by these concepts. In particular, senior students have the opportunity to exercise their creative projects to design certain facilities located in an urban environment. Specifics of the design has been identified which consists of two components - the world of images and design solutions. In learning the theory and practice of design disciplines direction, the future specialist designer, artist, teacher directly involved in the process of perception and reproduction, where there is a direct relationship between these two important components. One of the specific functions of urban design is to create environmental context and it can be implemented in different variations. The study topic chosen was separated following modern trends in urban design: ecocentric approach anthropocentric direction in the development of the living space of the city. Also one of the areas of modern urban design can be considered ethno design, which is important in the culture of recent times and through which emerging artistic image and perception of the city as a whole. The creative combination of methods to find and shape the future designers skills with a national component and contribute to solving urgent problems of modern ethno design. In general considered the basic trends and directions in the field of urban design, features modern architectural building. In particular, highlights the current problems with the specific training of future professionals and graphic art departments in the classroom disciplines of design direction: the design of the urban environment, forming, artistic design, and others. The main objectives of disciplines of the design direction on art and graphic office are considered, tasks consist in wide use by the acquired students of knowledge in different area of activity of the person, including in registration of space of a city environment. These areas of training future professionals is a priority in the context of the study subjects design direction. Activation of artistic and aesthetic factors contribute to the formation of professional training of future artists, designers are able not only to perceive, to understand, but also create their own products embody creative models in the built environment. In studying the disciplines of design-minded modern masters expert professional qualities to be a guide to the future design, educational activities and promote the development of imagination and deepening the knowledge, understanding and preservation of certain traditions. The specified directions of training of future specialists are priority in the context of studying of disciplines of the direction of design. Activization of art and esthetic factors favors to forming professional training of future artists, designers who are capable not only to perceive, understand and and to create own products, to realize creative models in the architectural environment. In the course of studying of disciplines of the design direction, the modern specialist seizes professinalny qualities which will be a reference point in future design, pedagogical activities and will favor to development of representation and increasing knowledge, understanding and preserving certain traditions.


Ключові слова

дизайн, міське середовище, екологічний простір, етнічні мотиви, етномаркер, дизайнерське мислення, дизайн, городская среда, экологическое пространство, этнические мотивы, этномаркер, дизайнерское мышление, design, urbanenvironment, environmentalspace, ethnicmotifs, etnomarket, designthinking

Бібліографічний опис

Кириченко О. І. Актуальні проблеми дизайну сучасного міського середовища в контексті підготовки майбутніх фахівців художньо-графічних відділень / Олена Іванівна Кириченко, Юлія Миколаівна Малежик // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки / ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2017. – Вип. 149. – С. 56-61.



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