Етапи формування творчого потенціалу майбутніх хореографів


(uk) У статті здійснена спроба узагальнення особливостей формування творчого потенціалу майбутніх хореографів. Охарактеризовано мотиваційний, змістовий та практичний етапи. Визначено особливості та взаємозв’язки даних етапів.
(ru) В статье осуществлена попытка обобщения особенностей формирования творческого потенциала будущих хореографов. Охарактеризованы мотивационный, содержательный и практический этапы. Определены особенности и взаимосвязи данных этапов.
(en) The author of the article made an attempt at generalizing the peculiarities of the formation of creative potential of future choreographers. Choreographic education, like overall education, is first of all self education, it is continuous and thus it is more effective than its comprehension. We have indicated that the main condition of the development of creative potential of the future choreographer as well as a choreographer is professional creative self-development, development of creative potential. Here with the basis of professionalism is deep professional knowledge, abilities, skills, qualities and features of an individual, without which creativity is simply impossible. Choreographic activity is defined as necessity of professionalism. The basis of the process of development of creative potential of a student of Choreography Department is the consistent system of artistic and pedagogic education in the conditions which promote the effective development and self-development of choreographic and creative potential of a student. The background of the mentioned process is the stages of the formation of creative potential of a future choreographer. We have defined the following stages: motivational, conceptual and practical. It has also been determined in the article that one of the main conditions of the formation of the creative potential is the presence of the individually significant goal of a future professional concerning the professional activity or one of its aspects. Such motivation is determined by the human need that is directed by the individually significant sense and the significance of the result. Considering that nowadays it is not enough for a student of Choreography to master only professional skills of performing excellence or knowledge of Pedagogics, we have determined the practicability of acquiring (conceptual stage) and using (practical stage) the knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies. In our opinion, the most important is the practical stage of the formation of creative potential. This stage reveals pedagogical skills and abilities as well as those of choreographic performance, which can include the formation and development of different types of dancing techniques, artistic impression, skills of performing process, the ability to transform into artistic characters as well as the skills of choreographic improvisation.


Ключові слова

творчий потенціал, хореографічна культура, майбутні хореографи, професійний саморозвиток, творческий потенціал, хореографическая культура, будущие хореографы, профессиональное саморазвитие, creativity, choreographic culture, future choreographers, professionalself-development

Бібліографічний опис

Саленко О. О. Етапи формування творчого потенціалу майбутніх хореографів / Олег Олександрович Саленко // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки / ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2017. – Вип. 155. – С. 122-126.



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