The issue of musical and performing mastery in the scientific literature
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КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(uk) У статті розглядається сутність музично-виконавської підготовки як творчого процесу і визначаються основні компоненти структури виконавської майстерності.
(ru) В статье рассматривается сущность музыкально-исполнительской подготовки и определяются основные компоненты структуры исполнительского мастерства.
(en) The article considers the essence of musical and performing training as a creative process and identifies the main components of the structure of mastery. Having analyzed the current scientific positions, it can be concluded that the formation of performing mastery is one of the important and actual issues of artpedagogics. In particular, the account of emotional and aesthetic factors of comprehension of musical art and their support in the process of musical activity is a necessary condition of influence on the formation of a performer’s personality, and a significant way to enrich artistic and interpretative skills of a musician. Having analyzed the current scientific positions, it can be concluded that the formation of performingmastery is one of the important and actual issues of artpedagogics. In particular, the account of emotional and aesthetic factors of comprehension of musical art and their support in the process of musical activity is a necessary condition of influence on the formation of a performer’s personality, and a significant way to enrich artistic and interpretative skills of a musician.
(ru) В статье рассматривается сущность музыкально-исполнительской подготовки и определяются основные компоненты структуры исполнительского мастерства.
(en) The article considers the essence of musical and performing training as a creative process and identifies the main components of the structure of mastery. Having analyzed the current scientific positions, it can be concluded that the formation of performing mastery is one of the important and actual issues of artpedagogics. In particular, the account of emotional and aesthetic factors of comprehension of musical art and their support in the process of musical activity is a necessary condition of influence on the formation of a performer’s personality, and a significant way to enrich artistic and interpretative skills of a musician. Having analyzed the current scientific positions, it can be concluded that the formation of performingmastery is one of the important and actual issues of artpedagogics. In particular, the account of emotional and aesthetic factors of comprehension of musical art and their support in the process of musical activity is a necessary condition of influence on the formation of a performer’s personality, and a significant way to enrich artistic and interpretative skills of a musician.
Ключові слова
музично-виконавська майстерність, естетична, художня, музична діяльність, сутність, структура, процесс, інтерпретація, досвід, знання, уміння, навички, музыкально-исполнительское мастерство, эстетическая, художественная, музыкальная деятельность, сущность, структура, процесс, интерпретация, опыт, знания, умения, навыки, musical and performing mastery, aesthetic, artistic, music activities, nature, structure, process, interpretation, experience, know ledge, abilities, skills
Бібліографічний опис
Didych H. S. The issue of musical and performing mastery in the scientific literature / Halyna Stepanivna Didych // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки / ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. - Кіровоград : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2016. - Вип. 147. - C. 65-69.