Кафедра філософії, політології та психології

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  • Ескіз
    Філософія цифрової освіти 4.0 як новий науковий напрямок та її вплив на підготовку майбутніх професіоналів
    (2024) Олексенко, Роман Іванович; Олексенко, Каріна; Компанієць, Володимир
    (ua) Головна мета філософії цифровізації освіти - проаналізувати, як впроваджен-ня цифрових технологій змінює освітні процеси, дослідити їх вплив на підго-товку професіоналів. Філософія цифровізації освіти 4.0 зосереджена на інтеграції цифрових технологій у навчальні процеси для покращення доступності, ефективності та якості освіти. Ця трансформація має ключове значення для розвитку сучасної економіки та підготовки майбутніх професіоналів, її актуальність з кожним роком тільки зростає. Сучасний світ невпинно руха-ється в напрямку глобальної цифровізації, і освіта є одним із центральних елементів цієї трансформації. Отже, цифровізація освіти 4.0 - це інвестиція не лише в освітню систему, але й у довготривалий розвиток економіки та як наслідок суспільства. (en) The main goal of the philosophy of digitalization of education is to analyze how the introduction of digital technologies changes educational processes, to investigate their impact on the training of professionals. The philosophy of digitalization of education 4.0 focuses on the integration of digital technologies into educational processes to improve the accessibility, efficiency and quality of education. This transformation is of key importance for the development of the modern economy and the training of future professionals, its relevance is only growing every year. The modern world is steadily moving towards global digitalization, and education is one of the central elements of this transformation. Therefore, digitalization of education 4.0 is an investment not only in the educational system, but also in the long-term development of the economy and, as a result, society.
  • Ескіз
    До питання цифровізації освіти в філософському вимірі
    (КАІ, 2024) Олексенко, Роман Іванович; Олексенко, Каріна
  • Ескіз
    Digital Technology Evolution of the Industrial Revolution From 4G to 5G in the Context of the Challenges of Digital Globalization
    (2023) Voronkova, Valentyna; Nikitenko, Vitalina; Oleksenko, Roman; Andriukaitiene, Regina; Kharchenko, Julia; Kliuienko, Eduard; Харченко , Юлія Володимирівна; Клюєнко, Едуард Олександрович; Воронкова, Валентина; Олексенко, Роман Іванович; Нікігенко, Віталіна
    (en) The development of a new generation of information technologies and engineering equipment directly affects the path of scientific research and innovation. As a result of these processes, new trends are developing, such as information technology, AI, digital education and medicine, etc. The 4th Industrial Revolution is the result of digital transformation. These processes are the basis for the evolution from the 4th to the 5th industrial revolution. The article analyses the fifth generation of 5G mobile telecommunication systems, which is a new wireless communication standard that will bring significant improvements in the data transfer speed of connecting many devices simultaneously.
  • Ескіз
    The Digital Transformation Of The Most Dynamic Region In The World (China, Malaysia, India) As A Key Factor In Economic Development Within The Context Of INDUSTRY 5G: Trends, Challenges, And Strategies
    (ЦДУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2024) Олексенко, Роман Іванович; Oleksenko, Roman; Voronkova, Valentyna; Nikitenko, Vitalina; Sobol, Yevhen; Zelenin, Yuriy; Kravchenko, Olena; Levchenko, Lesia; Yukhymenko, Nataliia
    (ua) This article examines the digital transformation accompanying the rapid economic growth in China, Malaysia, and India—three of the most dynamic countries in the world. It explores how this transformation impacts various sectors, including the economy, politics, and technology, particularly within the context of the 5G industry. The study employs the Agile methodology, known for its flexibility and self-organization, to illustrate how these countries adapt to digitalization challenges faced by both government and business communities. Forecasting and modeling techniques are used to elucidate the strategies employed to overcome these challenges. The main drivers of digital transformation in this rapidly developing region include a strong emphasis on technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, biotechnology, and the green and blue economies. These factors present numerous opportunities for digital transformation across all industries, accelerating innovation and boosting productivity. China, Malaysia, and India are setting ambitious goals for their 5G network development strategies to ensure innovative growth, security, and competitiveness. The article also highlights the future prospects for digital transformation in these countries and their potential role in the global digital landscape.
  • Ескіз
    Digital Technology Evolution of the Industrial Revolution From 4G to 5G in the Context of the Challenges of Digital Globalization
    (2023) Клюєнко, Едуард Олександрович; Воронкова, Валентина Григорівна; Нікітенко, Віталіна Олександрівна; Олексенко, Роман Іванович; Андрюкайтене, Регіна; Харченко, Юлія Володимирівна; Voronkova, Valentyna; Nikitenko, Vitalina; Oleksenko, Roman; Andriukaitiene, Regina; Kharchenko, Julia; Kliuienko, Eduard
    (ua) The development of a new generation of information technologies and engineering equipment directly affects the path of scientific research and innovation. As a result of these processes, new trends are developing, such as information technology, AI, digital education and medicine, etc. The 4th Industrial Revolution is the result of digital transformation. These processes are the basis for the evolution from the 4th to the 5th industrial revolution. The article analyses the fifth generation of 5G mobile telecommunication systems, which is a new wireless communication standard that will bring significant improvements in the data transfer speed of connecting many devices simultaneously.
  • Ескіз
    Розумне еко-місто як чинник упровадження зеленого будівництва та цифрових технологій
    (Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, 2023) Олексенко, Роман Іванович; Нікітенко, Віталіна Олександрівна; Воронкова, Валентина Григорівна; Oleksenko, R.; Nikitenko, V.; Voronkova, V.
  • Ескіз
    The Influence of Digital Creative Technologies on the Development of Education and Medicine
    (2022) Олексенко, Роман Іванович; Никитенко, Віталіна Олександрівна; Воронкова, Валентина Григорівна; Oleksenko, Roman; Vìtalina, Nikitenko; Voronkova, Valentyna; Shapurov, Olexandr; Ryzhova, Iryna
    (en) A concise and factual abstract The purpose of scientific research is to trace the patterns of change in the development of education and medicine and justify the direction in which they will develop so that people will be ready for rapid change, and education prepares professionals capable of implementing new digital technologies that improve human health. The methodology of the study is to use such methods as analysis and synthesis, categorical analysis, comparative analysis, sociological method, and other methods of scientific knowledge. The purpose of the study was to identify patterns of change in the development of medicine and education due to the impact on them of digital technology. The article reveals the content and essence of digital tec hnologies, which are introduced in medicine, require training in the provision of medical care; analyzes the directions of development of medicine in the context of philosophical reflection, and tests the effectiveness of their use. The practical significance of the study lies in the philosophical inderstanding of the interaction between education and medicine, according to which the future of our civilization, based on cellular medicine, the discovery of stem cells, which are developed using modern technology and new standards of medicine.
  • Ескіз
    Solving medical problems and their impact on the development of a healthy personality in a digital environment
    (2022) Олексенко, Роман Іванович; Нікітенко, Віталіна Олександрівна; Воронкова, Валентина Григорівна; Oleksenko, Roman; Voronkova, Valentynа; Nikitenko, Vìtalina; Falko N.; Kovalova O.
    (en) The aim of scientific research is to analyze the problems of medicine and to examine the regularities of healthy personality formation in order to transit from disease to health, and this requires changes in the development of medicine. Under the conditions of digitalization, exponential increase in data and convergence of technologies, medicine must move to a new level - cell-based medicine, stem cells, the latest genome editing technology.The research methodology is based on the use of analytical, logical, historical, comparative and axiological methods, which help to reveal the problems of medicine, decoding the human genome, transplantation of many human organs, using 3D-printers. Analyses have shown that digital platforms are changing the way health care is being provided. This article reveals that the solution of medical problems and their impact on the formation of a healthy person in a digital environment is the convergence of sensors, networks and the individual intellect, which transforms the principles of diagnostics. This article outlines the main directions of digital technology development in medicine, which uses robotics, 3D-printing, and its implementation in medicine, demanding their further implementation – artificial intelligence, genomics, quantum computing, which change the medicines themselves. Practical value of research lies in philosophical understanding of digital technology, the use of which is necessary to identify diseases at an early stage of their emergence, for continuous monitoring and diagnostics of the human body, aimed at transition from diseases to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy personality, which requires a personal virtual therapist.
  • Ескіз
    Цифрові технології медицини у Китаї
    (2023) Олексенко, Роман Іванович; Андрюкайтене, Регіна; Воронкова, Валентина Григорівна; Нікітенко, Віталіна Олександрівна; Oleksenko, Roman; Voronkova, Valentyna; Nikitenko, Vitalina; Andriukaitiene, Regina