Факультет педагогіки, психології та мистецтв
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Документ Self-development of the future music teachers under wartime conditions in Ukraine(2023) Растригіна, Алла Миколаївна; Rastryhina, Alla; Guralnyk, Nataliia; Sokolova, Olha; Koloskova, Zhanna; Voievidko, Liudmyla(en) In this article is about then in pedagogy, the category of “self-development” is regarded by the scholars as the person’s ability to evolve their “self”, an opportunity of self-fulfillment and self-establishment in the process of occupational activity, the teachers enrich their individual qualities and are aware of their personal responsibility for the process of professional growth and the skill of regulating it. Within the measures of the research, we focused on defining the notion of “professional self-development of the future Music teacher”. The process of self-development has obtained specific significance under the extreme conditions of wartime in Ukraine. In the course of shaping and creating music images, there occurs facilitation of memories and fantasies able to enhance the process of personality’s communication. Music is actually not only the musicians’ tool but also their shelter from stress under wartime conditions as it gives an opportunity of expressing themselves and lessening the emotional tension. For the Ukrainian future Music teachers who had to move from their home in search of shelter within war realities, several ways of self-development are available, i. e. to continue self-perfecting in music instrument play and to obtain distant knowledge via workshops, online platforms and online tools. Under wartime conditions, a musician does not always have an access to a music instrument; in this case, the students can provide autonomous work by implementing apps for their mobile devices, in particular, electronic training apparatuses for their hearing and voice requiring no special equipment (“Vocaberry”; electronic training apparatus «Irmus» for developing melodic ear and music memory, vocal skills alongside with a complex of exercises for hearing abilities, The core source of the future Music teacher’s self-development may presuppose the ready-made programming products, i. e. multimedia programmes, encyclopaedias, guidances containing articles on the biography of prominent musicians and composers, as well as outstanding music artworks and stories of their emergence with a possibility of listening to them; music styles and trends; Ukrainian multimedia periodical of information and reference type “Perlyny ukraiinskoii kultury”. An interesting vector of modern students’ self-development is creating QR-coded product enabling to codify and to obtain a quick access to practically any internet-resource.Документ Учитель начальной школы как менеджер образовательного процесса(Издательство ЕКС-ПРЕС, 2016) Довга, Тетяна Яківна; Dovga, Tetiana(en) The article highlights the problem of updating the system of Ukrainian education on the example of reforming the educational process in primary school. The role of the teacher in the implementation of the requirements of the New Ukrainian School concept is shown; the prerequisites for rethinking its social and professional mission, increasing the prestige of the teaching profession are formulated. The content of the professional standard of primary school teacher is analyzed, the possibilities of expanding his professional functions and competencies are shown. The necessity of the introduction of elements of management in the educational process of primary school and the professional activities of the teacher is substantiated. The definition of the concepts is given: educational management, pedagogical management, pedagogical self-management. The specificity of the professional activities of an elementary school teacher as an education manager has been characterized. The influence of self-government and self-organization on the formation of the personality of a successful specialist who is able to work in conditions of increasing competition in the education area is shown.Документ Організаційно-методичні засади підготовки фахівців до викладацької діяльності в умовах магістратури(2021) Савченко, Наталія Сергіївна; Savchenko, Nataliіa Sergііvna(ua) У статті з’ясовуються організаційно-методичні засади професійної підготовки майбутніх викладачів вузів, подано аналіз змісту магістерських програм підготовки майбутніх викладачів вищої школи спеціальності 011 «Освітні, педагогічні науки» («Педагогіка вищої школи»). Відзначено, що здатність до самоорганізації є основою успішної професійної діяльності майбутнього викладача та зазначено навчальні дисципліни програм підготовки вітчизняних закладів вищої освіти, вивчення яких сприяє формуванню компетентності самоорганізації.