Факультет педагогіки, психології та мистецтв
Постійне посилання на фондhttps://dspace.cusu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/48
1 результатів
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Документ Учитель начальной школы как менеджер образовательного процесса(Издательство ЕКС-ПРЕС, 2016) Довга, Тетяна Яківна; Dovga, Tetiana(en) The article highlights the problem of updating the system of Ukrainian education on the example of reforming the educational process in primary school. The role of the teacher in the implementation of the requirements of the New Ukrainian School concept is shown; the prerequisites for rethinking its social and professional mission, increasing the prestige of the teaching profession are formulated. The content of the professional standard of primary school teacher is analyzed, the possibilities of expanding his professional functions and competencies are shown. The necessity of the introduction of elements of management in the educational process of primary school and the professional activities of the teacher is substantiated. The definition of the concepts is given: educational management, pedagogical management, pedagogical self-management. The specificity of the professional activities of an elementary school teacher as an education manager has been characterized. The influence of self-government and self-organization on the formation of the personality of a successful specialist who is able to work in conditions of increasing competition in the education area is shown.