Факультет педагогіки, психології та мистецтв
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Документ The Origins of Art Education in Ukraine(2011) Черкасов, Володимир Федорович; Черкасов, Владимир Федорович; Cherkasov, Volodymyr FedorovichThis article describes the history o f the development o f musical education and art education in the Ukraine, from ancient times to the 20th century. The author demonstrates the unique nature o f musical-pedagogical education in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment. It is evident that interest in art education has grown and Ukrainian culture o f the 17th-19th centuries enjoys a renaissance. This interest creates an opportunity to support individual spiritual development through musical art and forms o f individual creativity. The national system education is currently developing and rethinking its approach to musical pedagogical thinking, and the special place occupied by folk music will play an important role as a foundation for musical composition training.