The phenomenon of spiritual upbringing in the modern educational context
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КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(uk) В статті представлена авторська позиція щодо можливостей організації сучасного освітнього простору, однією із найбільш важливих характеристик якого є його духовність виховання – феномен, що виникає в освітньо-виховному процесі й стає підґрунтям для розкриття його призначення і ролі у сучасній педагогічній реальності. Представлено характеристику таких основоположних понять, як духовність виховання що є духовністю своєрідного, пов’язаного із галуззю освіти і виховання середовища, виокремлено явища, що властиві саме такому середовищу: загальна духовність виховання, прояв духовності виховання, простір духовності виховання, контекст духовності виховання, а також окреслено перспективи розвитку духовності виховання у сучасному освітньому просторі.
(ru) В статье представлена авторская позиция относительно возможностей организации современного образовательного пространства, одной из наиболее важных характеристик которого является духовность воспитания – феномен, который возникает в учебно-воспитательном процессе и становится основой для раскрытия его предназначения и роли в современной педагогической реальности. Представлена характеристика таких основоположных понятий, как духовность воспитания, которая является духовностью своеобразной, связанной со сферой образования и воспитания средой; выделены явления, которые свойственны такой среде: общая духовность воспитания, проявление духовности воспитания, пространство духовности воспитания, контекст духовности воспитания, а также определены перспективы развития духовности воспитания в современном образовательном пространстве.
(en) Our represented paper about the reconstruction of higher education in order to train up-to-date professional is slightly different from the common understanding of the phenomenon, which is mentioned, in the national pedagogical theory and practice. To ensure the effectiveness of this essential process it is important to define conceptual principles related to the peculiarities of modern educational space, one of the most important characteristics of which is spirituality of upbringing. For better understanding of the essence of the phenomenon of «upbringing spirituality» we primarily present such benchmarks of the spiritual realm as general spirituality, that is enshrined in the culture and is characteristic of all members of the society, the manifestation of spirituality as an action of a person in the environment that surrounds him or her here and now, as well as personal space of human spirituality. Such markers promote awareness of the human meaning of environment and specify the focus of impact on his / her spirituality. Considered and generalized spiritual environment can be represented as a dynamic process existing, as the current phenomenon: spirituality environment. As to the phenomenon of upbringing spirituality itself, which is the peculiar upbringing, associated with the sphere of education and upbringing environment, there are singled out such phenomena that characterize exactly such an environment. In particular, the general spirituality of upbringing, the manifestation of upbringing spirituality and the space of upbringing spirituality, that also includes the context of the spirituality of upbringing. The notion of the phenomenon of upbringing spirituality is the ratio of freedom of a personality and spirituality of the environment. As to spirituality of the educational activities, which is the further aspect of the concept of spirituality of upbringing, it has been pointed out that upbringing, being inseparable from the surrounding an individual environment, facilitates integration into peculiar environment, the pedagogic reality, bases on spiritual heritage of the nation and reveals possibilities of such experience in the practice of contemporary pedagogical process. The special attention in this article is given to understanding of the specific features of the context characteristics of the investigated phenomenon of spirituality. In the existing, classical system of education and upbringing the notion of spirituality is associated with upbringing spirituality of the younger generation by means of any subject, or through the system of educational activities. Thus, the upbringing spirituality serves as a partial task, not as an overall conceptual problem of upbringing. The mentioned diversities form the basis for understanding and realizing the fact that in a democratic society it is appropriate to frame the process of humanization of pedagogic reality focusing on spirituality of upbringing. Hence, the shift of paradigm of education and humanization (spiritualizing) of environment, is relevant to be represented in the context of the conceptual principles of the phenomenon of spirituality of upbringing.
(ru) В статье представлена авторская позиция относительно возможностей организации современного образовательного пространства, одной из наиболее важных характеристик которого является духовность воспитания – феномен, который возникает в учебно-воспитательном процессе и становится основой для раскрытия его предназначения и роли в современной педагогической реальности. Представлена характеристика таких основоположных понятий, как духовность воспитания, которая является духовностью своеобразной, связанной со сферой образования и воспитания средой; выделены явления, которые свойственны такой среде: общая духовность воспитания, проявление духовности воспитания, пространство духовности воспитания, контекст духовности воспитания, а также определены перспективы развития духовности воспитания в современном образовательном пространстве.
(en) Our represented paper about the reconstruction of higher education in order to train up-to-date professional is slightly different from the common understanding of the phenomenon, which is mentioned, in the national pedagogical theory and practice. To ensure the effectiveness of this essential process it is important to define conceptual principles related to the peculiarities of modern educational space, one of the most important characteristics of which is spirituality of upbringing. For better understanding of the essence of the phenomenon of «upbringing spirituality» we primarily present such benchmarks of the spiritual realm as general spirituality, that is enshrined in the culture and is characteristic of all members of the society, the manifestation of spirituality as an action of a person in the environment that surrounds him or her here and now, as well as personal space of human spirituality. Such markers promote awareness of the human meaning of environment and specify the focus of impact on his / her spirituality. Considered and generalized spiritual environment can be represented as a dynamic process existing, as the current phenomenon: spirituality environment. As to the phenomenon of upbringing spirituality itself, which is the peculiar upbringing, associated with the sphere of education and upbringing environment, there are singled out such phenomena that characterize exactly such an environment. In particular, the general spirituality of upbringing, the manifestation of upbringing spirituality and the space of upbringing spirituality, that also includes the context of the spirituality of upbringing. The notion of the phenomenon of upbringing spirituality is the ratio of freedom of a personality and spirituality of the environment. As to spirituality of the educational activities, which is the further aspect of the concept of spirituality of upbringing, it has been pointed out that upbringing, being inseparable from the surrounding an individual environment, facilitates integration into peculiar environment, the pedagogic reality, bases on spiritual heritage of the nation and reveals possibilities of such experience in the practice of contemporary pedagogical process. The special attention in this article is given to understanding of the specific features of the context characteristics of the investigated phenomenon of spirituality. In the existing, classical system of education and upbringing the notion of spirituality is associated with upbringing spirituality of the younger generation by means of any subject, or through the system of educational activities. Thus, the upbringing spirituality serves as a partial task, not as an overall conceptual problem of upbringing. The mentioned diversities form the basis for understanding and realizing the fact that in a democratic society it is appropriate to frame the process of humanization of pedagogic reality focusing on spirituality of upbringing. Hence, the shift of paradigm of education and humanization (spiritualizing) of environment, is relevant to be represented in the context of the conceptual principles of the phenomenon of spirituality of upbringing.
Ключові слова
сучасний освітній простір, духовність, духовність виховання, виховання духовності, прояв духовності, духовність середовища, педагогічна реальність, контекст духовності виховання, розвиток духовності виховання, современное образовательное пространство, духовность, духовность воспитания, воспитание духовности, проявление духовности, духовность среды, педагогическая реальность, контекст духовности воспитания, развитие духовности воспитания, modern educational space, spirituality, spirituality of upbringing, upbringing of spirituality, manifestation of spirituality, spirituality of environment, pedagogic reality, the context of spirituality of upbringing, development of spirituality of education
Бібліографічний опис
Rastrygina A. M. The phenomenon of spiritual upbringing in the modern educational context / Alla Mykolaivna Rastrygina // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки / ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2017. – Вип. 152. – С. 37-41.