Гартування професійної майстерності майбутнього фахівця-вокаліста як фактор реалізації новітньої парадигми освіти
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РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(ua) У статті, на основі аналізу існуючих наукових підходів до визначеної проблеми, здійснено аналіз її ключових понять, зокрема визначено психолого-педагогічну сутність категорії «професійна майстерність» та аргументовано думку авторів щодо розширення її складових та можливостей їхнього розвитку у контексті реалізації у мистецькому просторі закладів вищої освіти новітньої освітньої парадигми ХХІ століття.
(ru) В статье на основе анализа существующих научных подходов к определенной проблемы, осуществлен анализ ее ключевых понятий, в частности определены психолого-педагогическую сущность категории «профессиональное мастерство» и аргументировано мнению авторов по расширению ее составляющих и возможностей их развития в контексте реализации в художественном пространстве высших учебных образования новой образовательной парадигмы XXI века.
(en) The article, on the basis of existing scientific approaches to the defined problem, performs an analysis of its key concepts, in particular, it reveals the psychological and pedagogical essence of the category of «professional mastery». It gives the argued author's opinion on the expansion of the component composition of the professional mastery of a future expert vocalist, and the possibilities of its development are presented in the context of the implementation of the 21st century modern educational paradigm. The generalization of scientific literature in regard to comprehending the concept of «mastery», has made it possible to treat it as a high level of manifestation of spiritual and creative activity of a personality. In the projection of professional training, vocational mastery of students-vocalists most effectively develops in a specifically organized artistic educational environment of a university, which enables self-actualization, self-expression and self-realization in their further practical activities. The concept of «professionalism» is represented as a system of professionally oriented, values-related, aims-related, cognitive, spiritual and creative dominants, which serves as a prerequisite for self-realization of a future expert vocalist, and manifests itself in creative transformation of the artistic educational space. The need to solve the today's challenges as to development of spirituality of education and upbringing has made it possible to distinguish the professional mentality as one of the components in the general composition of the professional mastery of an expert vocalist. According to the authors, it is not only the context of spirituality of the artistic educational space, but also the spiritual core of the subjectivity of a future expert vocalist that matters. The performed analysis of key concepts of the research has made it possible to present the professional mastery of a future expert vocalist as a complex, integrative quality of the professional and pedagogical structure of a personality, the effectiveness of the developing of which is ensured by means of creating the appropriate pedagogical conditions in artistic educational space of a university, one of the most demanded conditions nowadays being the perfecting of professional mastery.
(ru) В статье на основе анализа существующих научных подходов к определенной проблемы, осуществлен анализ ее ключевых понятий, в частности определены психолого-педагогическую сущность категории «профессиональное мастерство» и аргументировано мнению авторов по расширению ее составляющих и возможностей их развития в контексте реализации в художественном пространстве высших учебных образования новой образовательной парадигмы XXI века.
(en) The article, on the basis of existing scientific approaches to the defined problem, performs an analysis of its key concepts, in particular, it reveals the psychological and pedagogical essence of the category of «professional mastery». It gives the argued author's opinion on the expansion of the component composition of the professional mastery of a future expert vocalist, and the possibilities of its development are presented in the context of the implementation of the 21st century modern educational paradigm. The generalization of scientific literature in regard to comprehending the concept of «mastery», has made it possible to treat it as a high level of manifestation of spiritual and creative activity of a personality. In the projection of professional training, vocational mastery of students-vocalists most effectively develops in a specifically organized artistic educational environment of a university, which enables self-actualization, self-expression and self-realization in their further practical activities. The concept of «professionalism» is represented as a system of professionally oriented, values-related, aims-related, cognitive, spiritual and creative dominants, which serves as a prerequisite for self-realization of a future expert vocalist, and manifests itself in creative transformation of the artistic educational space. The need to solve the today's challenges as to development of spirituality of education and upbringing has made it possible to distinguish the professional mentality as one of the components in the general composition of the professional mastery of an expert vocalist. According to the authors, it is not only the context of spirituality of the artistic educational space, but also the spiritual core of the subjectivity of a future expert vocalist that matters. The performed analysis of key concepts of the research has made it possible to present the professional mastery of a future expert vocalist as a complex, integrative quality of the professional and pedagogical structure of a personality, the effectiveness of the developing of which is ensured by means of creating the appropriate pedagogical conditions in artistic educational space of a university, one of the most demanded conditions nowadays being the perfecting of professional mastery.
Ключові слова
новітня парадигма освіти, духовність виховання, майстерність, професіоналізм, професійна майстерність, професійний менталітет, гартування професійної майстерності, новая парадигма образования, духовность воспитания, майстерство, профессионализм, профессиональное майстерство, профессиональный менталітет, закаливание профессионального мастерства, modern paradigm of education, artistic educational space, spirituality of upbringing, mastery, professionalism, professional mastery, professional mentality, perfecting of professional mastery
Бібліографічний опис
Растригіна А. М. Гартування професійної майстерності майбутнього фахівця-вокаліста як фактор реалізації новітньої парадигми освіти / Растригіна Алла Миколаївна, Забіляста Лідія Леонідівна // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка ; ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. - Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2019. - Вип. 179. – С. 16-22.