Development prospects of creative and performing preparation of future teachers musicians
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КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(uk) У статті розкривається значення творчо-виконавської підготовки як складного багатоаспектного процесу, що передбачає спрямованість на індивідуалізований розвиток професійно значущих якостей майбутнього фахівця, його творче самовираження. Доведено, що характеризуючись здатністю до інноваційного пошуку, до відтворення музичного образу у різних формах художнього мислення, результативність і перспективність творчо-виконавської підготовки полягає у сформованості авторської спроможності як професійно-особистісної якості майбутнього фахівця.
(ru) В статье раскрывается значение творческо-исполнительской подготовки как многоаспектного процесса, который предполагает направленность на индивидуальное развитие профессионально значущих качеств будущего специалиста, его творческое самовыражение. Доведено, что наличие способности к инновационному поиску, к воссозданию музыкального образа в разных формах художественного мышления, результативность и перспективность творческо-исполнительской подготовки состоит в сформированности авторской возможности как профессионально-личностного качества будущего специалиста.
(en) The main task of higher art education is the development of spiritual and creative personality that is caused by the need to enculturation, active entry into the general education of poly cultural knowledge and diverse multicultural kinds of art. It strengthens personal and collective identity, enriches the value system, results in active and creative action. Spirituality and creativity, as two interdependent and interrelated phenomenon, comprehensively and space characterize the identity as spiritual and creative one. Creative and performing preparation has to execute tasks and functions of art pedagogy, to attract the future teacher in higher forms of co-creation, participation, joint action. Prospect of creative and performing preparation as a complex continuous dynamic system is quality transformation the inner world by the future teacher, the maximum disclosures of own creative individuality, unique and inimitable of personality of the future teacher, formation of author’s ability. Pedagogical effectiveness of creative and performing preparation of future teacher musician depends on the creation of relevant artistic and educational environment and the transfer of emphasis from the theoretical students’ mastering the information about art to their practice involvement in the creative and performing activity, providing motivation direction, development of need in creative and performing activity that causes positive changes in the nature of future teachers; introduction of educational and methodological software of the process of creative and performing preparation of the future professional. Methodical system based on conceptual and methodological, content and procedural, organizational and technological, scientific and methodical support, enables the implementation of technology of creative and performing activity in the content of creative and performing preparation. In such way an educational space is created, in which the author’s capacity is formed, a quality new level of professional preparation of future teacher is reached, its purpose and outcome.
(ru) В статье раскрывается значение творческо-исполнительской подготовки как многоаспектного процесса, который предполагает направленность на индивидуальное развитие профессионально значущих качеств будущего специалиста, его творческое самовыражение. Доведено, что наличие способности к инновационному поиску, к воссозданию музыкального образа в разных формах художественного мышления, результативность и перспективность творческо-исполнительской подготовки состоит в сформированности авторской возможности как профессионально-личностного качества будущего специалиста.
(en) The main task of higher art education is the development of spiritual and creative personality that is caused by the need to enculturation, active entry into the general education of poly cultural knowledge and diverse multicultural kinds of art. It strengthens personal and collective identity, enriches the value system, results in active and creative action. Spirituality and creativity, as two interdependent and interrelated phenomenon, comprehensively and space characterize the identity as spiritual and creative one. Creative and performing preparation has to execute tasks and functions of art pedagogy, to attract the future teacher in higher forms of co-creation, participation, joint action. Prospect of creative and performing preparation as a complex continuous dynamic system is quality transformation the inner world by the future teacher, the maximum disclosures of own creative individuality, unique and inimitable of personality of the future teacher, formation of author’s ability. Pedagogical effectiveness of creative and performing preparation of future teacher musician depends on the creation of relevant artistic and educational environment and the transfer of emphasis from the theoretical students’ mastering the information about art to their practice involvement in the creative and performing activity, providing motivation direction, development of need in creative and performing activity that causes positive changes in the nature of future teachers; introduction of educational and methodological software of the process of creative and performing preparation of the future professional. Methodical system based on conceptual and methodological, content and procedural, organizational and technological, scientific and methodical support, enables the implementation of technology of creative and performing activity in the content of creative and performing preparation. In such way an educational space is created, in which the author’s capacity is formed, a quality new level of professional preparation of future teacher is reached, its purpose and outcome.
Ключові слова
функції творчо-виконавської підготовки, педагогічні умови, авторська спроможність, майбутній педагог-музикант, функции творческо-исполнительской подготовки, педагогические условия, авторская возможность, будущий педагог-музыкант, functions of creative and performing preparation, pedagogical conditions, author’s capacity, future teacher musician
Бібліографічний опис
Stratan-Artyshkova T. B. Development prospects of creative and performing preparation of future teachers musicians / Tetiana Borysivna Stratan-Artyshkova // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки / ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2017. – Вип. 152. – С. 51-55.