Ґендерокомфортне виховне середовище як чинник розвитку свободи особистості
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РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(uk) В статті актуалізується проблема ґендерної рівності в системи вітчизняної освіти і виховання, відправною позицією у вирішенні якої стають положення концепції педагогіки свободи як особливого напряму гуманістичної педагогіки, що розглядає теоретичні та практичні засади розвитку особистісної свободи вихованців на засадах ґендерної рівності, їхньої суб’єктності, здатності до свідомого й відповідального самовизначення, самостійного вибору та реалізації власного життєвого шляху й потребує проектування у виховному просторі закладів освіти відповідного ґендерокомфортного середовища, котре стимулює вияви суб’єктної активності та вільного самовизначення особистості.
(ru) В статье актуализируется проблема гендерного равенства в системе отечественного образования и воспитания, отправной позицией в решении которой становятся положения концепции педагогики свободы как особого направления гуманистической педагогики, рассматривающей теоретические и практические основы развития личностной свободы воспитанников на основе гендерного равенства, их субъектности, способности к сознательному, ответственному самоопределению, самостоятельному выбору в реализации собственного жизненного пути и требует проектирования в воспитательном пространстве общеобразовательных учреждений соответствующей ґендерокомфортной среды, стимулирующей проявления субъектной активности и свободного самоопределения личности.
(en) The article investigates the problem of gender equality in the systems of national education and upbringing, starting position in the solution of which are the provisions of the concept of freedom pedagogy as a special direction of humanistic pedagogy, which considers theoretical and practical bases of development of learners’ personal freedom on the basis of their gender, their subjectivity, ability to conscious and responsible self-determination, independent choice and realization of one’s life path. Methodological basis of the problem of creating a gender-comfortable environment for the development of personal freedom of students in the system of upbringing and education of pedagogy of freedom was a polyparadigmal approach, which combined humanistic theories of personality and its development and systematic, synergistic, cultural and personality-oriented and axiological approaches. The application of each of these approaches made it possible to identify important conceptual positions to solve the problem. In particular, the study of the problem of freedom and gender equality in philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy and presentation of invariant principles of the pedagogy of freedom were based on a systematic approach; taking into account the interconnection of the personal resource of the individual and the educational space and their mutual influence on the development of the personal freedom of learners on the basis of a synergistic approach; orientation on the individuality and selfdetermination of the individual as the subject of his own life activity on the basis of the personalityoriented approach; achievement of gender mainstreaming on the basis of a cultural approach which made it possible to analyze the existing provisions of gender pedagogy in the context of the development of modern education and upbringing; the assignment of humanistic values of democratic society at the level of subjective-value understanding of personal freedom, gender equality and spiritual-creative expression and self-realization of learners regardless of gender based on the axiological approach. The model of the educational space of free self-determination of the personality is presented, which provides creation of a gender-comfortable environment of еmergence a person’s freedom and his subjective activity and brings out the basic positions of the pedagogy of freedom to the level of systematic realization in modern socio-cultural conditions. In particular, it provides a theoretical basis for the introduction of the proposed pedagogical system aimed at the development of a person as a unique person, the subject of life-creation on the basis of gender equality in the educational space of educational institutions and determines the conditions of its practical application through the creation of a specially organized gender-comfortable environment, which needs testing in real conditions of the educational process.
(ru) В статье актуализируется проблема гендерного равенства в системе отечественного образования и воспитания, отправной позицией в решении которой становятся положения концепции педагогики свободы как особого направления гуманистической педагогики, рассматривающей теоретические и практические основы развития личностной свободы воспитанников на основе гендерного равенства, их субъектности, способности к сознательному, ответственному самоопределению, самостоятельному выбору в реализации собственного жизненного пути и требует проектирования в воспитательном пространстве общеобразовательных учреждений соответствующей ґендерокомфортной среды, стимулирующей проявления субъектной активности и свободного самоопределения личности.
(en) The article investigates the problem of gender equality in the systems of national education and upbringing, starting position in the solution of which are the provisions of the concept of freedom pedagogy as a special direction of humanistic pedagogy, which considers theoretical and practical bases of development of learners’ personal freedom on the basis of their gender, their subjectivity, ability to conscious and responsible self-determination, independent choice and realization of one’s life path. Methodological basis of the problem of creating a gender-comfortable environment for the development of personal freedom of students in the system of upbringing and education of pedagogy of freedom was a polyparadigmal approach, which combined humanistic theories of personality and its development and systematic, synergistic, cultural and personality-oriented and axiological approaches. The application of each of these approaches made it possible to identify important conceptual positions to solve the problem. In particular, the study of the problem of freedom and gender equality in philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy and presentation of invariant principles of the pedagogy of freedom were based on a systematic approach; taking into account the interconnection of the personal resource of the individual and the educational space and their mutual influence on the development of the personal freedom of learners on the basis of a synergistic approach; orientation on the individuality and selfdetermination of the individual as the subject of his own life activity on the basis of the personalityoriented approach; achievement of gender mainstreaming on the basis of a cultural approach which made it possible to analyze the existing provisions of gender pedagogy in the context of the development of modern education and upbringing; the assignment of humanistic values of democratic society at the level of subjective-value understanding of personal freedom, gender equality and spiritual-creative expression and self-realization of learners regardless of gender based on the axiological approach. The model of the educational space of free self-determination of the personality is presented, which provides creation of a gender-comfortable environment of еmergence a person’s freedom and his subjective activity and brings out the basic positions of the pedagogy of freedom to the level of systematic realization in modern socio-cultural conditions. In particular, it provides a theoretical basis for the introduction of the proposed pedagogical system aimed at the development of a person as a unique person, the subject of life-creation on the basis of gender equality in the educational space of educational institutions and determines the conditions of its practical application through the creation of a specially organized gender-comfortable environment, which needs testing in real conditions of the educational process.
Ключові слова
особистісна свобода, виховний простір, вільне самовизначення, ґендернокомфортне середовище, педагогіка свободи, суб’єктна активність, принципи педагогіки свободи, личностная свобода, воспитательное пространство, свободное самоопределение, гендернокомфортная среда, педагогика свободы, субъектная активность, принципы педагогики свободы, personal freedom, educational environment, free self-determination, gender-comfortable environment, pedagogy of freedom, subjective activity, principles of pedagogy of freedom
Бібліографічний опис
Растригіна А. М. Ґендерокомфортне виховне середовище як чинник розвитку свободи особистості / Алла Миколаївна Растригіна, Надія Вікторівна Іваненко // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Academic Nores. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка ; ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, В. В. Радул, Н. С. Савченко та ін. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2020. – Вип. 188. – С. 28-35.