Традиційні та новітні форми організації лабораторних занять в процесі підготовки вчителів природничих дисциплін
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РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(ua) У пропонованій статті розкрито важливість та необхідність належної організації лабораторних та практичних робіт із біологічних та природничих дисциплін під час професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів. Наведено характеристику лабораторних та практичних робіт, є опис методів роботи під час виконання вищезазначених робіт. Розкрито вплив практичних та лабораторних робіт на особистісні орієнтації студентів. Зазначено переваги застосування новітніх технологій та сучасного обладнання в процесі проведення занять практичного спрямування з біологічних та природничих дисциплін.
(ru) В предлагаемой статье раскрыто важность и необходимость надлежащей организации лабораторных и практических работ по биологических и естественнонаучных дисциплин во время профессиональной подготовки будущих учителей. Приведена характеристика лабораторных и практических работ, является описание методов работы при выполнении вышеуказанных работ. Раскрыто влияние практических и лабораторных работ на личностные ориентации студентов. Отмечено преимущества применения новейших технологий и современного оборудования в процессе проведения занятий практической направленности по биологическим и естественнонаучным дисциплинам.
(en) The problem of organizing the initial process in higher education institutions of different accreditation levels was relevant at all stages of society formation and development. Thus, it does not go unnoticed by modern researchers, teachers-practitioners, and young scientists. Higher education puts forward new requirements for the organization of the training future professionals educational process, due to a number of needs and patterns of modern society development. This proves the urgency of this problem. The proposed article reveals the importance and necessity of proper organization of laboratory and practical work in biological and natural sciences during the future teacher training. The characteristic of laboratory and practical works is given there is a description of work methods during performance of the above-stated works. The influence of practical and laboratory works on personal orientations of students is revealed. The advantages of the newest technologies and the modern equipment application in the course of carrying out of a practical direction on biological and natural disciplines employment are noted. This allows students to better master the practical skills of the experiment, which they will directly apply while working at school. The educational process in higher education is aimed at the development of cognitive activity of students and the formation of a competent specialist of high qualification. That is why it needs a clear system organization that can combine traditional and modern forms and methods of learning. One of such traditional forms is laboratory classes, without which it is impossible to imagine the teaching of biological disciplines. Practical and laboratory classes are the most complex forms of organization of the educational process in a higher educational institution. After all, their effectiveness is determined not only by careful observance of all stages of preparation and conduct of classes, not only a high level of theoretical material, but the effectiveness of the necessary practical skills, which largely depends on the level of practical competence of research and teaching staff. Thus, practical and laboratory work is an active means of teaching biology in higher education. It is in the process of performing practical and laboratory work that it becomes clear how students have mastered the actual teaching material, whether the skills of creative use of these skills in practice have been formed, whether there are practical work skills.
(ru) В предлагаемой статье раскрыто важность и необходимость надлежащей организации лабораторных и практических работ по биологических и естественнонаучных дисциплин во время профессиональной подготовки будущих учителей. Приведена характеристика лабораторных и практических работ, является описание методов работы при выполнении вышеуказанных работ. Раскрыто влияние практических и лабораторных работ на личностные ориентации студентов. Отмечено преимущества применения новейших технологий и современного оборудования в процессе проведения занятий практической направленности по биологическим и естественнонаучным дисциплинам.
(en) The problem of organizing the initial process in higher education institutions of different accreditation levels was relevant at all stages of society formation and development. Thus, it does not go unnoticed by modern researchers, teachers-practitioners, and young scientists. Higher education puts forward new requirements for the organization of the training future professionals educational process, due to a number of needs and patterns of modern society development. This proves the urgency of this problem. The proposed article reveals the importance and necessity of proper organization of laboratory and practical work in biological and natural sciences during the future teacher training. The characteristic of laboratory and practical works is given there is a description of work methods during performance of the above-stated works. The influence of practical and laboratory works on personal orientations of students is revealed. The advantages of the newest technologies and the modern equipment application in the course of carrying out of a practical direction on biological and natural disciplines employment are noted. This allows students to better master the practical skills of the experiment, which they will directly apply while working at school. The educational process in higher education is aimed at the development of cognitive activity of students and the formation of a competent specialist of high qualification. That is why it needs a clear system organization that can combine traditional and modern forms and methods of learning. One of such traditional forms is laboratory classes, without which it is impossible to imagine the teaching of biological disciplines. Practical and laboratory classes are the most complex forms of organization of the educational process in a higher educational institution. After all, their effectiveness is determined not only by careful observance of all stages of preparation and conduct of classes, not only a high level of theoretical material, but the effectiveness of the necessary practical skills, which largely depends on the level of practical competence of research and teaching staff. Thus, practical and laboratory work is an active means of teaching biology in higher education. It is in the process of performing practical and laboratory work that it becomes clear how students have mastered the actual teaching material, whether the skills of creative use of these skills in practice have been formed, whether there are practical work skills.
Ключові слова
професійна підготовка, майбутній учитель біології, лабораторна робота, практична робота, биоразнообразие, природа родного края, флора, фауна, краеведческая работа, эколого-натуралистические исследования, professional training, future biology teacher, laboratory work, practical work
Бібліографічний опис
Найдьонова Г. Г. Традиційні та новітні форми організації лабораторних занять в процесі підготовки вчителів природничих дисциплін / Ганна Феліксівна Аркушина, Галина Георгіївна Найдьонова // Наукові записки ЦДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки = Research Bulletin. Series: Pedagogical Sciences / ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2020. – Вип. 190. – С. 76-81.