Розвиток естетичного і художнього сприйняття архітектурного образу в студентів художньо-графічного відділення
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КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка
(uk) Розглядаються актуальні проблеми естетичного і художнього сприйняття архітектурного образу студентами художніх спеціальностей. Визначається специфіка категорій «естетичне сприйняття» і «художнє сприйняття». Виявляється поетапна підготовка до розуміння архітектурної мови та виразних прийомів архітектурного образу. Підкреслюється важливе значення ознайомлення з історичними пам’ятниками архітектури в процесі розвитку естетичного і художнього сприйняття архітектурного образу.
(ru) Рассматриваются актуальные проблемы эстетического и художественного восприятия архитектурного образа студентами художественных специальностей. Определяется специфика категорий «эстетическое восприятие» и «художественное восприятие». Выявляется поэтапная подготовка к пониманию архитектурного языка и выразительных приёмов архитектурного образа. Подчёркивается важное значение ознакомления с историческими памятниками архитектуры в процессе развития эстетического и художественного восприятия архитектурного образа.
(en) Development of aesthetic and artistic perception of future artists is one of the important aspects of the study at the university. Literature review shows that scientists of different branches humanitarian of science study and analyze the category «aesthetic perception» and «artistic sensibility». Category «aesthetic perception» is used in a broader sense. Category «artistic sensibility» is used, when it comes to training future artists. In addition, students are introduced to the concepts of «artistic image» and «architectural image». These two concepts are also narrow and broad sense. It should be borne in mind that any kind of perception is based on feelings and requires the recipient's cognitive activity. Aim and objectives of the article: to identify the features of the development of aesthetic and artistic perception of the students of art specialties. The architectural image of the students studied on the example of architecture from different cities. The first acquaintance with the concept of «architectural image» occurs when students study the history of art. They consider the specificity of the different artistic styles. Architecture plays an important role in shaping the style. The design of facades of buildings decorated in the Empire style, in the style of eclecticism and Art Nouveau is represented in the city of Kirovograd. Provincial architecture has some specifics and characteristics in the perception of style. Students study historical architecture, identify the characteristics of each art style. This study helps to read the language of architecture. This is the first stage in the development of artistic perception of the architectural image. It prepares students for research work. The next step is carried out on a practical training in drawing and painting. Students work in the open air and examine in more detail the principles architectonic compositions and shapes. They depict the architecture of the city and exploring ways of creating expressive image of architecture. The concept of «architectural image» is a complex structure, it is understood the students in the process of image architecture. Along with this comes the deepening of artistic perception of the architectural image. This phase prepares students for the creation of creative works on the theme of architecture. The creative process plays an important role individual perception, mechanisms which are based on the psychological characteristics of the person. However, the architecture is not rich emotions. This form of art requires a more rational attitude. Understanding the architectural image of language, its essential elements - namely, form, space, massive proportions - helps create an interesting and high-quality works. Development of aesthetic and artistic perception of the architectural image of the complex is carried out, in the process of interdisciplinary connections. This increases the effectiveness of education and leads to a holistic perception of architecture.
(ru) Рассматриваются актуальные проблемы эстетического и художественного восприятия архитектурного образа студентами художественных специальностей. Определяется специфика категорий «эстетическое восприятие» и «художественное восприятие». Выявляется поэтапная подготовка к пониманию архитектурного языка и выразительных приёмов архитектурного образа. Подчёркивается важное значение ознакомления с историческими памятниками архитектуры в процессе развития эстетического и художественного восприятия архитектурного образа.
(en) Development of aesthetic and artistic perception of future artists is one of the important aspects of the study at the university. Literature review shows that scientists of different branches humanitarian of science study and analyze the category «aesthetic perception» and «artistic sensibility». Category «aesthetic perception» is used in a broader sense. Category «artistic sensibility» is used, when it comes to training future artists. In addition, students are introduced to the concepts of «artistic image» and «architectural image». These two concepts are also narrow and broad sense. It should be borne in mind that any kind of perception is based on feelings and requires the recipient's cognitive activity. Aim and objectives of the article: to identify the features of the development of aesthetic and artistic perception of the students of art specialties. The architectural image of the students studied on the example of architecture from different cities. The first acquaintance with the concept of «architectural image» occurs when students study the history of art. They consider the specificity of the different artistic styles. Architecture plays an important role in shaping the style. The design of facades of buildings decorated in the Empire style, in the style of eclecticism and Art Nouveau is represented in the city of Kirovograd. Provincial architecture has some specifics and characteristics in the perception of style. Students study historical architecture, identify the characteristics of each art style. This study helps to read the language of architecture. This is the first stage in the development of artistic perception of the architectural image. It prepares students for research work. The next step is carried out on a practical training in drawing and painting. Students work in the open air and examine in more detail the principles architectonic compositions and shapes. They depict the architecture of the city and exploring ways of creating expressive image of architecture. The concept of «architectural image» is a complex structure, it is understood the students in the process of image architecture. Along with this comes the deepening of artistic perception of the architectural image. This phase prepares students for the creation of creative works on the theme of architecture. The creative process plays an important role individual perception, mechanisms which are based on the psychological characteristics of the person. However, the architecture is not rich emotions. This form of art requires a more rational attitude. Understanding the architectural image of language, its essential elements - namely, form, space, massive proportions - helps create an interesting and high-quality works. Development of aesthetic and artistic perception of the architectural image of the complex is carried out, in the process of interdisciplinary connections. This increases the effectiveness of education and leads to a holistic perception of architecture.
Ключові слова
художній образ, архітектурний образ, мова архітектури, форма, композиція, архітектоніка, естетичне сприйняття, художнє сприйняття, механізми сприйняття, цілісність сприйняття, художественный образ, архитектурный образ, язык архитектуры, форма, композиція, архитектоника, эстетическое восприятие, художественное восприятие, механизмы восприятия, целостность восприятия, artistic image, the image of the architectural, architectural language, the form, the composition, the architectonics, aesthetic perception, artistic perception, the mechanisms of perception, the integrity of perception
Бібліографічний опис
Кириченко О. І. Розвиток естетичного і художнього сприйняття архітектурного образу в студентів художньо-графічного відділення / Олена Іванівна Кириченко // Наукові записки КДПУ. Серія: Педагогічні науки / ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов [та ін.]. – Кропивницький : КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2017. – Вип. 155. – С. 56-61.