Prospective Directions of Using Multimedia Technologies in the Training of Future Specialists

dc.contributor.authorШевцова, Олена Борисівна
dc.contributor.authorShevtsova, O.
dc.contributor.authorShunkov, V.
dc.contributor.authorKoval, V.
dc.contributor.authorGrygorenko, T.
dc.contributor.authorYefymenko, L.
dc.contributor.authorSmolianko, Y.
dc.contributor.authorKuchai, O.
dc.description.abstract(en) The direction of development that is recognized as the main one in the course of reforms of educational systems in the leading countries of the world - the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Germany, France, etc. is singled out. The main task of the reform process is to train the staff needed by society in the right amount, in the minimum time and with minimal costs. It was found that a promising area is the use of multimedia technology in educational activities to create a design of a virtual computer environment by means of digitizing audiovisual information. The purpose of the application of multimedia technologies of education in higher education institutions is to prepare students for full-fledged life in the information society. This requires outlining the pedagogical objectives of multimedia learning technologies: intensification of all levels of the educational process, improving its efficiency and quality; implementation of the social order caused by the informatization of modern society (training of specialists in the field of informatics and computer technology; training of the user of multimedia technologies); construction of an open education system that optimizes the dynamics of the trajectory of selfeducation; systematic integration of subject areas of knowledge; development of creative potential of the student, his ability to communicative actions; formation of skills in organizing and conducting experimental research activities; culture of educational work; development and formation of information culture of students The effectiveness of the use of network and multimedia technologies in the training of future teachers depends on the level of conceptual development of pedagogical tools used in the organization of educational and cognitive activities of students; from the degree of adaptability of the educational and information environment of training a modernspecialist to his professional environment; from the level of readiness of students to perform professionally-oriented tasks with the help of network and multimedia technologies.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationShevtsova O. Prospective Directions of Using Multimedia Technologies in the Training of Future Specialists / V. Shunkov, O. Shevtsova, V. Koval, T. Grygorenko, L. Yefymenko, Y. Smolianko, O. Kuchai // IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. - June 2022. - VOL. 22. - No. 6. – С. 739-746. URL:
dc.subjectpreparation of students for full-fledged vital activity in the conditions of information societyuk_UA
dc.subjectinstitutions of higher educationuk_UA
dc.subjectpurpose of application of multimedia technologies of educationuk_UA
dc.subjectperspective direction in educationuk_UA
dc.subjecttraining of future specialistsuk_UA
dc.subjectmultimedia technologiesuk_UA
dc.titleProspective Directions of Using Multimedia Technologies in the Training of Future Specialistsuk_UA


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