Adaptation of the UN’s gender inequality index to Ukraine’s regions


(en) The article analyzes the application of Human Development Index and derivatives from it indexes that take into account the gender factor. Today this index is used both for building a country ranking on the level of human development, and for studying the situation in the regions in the context of the indicators of this index. We proceed from the fact that for the countries in which sub-national regional indicators are very diverse in different spheres it is expedient to adapt not only the index of human development, but also the indices of the development of human potential taking into account the gender factor. This article suggests an adaptation to the sub-national level of Gender Inequality Index in the United Nations (UN) basic methodology and according to the method suggested by the authors, it is provided for a revision of the system of indicators for which the index is determined. The results obtained by the authors made it possible to compare the indicators and the trends of the two options for calculating the sub-national indices with the corresponding indicators in the country of the last 10 years. The authors concluded that Gender Inequality Index indicators in the country and Gender Inequality Index indicators derived from the UN basic methodology did not reflect a rather wide sub-national disparity. The expansion of the base of the indicators for the determination of Gender Inequality Index allowed the development of a new method of the sub-national Gender Inequality Index adaptation, to clarify the GII index calculated according to the basic methodology and, therefore, to prepare more objective political, economic and social recommendations in the context of development of human potential, taking into account the gender factor.


Ключові слова

gender, adaptation, sub-national level, statistical methodology, Human Development Index, gender factor, Gender Inequality Index, Erasmus+ Project: Gender Studies Curriculum

Бібліографічний опис

Akbash K. Adaptation of the UN’s gender inequality index to Ukraine’s regions / K. Akbash, N. Pasichnyk, R. Rizhniak // Regional Statistics. - 2019. - 9 (2). - P. 190–212. URL:



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